Alex Christian

Alex Christian Alex Christian is a prophetic voice for the Lord, a speaker, author, and worshiper.

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New upload 👇

Let the Lord minister to your heart with this today!If you feel led to sow:Cashapp: $AlexandriaBlackburnVenmo: -BlackburnWebsite: www.alexchristia...

🌟 Sponsorship Opportunites 🌟Still looking for 5 more $250 sponsors & 2 $150 sponsors for the Loving You Well 5k on Novem...

🌟 Sponsorship Opportunites 🌟

Still looking for 5 more $250 sponsors & 2 $150 sponsors for the Loving You Well 5k on Novemeber 16th at Hanna Park in Shelby.

What you're supporting:
1. The love & truth of God being spread at this community event. (There will be a ministry even after the walk/run)
2. Loving You Well is a ministry that teaches women their Identity in Christ so they can learn to love themselves the way God has called them to.
3. A huge part of Loving You Well is helping women who have struggled with substance abuse or who have been in domestic violence relationships find healing, freedom, and love in Jesus.
4. This event is being held to raise funds for Laura's Homes (2 foster care group homes in Shelby), the women's shelter at Cleveland County Rescue Mission, and for the future Loving You Well Vision.

*250 sponsors receive a larger logo on the back of event shirts than 150 sponsors.
All sponsors will have their business names on the website & flyers as well.*

If you don't have a business but you would like to sponsor one of these spots, you can absolutely do so!

You can write a check (if local) or send your sponsorship to:
Cashapp: $AlexandriaBlackburn
Venmo: -blackburn
Or use this website link:

THANK YOU!!!! 🩷🩷

Already a HUGE THANK YOU to our current sponsors: The Lifting LAB, Heather's Healing Hands Massage, Glory Sessions, Red Bridges Barbecue Lodge, Bloom Esthetics Day Spa, Maid New Cleaning Co., The Molina Team, Street Worship, Just Give Me Jesus, and Uptown Girls And A Guy Salon


When God blesses you, make it your mission to seek out how you can bless others.

"Blessed to be a blessing" 🩷

Edited to add: YOU'RE ALREADY BLESSED. Use what you have to bless others.
Such as your time, talents, finances...use what God has given you.

A life focused on self is meaningless. But a life poured out to the Lord in service to him and others is EVERYTHING.



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

Malachi 3:10


It is more blessed to give than to receive 🩷

Acts 20:35


You who seek God, take heart!
For the Lord listens to the needy
And does not despise his own who are prisoners.
Psalms 69:32-33


Sometimes all that's left to do is to just WAIT & TRUST.

"There is a sweet sound to what the Lord is doing in your life right now. It's the sound of restoration.The Lord is sing...

"There is a sweet sound to what the Lord is doing in your life right now.

It's the sound of restoration.

The Lord is singing over you. He loves you and He delights in you. He wants the best for you because you're His Child. I know it feels dark and nothing may make sense right now....but the Lord just needs you to trust Him and rest in Him. He's working out things for you that you can't even see. But soon you will.

There are other moving pieces connected to you that the Lord is bringing into order. He is making ways where there seems to be no way. He is putting the pieces together for you- He is moving with intention and precision. You can trust that the Lord is the master connecter. You will look up and see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. You will see how He brought it all together. You will be in awe with how the Lord performs in your life.

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17 "

Excerpt from my book "31 Days of Prophetic Encouragement for the Weary Warrior"

July 4th special :) 👉 Get the digital download for this book today for $4.

You can send it to:
Cashapp: $AlexandriaBlackburn
Venmo: -Blackburn

& you'll receive an email for the file!

I love testimonials! 🩷 This is a response to one of my customized prophetic bracelet & note orders on my Loving You Well...

I love testimonials! 🩷 This is a response to one of my customized prophetic bracelet & note orders on my Loving You Well Shop.

How it works:
1. You order the bracelet and tell me who it's for.
2. I pray for you/the person you're getting it for.
3. Whatever word the Holy Spirit highlights to me I add to the bracelet and write an encouraging note to go along with it! I design the bracelet as I feel led :)


From today until July 5th use the code:
5OFF to get $5 off your prophetic bracelet order.

Get yours here:

Follow Loving You Well


It's gonna be okay. 🩷


He's the ALPHA and OMEGA.

July's Special is Buy One Get One FREE of our "Eternal Perspective" bracelets. These bracelets are great convo starters ...

July's Special is Buy One Get One FREE of our "Eternal Perspective" bracelets. These bracelets are great convo starters for you to share your faith & great reminders to yourself of what TRULY matters.


Too often we find ourselves overly focused on our temporary lives here...when the truth is, we have ETERNITY with Christ to look forward to! It's this perspective that helps us when we go through trials and tribulations here on Earth. Wear as a reminder to set your mind on the things above.

Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Get yours here:

☝️☝️And to the guys, we have an option for you here too!


