The Hidden Pieces with Kimberly Renay

The Hidden Pieces with Kimberly Renay Happy 🌞 Return💫🌠The Hidden Pieces Intuitive 🎨 🖌 Animals🐾🐈🐷🐸🐢 Feng Shui🏡 Astrology✨️🌝🌚💫

A mom of 2 beautiful humans and too many to count fur-kids all around the US and Canada, and a wife. I have a love and passion for Astrology, Spirituality, Feng Shui, HD, Gene Keys, Intuitive Art, Animals, and Holistic Health and Healing. I live and create my life from a heart centered space, sharing my gifts with the world!

Today is the day it all begins! Happy Mercury Pre Rx....Pay attention to what happens, who shows up, what people, places...

Today is the day it all begins!
Happy Mercury Pre Rx....

Pay attention to what happens, who shows up, what people, places and things are coming into your world! There is a bigger unfolding that is happening FOR YOU!! I invite you to Invite Mercury into your world and ask him to lovingingly be your guide throughout this journey.

I would love to hear about what's happening in your world, share in the comments below...I'll share mine to start us off!

P.S. I'm always in awe and amazed how a pet (they are VERY Mercurial) shows up for me on the day of Mercury Pre Rx that bring me lots of clues about the journey ahead! Why would this one be any different?! Hello Miss Pixie Poo :)

Even our pets need change....Bay loved her basket on the printer for a few months, now she's completely done with that.....

Even our pets need change....

Bay loved her basket on the printer for a few months, now she's completely done with that...this last week she wants to be on my chair or on my papers on my desk,...which is not working for me.

Let's see if this brings her a little more comfort and happiness her own comfy chair! A beautiful view out the window 2 feet from me and right where she can see me and she does love our high top chairs. I have my space, she has her space....a win win for all!

Change doesn't have to be hard or difficult...experimenting and playing with small little adjustments can create big change that feels amazing!


Notice where you are fixated on has to be this way, I'm doing this, I'm not letting go of that.

Miss Moon in Aquarius is bringing this in loud and clear!

And don't be surprised whatever you are fixated on brings change to your life in a bigger way!

It feels like Miss Moon with a square by sign with Jupiter and Uranus is giving us some clues what the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is about....squares brings challenges and/or motivate us to do things and change things!

The next couple of days is a beautiful invitation to release, let go, and surrender to the things we're holding onto tightly (thoughts, beliefs, people, places, things, etc.)...and Uranus and Jupiter will make it VERY noticeable and may bring a sudden shift to change things and make it crystal clear!

The Aquarian 🌙 Blessings!


How did you wake up feeling this morning?

Determined, committed to get sh** done, strong clear boundaries, strong clear YES and NOs, made my list and checking the boxes as I go...climbing the mountain to my greatness!


Doubting things, maybe a little fear kicked in, feeling unsure, feeling a heavy, dense stuckness in the body, questioning what in the heck am I doing?

Hey before you go down that rabbit hole in your mind with your thoughts and the feelings in your body....STOP and ASK...
Is this even mine? Is this my doubt? Is this my fear? Is this my questioning what I'm doing? Is this my heaviness? Is this whatever I am thinking/feeling even mine?

Now pay attention.....

Did it just release, fade away, vanish into thin air? Did you feel a shift taking place in your body/mind?


9 tens out of 10 its NOT even yours!

What a game changer this has been for me with my mind and body when I figured this piece out!

Hello Miss Moon in Capricorn ruled by Saturn, the task master, the wise elder, father time....I see you and feel you as you are waning, releasing all of your light into the world bringing awareness and waking us up to wisdom where there wasn't before.

Hello Mercury standing still stationing Rx, offering us a gift so we can actually get this piece in a very clear way....shifting things in our minds in a very powerful way.

Interesting how Miss Moon is mother energy and Saturn is father energy....what I'm realizing more and more is I'm not here to live the lives or the ways neither my mother or my father lived/lives. I am here to break out of the barriers, rules, restrictions, confinements they found/find themselves bound in.

My 47th year in my 12th house as I'm entering my 1st house month where I get to now discover these hidden treasures of all that I am! Who is Kimberly Renay in the deepest parts of my heart and soul? What parts and pieces of my personality will I discover more intimately? What hidden treasures will I find in this body of mine? What amazing breakthroughs will I uncover of all that I am as I release all that I am not?

I am grateful for the realm of Astrology, this Divine Soul Map, entering my life when it did and for all of its teachings and wisdom it's shared with me day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. I was told once...I'm not learning Astrology, I'm remembering it...and this has never felt more true.

