So, we did a thing yesterday. I was informed about a couple pitbulls that need homes. I already have an almost 9 year old male and wasn’t planning on getting another dog, ever. Then the pics came and my heart sank. I had to do something. I had to at least meet these dogs and see if one of them was a match. I had to try.
Yesterday morning got here and B wasn’t feeling well. I was going to have to hold off on meeting these dogs. I started to wonder if it was a sign. I asked B several times if we should do it another day and it didn’t matter how I changed my words to be certain he was knew what I was asking. He absolutely wanted to meet these dogs.
So, we got in the car and drove to Williamstown to meet the dog.
I kinda had one of the two already picked out from the pics but would she pick us?
Well, it ended up that we only met that one. She was a keeper. We came home and she was on her way here as well. Next was introducing her to Moo. Well, Moo wanted to play straight away. But Mayzie (oh yeah, we are calling her Mayzie) is a bit hesitant and only has food on her mind. She can’t even enjoy being a dog because she’s starved. She did growl at Moo a few times, food related.
Other than that, she’s a beautiful red and blue nose. 2 years old. Listens very well. Follows commands. I washed her up a bit but didn’t want to overdo things and add unnecessary stress so I didn’t go overboard. Treated her fur and skin with coconut oil. Rewarded her with treats.
But because it’s just me, with Brandon not feeling well again, and the fact that Mayzie needs to be brought to a point where she’s a healthy weight and understands there’s no more struggle for food, so there’s not an issue with her feeling the need to be food aggressive around Moo, I currently have someone who is willing to help me get her to a better, healthier state of mind/body so her interactions with Moo will be playful. So she can finally enjoy being a dog.
So, she didn’t stay here lastnight and not sure when she will be here permanently. For now, it’s a day by day thing. No rushing her. This has to be done right. I do see that she has the potential of being such an amazing dog. She is now, with just a few hiccups.
If for some reason this doesn’t work, I promise I will not take her back to where she was but instead will find her a home that I know will give her the best life. ’