🗓Today/Tomorrow begins the series of a 3 part story as Mercury the Messenger comes to 💋 (kiss) Chiron for the 1st of 3 times!
📝Make note of who and what is showing up...rising up within you both internally and externally. WRITE IT DOWN because it/they WILL be back again in some way, shape, or form TWO more times!
🌞 The Sun is at the 29 degrees of Pisces until tonight at 10:06pm...the end of the end of a cycle and season. Aries marks the beginning of the new. It's the Astrological New Year!
What is leaving so the new can come forth?
What are we stepping away from as we step into something new?
🖌It's time to begin REwriting the stories of the past into what we want our lives to be! There's REflection to say what we don't want any longer, what's not serving us anymore so we can begin writing the new chapters of the book of our life. No more outdated ways of being...when you can't grow anymore where you are, it's time to start and step into something new and different that feels lighter, more free...like a fun filled, playful adventure!
Let that be the book of your life!
I'll share what's showing up for me in a few days after the first pass!
🦅 Hawk Spirit is very loud...Let Spirit be your guide. The hawk sees both the big picture and the small details and doesn't miss anything. When hawk spirit arrives, you are called to pay close attention to messages from Spirit that can appear anywhere and in any form. Listen to your intuition and keep your eyes open for synchronicities...the meaningful coincidences.
Pay attention to signs, symbols,(numbers, words, songs, books, billboards, etc) animals that appear for you. When Hawk Spirit appears, it is a sign to listen. - Collette Baron- Reid
The hawks are acting strange and making different noises I've never heard them make before...feels like a strong sign to listen! Not surprising...what a beautiful and perfect guided message from Mercury delivering from Hawk Spirit!
Do you remember this show G
How do you feel about the fire energy within you? Do you have a lot of 🔥 in your chart?
Do you love it, harness it, live and love it?
Do you fear it, doubt it, challenge it, question it?
Well we're all about to get a HUGE dose of fire energy...as we welcome Aries season on March 19th at 10:06 pm CT!
And let's see who's living, loving, and walking in their fire with passion, purpose, inspired action, initiating change within, pioneering a new path courageously!
HINT: You'll know by how you feel!
FLOWING IN FIRE: alive, thriving, leading, activated, energetic, confident, excited, joyful, love of and for life, independent, incisive
FIGHTING THE FIRE: angry, mad, explosive, aggressive, volcanic, impulsive, impatient, reactive, resistance, bulldozing, pushy, obnoxious, demanding, competitive, argumentative....
It's a season and time to make friends and honor the fire within you!
A couple songs I love! Sagittarius by Trevor Hall, Just Like Fire Pink!
I'm going to make a FIRE 🔥 playlist for this Firey season we're stepping into! Do you want me to share it with you? Let me know 👇!
Hello Mercury Pre-Rx Shadow!
Want to learn how to play with Mercury Rx in fun, playful, and expansive way instead of fearing it, dreading it, and wanting to hide under a rock?!
The next Mercury Mysteries is about to begin and I'm so excited....
Eclipses conjunct Chiron! Mercury Rx kissing Chiron 3 TIMES! Jupiter kissing Uranus!
A journey into WHO I AM and WHO I'm NOT(ARIES) to activate, initiate, pioneer a path...not just any path....your path! Courageously, confidently, boldly, and unapologetically!
We'll be opening the doors soon!
It just had to be a squirrel!
Squirrel spirit is REnewal energy as we enter into REnewal energy that Aries season invites us into....Change....Playfulness...and Gratitude!
Moon in Virgo Yesterday and today...what does that have anything to do with Mercury Rx? The Moon in Virgo is ruled by Mercury.
And I sat with this, I played with this, I got curious about what was happening within me. I started to get very critical of what I was doing, I put a barrier up and I blocked my flow yesterday.
I got up and I started to clean, a beautiful thing to do under a Virgo Moon! I cleaned and cleared the things within me as I was cleaning and I could feel the shift happening. I felt the flow open up...I thought I should've groomed my Little Ones all day, that would've been SO much better than feeling stuck and blocked.
The Moon is our emotional body, it's our emotional intelligence operating system. And the Moon moves through the entire zodiac every single month.
And when we do Virgo things with a Moon in Virgo, it feels good. She's getting the details, cleaning, organizing, planning, mindful about health, mind/body/spirit connection, lets not forget our pets and when she's at her best, she's in flow!