Capricorn Moon, Mercury Rx, Eclipse season Blessings 🙏


Happy April 1st, April Fools!
Happy Mercury Rx!
Happy 3rd QTR Moon!
The 1/2 way point between the eclipses....

Remember to lighten up, surrender and sit in those spaces that might be uncomfortable, and create space for those Divine Detours!

Happy Easter!It's the last day of March!Then comes April Fool's!The beginning of Mercury Rx April 1st! Watch how Mercury...

Happy Easter!

It's the last day of March!
Then comes April Fool's!
The beginning of Mercury Rx April 1st!
Watch how Mercury begins inviting you into a game, will you play or will he play April Fool's on you?! His gift is divine detours that lead us into a journey to discover something about ourselves in some way, traveling through Aries I AM...yes we are going to learn something about ourselves!

Aries Solar Eclipse 💋 Chiron Oh My April 8th! This has been unfolding since March 25th with the Libra Lunar Eclipse a big surrendering and letting go (Full Moon)...a rebalancing and recalibration of who we are and stepping into a new (New Moon) all that I AM (Aries) inviting a whole new way of being in relationship with the we (Libra) that feels so aligned and balanced!
There are people, places, and things we are asked to let go of that have given, taught us and we're asked to mature, grow, level up in some way. So the invitation is to allow and let go with grace and invite in the new!

Jupiter 💋Uranus on April 20th! But it's a transit that we'll feel all month building up to the 20th and then as Jupiter separates from Uranus through the end of April. Jupiter is expansion and Uranus is change, there is so much more to this and many other words to describe this transit, but let's keep it simple (Ta**us is where it's happening and she loves simplicity)...there is no good, bad, right, just is....whatever is needed for us to expand and's absolutely beautiful when we play with this very intentionally and either way we always get exactly what we need!

This is a month that invites opportunities to do and be amazing things that light us up from the inside out....whatever that is, go do that to create and expand more of that feeling inside!
Get out fear and step into fun!
Unplug from technology and plug into nature!

Get ready for this amazing beautiful roller coaster we're's a month to expect the unexpected, lean into change.....I've heard this several times and have to agree we will be changed in some way, shape, or form this month! And whatever we think or will be different!

I felt it all through March I'm not the same as I was when the month began...I am usually ready for the month to be over half way through can we just get on and into the next month already....not this month of March, I have been savoring every day in this whole new way I've never experienced much learning and growth in the most beautiful ways! So if April is another March on an expanded scale. There is a lot of cleaning and clearing as we move but there is so much beauty on the otherside.

Another round of Mercury Mysteries starts tomorrow! I am so excited to begin this journey with some beautiful people!
If you feel the call to join us you can sign up here! (It's my one and only post for this journey)!

Mercury Retrograde isn't something to be feared. It's a super-powered time for getting a life upgrade if you know how to get the messages. Take a journey with us through Mercury Rx and learn to manifest your upgrade!

The hidden pieces you don't even know exist inside of you until one day they begin to reveal themselves. Little by littl...

The hidden pieces you don't even know exist inside of you until one day they begin to reveal themselves. Little by little, the hidden treasures are awakened inside!

I am loving the beginning of my 12th house year! Wrapping up month one of twelve and what a beautiful unfolding!

Today, A sweet 🐝 came to remind me how sweet I am!


I love how Miss 🌙 transitions through the elements and signs bringing us all kinds of flavors every month!
From Scorpio into Sagittarius!Inviting us on an adventure !

Happy Libra Lunar (Full Mo🌝n) Eclipse!We're being asked to get on the roller coaster into the portal of the unknown. Wil...

Happy Libra Lunar (Full Mo🌝n) Eclipse!

We're being asked to get on the roller coaster into the portal of the unknown. Will you say YES! Or will you have to go kicking and screaming? This has been in the works over the last 2 weeks and plays out over a longer period of time...

What a beautiful time of healing, soul growth, leveling up, maturing, and evolution of the WE in our relationships (Libra) with ourselves and others!

Before this eclipse Venus met Saturn. Saturn, father time, asks us to mature, level up, grow up in some way with Venus.

AND when I think of Saturn I'm always reminded of him checking in and asking us are you doing your natal promise of this area of life with Venus?

If not, it's time to dive in! There has never been a better time.

The Aries Solar Eclipse on April 8th is 💋 Chiron at the exact degree so there is some deep healing showing up. And if we've done the healing, we'll see it show us a pathway to share it with others!

The BIGGER piece that comes April 20 is Jupiter coming to 💋 Uranus in Ta**us...again Venus (Ta**us is ruled by Venus)!