People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They are filled from the abundance of your house. You let them drink from your refreshing stream.
For the wellspring of life is with you.
By means of your light we see light.

Psalms 36:7-9


Let His kingdom come. Let His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.


The Lord is restoring what's been broken.

He is building back up what has been destroyed.


I'll be starting back at the Women's shelter teaching a class every Monday and I am praying and believing that the Lord will show up each class and that His power will be made manifest each session.

I'm believing that hearts would be moved and changed by Him. That deliverance would take place, healing, and most importantly: salvation!
So if you want to join me in prayer for that, that would be a BLESSING! 🙏🙏


God doesn't want perfection. He just wants your heart.


Feel like there's someone who needs to hear this today...dreamed about saying this to someone last night.
If you have been in a really low place and have had not the best thoughts lately 👇 God loves you & has good plans for you 🩷

"Your life is important. Your child needs you."

🩷🩷🩷 things will get better, call on Jesus. Ask Him to reveal himself to you. He will come through and walk you through the hard times!


A couple of months ago, I had felt a wrestling with the Lord about going to back to the women's shelter & going through my book and workbook, "Learning to Love You Well" with them. It's a 12 week program that teaches women their identity in Christ and walks them through healing to find freedom and confidence in Jesus.

It wasn't me going there that was the problem because I LOVE being there. I was there two years ago doing one on one ministry with the women there and it was always my FAVORITE part of the week. And I've gone back a few times since then to talk with the women there.
It was the vulnerabilities of walking through this book and workbook with them...something I created that I felt very passionate about and not being certain what the response would be, that Made me feel this huge block about going. I def feel like the enemy was trying to block me from going by attempting to plant lies in my mind.

As soon as I said YES to the Lord, which took me a couple of months to work through the block, my car broke down. Literally the next morning after my YES.

Def believe the enemy thought he could try and delay this. Things have been tight because of being In full time ministry so it just hasn't been something that has been able to get fixed quite yet!

But praise God, the Lord has made a way for me to get there and the Lords work will be doneeee. Looking forward to teaching every Monday at the Shelter and being back at one of the places the Lord has called me to be. 🩷

Moral of the story: When the Lord calls you to a person, place, or thing...the enemy will try everything he can to kill, steal, and destroy the mission. But he doesn't have the power. He may try to bully you and get into your head...but RISE ABOVE IT. Trust in the Lord that He will make a way and walk in faith knowing that God has given you the victory in all things! There may be a period of everything looking like it's going wrong- but stand strong! Often times at what feels like the last minute, the Lord comes through!


There will be no more Monday morning lives!

I initially started FB lives in January to be obedient to the Lords nudge to be sharing His word here in that way.

But now he's placing me in a couple of places for ministry that will require more of my time and I know He's wanting me to prioritize these places as my new assignment 🩷

Just a heads up! 🙂


The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me
to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free the oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

Luke 4:18-19


Would you lay down your schedule?

Would you lay down your plans?

Would you lay down your fears?

And follow God out into the depths of HIS WAY.


Jesus: "Do you BELIEVE that I can do this?" (Vs. 28)

"Let it be done for you according to your faith."
Matthew 9:29

I don't know what mountain you are staring at today, but there is no problem that is bigger than the God we serve.

Today, He is asking you: "Do you believe that I can do this?"

Whats your response?

Because according to your response, according to your FAITH, that's what you will SEE.

Let your faith rise because God is on the move and He wants to bless someone today with an answered prayer. 🩷


It's impossible to run on E.


The ONLY way our cup is truly filled, is by spending time in the secret place with the Lord.
Reading the Bible, allowing him to speak to our hearts, and praying.

No matter how busy your life is, you can prioritize time with Him. Wake up earlier and spend time with him. When you're on a break at work, spend time with him. Before you go to sleep, spend time with him.

If you are living in survival mode and STRUGGLING right now, Ask yourself if you've been giving God your time 🩷

He is the cure to the chaos! We need Him EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
In the good and in the bad!!! Prioritize Him and He will help you navigate every single area in your life and will bring you peace in all the struggle.
He will encourage your heart when you feel like you can't keep going on.

DAILY quiet time with Him/reading your Bible is KEY. It is EVERYTHING.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30





Make us rejoice for as many days as you have humbled us, for as many years as we have seen adversity.

Psalms 90:15

All orders from now until November will be playing a role in supporting the first Loving You Well 5k event in Shelby, NC...

All orders from now until November will be playing a role in supporting the first Loving You Well 5k event in Shelby, NC.

This event is geared towards gathering women and girls of all ages to empower them in God's love. Loving You Well is a movement that teaches women/girls their Identity in Christ. A huge part of this ministry is helping women who struggle with substance abuse or who have been in Domestic Violence relationships find freedom, hope, and healing in Jesus.

With your purchases, you're supporting this movement! 🩷🩷

The month of June is FREE SHIPPING 🥳

Stay on the lookout each month until November!
We're going to be running different specials each month. 🩷

Shop here:


Shelby, NC


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