And when I noticed I was blocked I sat with things. I noticed how I was trying to force and push things and thought oh, this is not how I do things anymore. It was an old way of being, old version of me...do, do, do.....go, go, go...and it took all the fun and play out of it.
Miss Moon and Mercury are working hand in hand right now showing me exactly what I need to see, feel, and sense all around me. And this is a key to playing with Mercury Rx! Mercury being the Trickster that he is, I'll show her...BLOCKED but it had meaning to it, there was a purpose for it!
This first launch is SO much more than I ever thought it was....It's showing me old ways and new ways, old systems and structures and new systems and structures....I am SO grateful Jen gave me the push and said let's get your work out into the world!
It wasn't going to be Mercury Rx....it was going to be Happy Solar Return (HSR)! But nothing was moving, the pieces weren't c
Miss Moon is in Leo! Ready to dress up, be bold, creative, and expressive! That fun, playful creative child where that inner light shines bright. Not looking or needing for external permission that comes from within!
Enjoy the Moon in Leo through Sunday evening!
We had a little explosion of energy in our home today....Shelly made everyone mad so she's getting a time out on the couch and Pixie is telling her how mad she is....
I went through many things with this...I felt so much resistance and trying to get Pixie to stop barking and finally I decided to just let her bark, let her have her say and I put on some 741 Hz music to help dissolve all of the emotions as she was speaking her peace and within a couple minutes all is well. When I let go of resistance, everything has space to fall into place!
I love how my Little Ones show me things...
When they're mad or upset about something, they will say it and you can't stop them, but yet have you ever noticed how you try (I sure do). They are showing me all of the control dramas at their best!
Their barks can be startling at times, it throws my energy off just as it's meant to. How do you stay calm, centered, and grounded when there is chaos, disruption, disturbance in your field? Can you allow things to be just as they are and allow people space and grace to express themselves? Let the emotion out so it's not burried inside.....animals are beautiful with showing us this.
As Saturn it's coming back for the 3rd time to kiss my Mercury and my Progressed Mercury is stationed (not moving at all) and will be turning Rx...I'm finding my voice....not how I was told to speak or wait, NOT to speak! This is one of the patterns I'm breaking....not speaking....I'm finding and using my voice....it's a journey, it's not perfection. It sometimes feels a bit rocky and unsteady. But when I actually speak how I was designed to speak, what is natural and true for me it feels so good! Finding my words is sometimes difficult and I need time to sit with things for a little bit..not how I was taught when someone asks a question to have the answer and blurt it out right now....I've learned I actually am processing the tones of the voice, the frequency of the words the deeper layer of the quest
Anyone else feeling this Cancer Moon?
A time to go in and feel, nurture yourself, and heal...comfort foods, a good movie or book that may help you shed some tears. Being with family or being reminded of family.
The mother, the mother, the mother. I received the most beautiful message from my mom today. Yes, in heaven she has the most beautiful ways of connecting with me. I always think it's even better because where she couldn't/didn't speak when she could (with her physical body) in the physical world....she does speak when she can't (with a non physical body) in the invisible world. Such an interesting thing...maybe I'm reminded of death, crossing over, the invisible world as the Moon in Cancer is my 8th house which can be a sublininal space, where the veil is thin and you can speak to those on the other side.
Maybe our trip to Destin over the weekend was preparing me for this, being with and hearing the vast ocean, ...it wasn't until the last day we were leaving that the waves calmed down, they went from red to yellow flags. You never really know how things are going to turn up but yet they have these amazing ways to help us connect the dots and bring more pieces together...
It could've been a very feeling, emotional, watery couple of days....
And tomorrow we'll shift from Cancer Water to Leo Fire....get ready for the shift and for self expression to run wild!
And Saturn turning Direct tomorrow....Saturn has slowed things down drastically this week. So if you have felt like you're aging, body aches, things with your bones and structures....hello Saturn! Father Time...making sure we clear and clean up any loose pieces. He'll be in slow motion for a bit, but the thing is there is no turning back....and we're at a place where we don't want to anymore. It's like a knowing of onwards and upwards and you have one or two pieces of the plan ahead to get you started!
This is a weekend filled with vast transits...
Jupiter opposing the Sun, Venus opposing Nept