There is this expansive breakthrough because we've done it and/or we're doing it in some way, shape or form....

It's a time to connect and/or reconnect with true essence of our Venutian nature within ourselves, both men and women.

There is this huge evolution going on with our Venus essence. Some questions to ask:....

Think back 9 and 18 years ago....what's showing up now that was going on back then that is evolving in some way or a cycle that is ready to be completed.

🤔How is my relationship with the Venutian parts of myself? Beauty, Money, Art, Creativity, Love for self, self worth, self acceptance....

🤔What is out of balance, out of alignment, not in integrity with you anymore that it's time to release and let go?

🤔How is my relationship with myself? How does that reflect back in relationships with others?

🤔Do you allow yourself to be creative and have creative expressions and outlets? Are you growing and upleveling in these in some way?

🤔 Are you allowing the healing to rise up and release or are you resisting it?

🪷There is A LOT of deep emotional stuff coming up for a lot of people so just a reminder to be gentle and kind.

Those that have lots buried inside, the body is asking and guiding us to release those deep things so if there is pain in the body it's showing us where the pain resides within us. Guiding us to heal it.

Astrology shows us cycles and patterns...when we know and understand the cycle we're in, it's not to fear or resist it but to lean into our relationship to the true nature of the energy of the planet guiding us to our own pure essence, it provides a way to break free from old outdated ways of sets us free!

We're doing it whether we're aware or not....awareness brings consciousness, love, and compassion within ourselves and for others. 💞

Love snuggles from Miss Venus herself!
She has been showing me so much lately.
I feel like I have a book in me about my relationship and connection to my Little Ones!

Grateful for the little surprises! I wasn't expecting my Hot Pink Hibuscus 🌺 to make it through the winter. SURPRISE...S...

Grateful for the little surprises!
I wasn't expecting my Hot Pink Hibuscus 🌺 to make it through the winter. SURPRISE...SURPRISE....SHE'S STILL ALIVE!

I've always said animals are the GATEWAY IN! For many, many, many reasons I continue to learn more now from My Little On...

I've always said animals are the GATEWAY IN! For many, many, many reasons I continue to learn more now from My Little Ones than when I was raising them....and it's fascinating! They are Mercurial which I absolutely love...Divine Messengers!

Want to get people's a picture of your pet! They may or may not read what you write, but they absolutely 100% will get and feel love and maybe some laughter from the picture you share of your pet!

People feel the unconditional love pets have for bias, no opinion, no judgments, no criticisms....just pure unconditional love which is what we all need in our lives and in the world!


✨️🌝Miss Moon...Miss Moon in Leo invites us into Creative Expression, play, be bold, be brave, go dress up and do something fun!
Shine that light from within!
It won't feel good to do work in boring blah ways. So finding fun and play in the work you are doing is a WIN! WIN!

I love playing with Miss Moon! Life is so much easier and much more fun when I do....and when I don't well I usually get a reminder of where she is and how to play with her and/or a lesson when I'm not! 🌝✨️


🗓Today/Tomorrow begins the series of a 3 part story as Mercury the Messenger comes to 💋 (kiss) Chiron for the 1st of 3 times!

📝Make note of who and what is showing up...rising up within you both internally and externally. WRITE IT DOWN because it/they WILL be back again in some way, shape, or form TWO more times!

🌞 The Sun is at the 29 degrees of Pisces until tonight at 10:06pm...the end of the end of a cycle and season. Aries marks the beginning of the new. It's the Astrological New Year!

What is leaving so the new can come forth?
What are we stepping away from as we step into something new?

🖌It's time to begin REwriting the stories of the past into what we want our lives to be! There's REflection to say what we don't want any longer, what's not serving us anymore so we can begin writing the new chapters of the book of our life. No more outdated ways of being...when you can't grow anymore where you are, it's time to start and step into something new and different that feels lighter, more a fun filled, playful adventure!
Let that be the book of your life!

I'll share what's showing up for me in a few days after the first pass!

🦅 Hawk Spirit is very loud...Let Spirit be your guide. The hawk sees both the big picture and the small details and doesn't miss anything. When hawk spirit arrives, you are called to pay close attention to messages from Spirit that can appear anywhere and in any form. Listen to your intuition and keep your eyes open for synchronicities...the meaningful coincidences.
Pay attention to signs, symbols,(numbers, words, songs, books, billboards, etc) animals that appear for you. When Hawk Spirit appears, it is a sign to listen. - Collette Baron- Reid

The hawks are acting strange and making different noises I've never heard them make before...feels like a strong sign to listen! Not surprising...what a beautiful and perfect guided message from Mercury delivering from Hawk Spirit!

