It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas here at Selfiesteem! Open Thursday thru Sunday!
#shreveportselfiestudio #shreveportcontentstudio #selfiestudio #christmas
To day is the day! Come hang out with us for our Fall Mixer! Grab your friends, grab your spouse, grab your mother, father or even granny 😀 and enjoy music and drinks while snapping it up in our studio with over 15 selfie stations! See you tonight 5pm-9pm! Click link in bio for ticket purchase!#shreveportselfiestudio #fallmixer #shreveportcontentstudio
Flying First Class?
#shreveportselfiestudio #selfie #shreveportcontentstudio #selfiestudio #shreveport #bossier #firstclassflight
Every time I try to get that quick bite to eat!
Book Selfiesteem for your birthday shoot! #shreveportselfiestudio #selfie #shreveportselfie #shreveport #birthdayshoot
Choose between 20 selfie stations to pose picture perfect! #shreveportselfiestudio #shreveportselfie #shreveportcontentstudio
Book your appt! Open Thurs-Friday 5pm-9pm, Saturday 12pm-9pm, Sunday 1pm-6pm! #shreveportselfiestudio #selfiestudio #shreveportcontentstudio
#shreveportselfiestudio #shreveportselfie #shreveportcontentstudio
Open today 5-9! See you there #shreveportselfiestudio #shreveportselfie #shreveportmodel #shreveportcontentstudio
BTS of a 🔥 photo shoot! Grab your photographer and book your session! Model: Tiff Tisdon Photographer: @marcoedwards #shreveportselfiestudio #shreveportphotographer #photoshoot #shreveportmodel
Come strike your favorite pose! Open today from 12pm-9pm#shreveportselfiestudio #strikeapose #shreveportcontentstudio