Do you remember this show Grizzly Adam?! I used to love to watch that when I was a kid!



How do you feel about the fire energy within you? Do you have a lot of 🔥 in your chart?

Do you love it, harness it, live and love it?

Do you fear it, doubt it, challenge it, question it?

Well we're all about to get a HUGE dose of fire we welcome Aries season on March 19th at 10:06 pm CT!

And let's see who's living, loving, and walking in their fire with passion, purpose, inspired action, initiating change within, pioneering a new path courageously!

HINT: You'll know by how you feel!

FLOWING IN FIRE: alive, thriving, leading, activated, energetic, confident, excited, joyful, love of and for life, independent, incisive

FIGHTING THE FIRE: angry, mad, explosive, aggressive, volcanic, impulsive, impatient, reactive, resistance, bulldozing, pushy, obnoxious, demanding, competitive, argumentative....

It's a season and time to make friends and honor the fire within you!

A couple songs I love! Sagittarius by Trevor Hall, Just Like Fire Pink!

I'm going to make a FIRE 🔥 playlist for this Firey season we're stepping into! Do you want me to share it with you? Let me know 👇!


Hello Mercury Pre-Rx Shadow!

Want to learn how to play with Mercury Rx in fun, playful, and expansive way instead of fearing it, dreading it, and wanting to hide under a rock?!

The next Mercury Mysteries is about to begin and I'm so excited....

Eclipses conjunct Chiron! Mercury Rx kissing Chiron 3 TIMES! Jupiter kissing Uranus!

A journey into WHO I AM and WHO I'm NOT(ARIES) to activate, initiate, pioneer a path...not just any path....your path! Courageously, confidently, boldly, and unapologetically!

We'll be opening the doors soon!

It just had to be a squirrel!
Squirrel spirit is REnewal energy as we enter into REnewal energy that Aries season invites us into....Change....Playfulness...and Gratitude!

Feeling the need to/for change, shake things up? It's a STRONG energy in the air and I am seeing it everywhere!These are...

Feeling the need to/for change, shake things up? It's a STRONG energy in the air and I am seeing it everywhere!

These are not little changes, well some can take some small things to make some big shifts! But will we/do we allow the changes or do we fight and resist it?

In the past I have definitely been in resistance! I could feel the fight within myself...I wanted change but I wouldn't make the changes so the changes happened for me! It's so interesting to reflect back on AND through being a student of the stars I am so aware of what's trying to shift and why!

So now I play with it differently, I can feel the resistance and lean into it...oh what's this energy asking me, showing me, guiding me to do? What are my natal soul promises I came to Earth School to navigate? We have our innate way of being and our charts show it all!

Our charts are a map, literally a blue print of how we will navigate our lives (from low to high, challenges and ease/flow). I'm in complete awe of how accurate it is as I watch everyone living their lives some with ease and flow while others are on the struggle bus....

I've been in the struggle bus, fighting and resisting what's inside....but not any more! I have so much love and compassion as I see people struggle because I get it we're all on our own journey navigating this beautiful thing called life!

Once you know, you can't unknow and it requires you to show up and do things differently. Well you don't have to! We have free will, we get to choose, and our choices guide our lives....some try, fight, resist what our soul is guiding us to do..Because the unknown is the unknown....we just don't you fear the unknown? Is it overwhelming?
I am learning day by day how to navigate overwhelm...some days I nail it and other days it's a's one of my soul lessons!

Well life doesn't have to be hard! And our charts help us find ease and flow in and through the challenges! They help us understand the challenges so we can get through them in new and different ways and heal past wounds so we can navigate this life in a whole new way....OUR way! OUR WAY IS A GAME CHANGER!

But I know one thing...resisting and fighting the change will do one thing....keep you stuck in the same old cycles and patterns....causing DISease in our bodies and eventually change happens for us!

So I invite you to take the lead....lead and guide the changes you want in your life! Change is inevitable. Live the adventure you came here to live! Do what you absolutely love, excites you, and brings you so much joy and happiness. Live YOUR life the way YOUR soul came here to do live...NOT anyone elses!

We have another AWEmazing Mercury Rx coming up...I am so excited! I'm putting another Mercury Mysteries out into the world so we can journey together and start navigating in a fun playful way with Mercury!

Want to learn how to navigate your life in a whole new way?!

Message me and we can schedule a reading and/or come along on the Mercury Mysteries Journey...both are life changing and so much fun!

When you get the nudge to do something...Trust it and follow it!!! ✨️I have never been disappointed when I do.Tea, Reiki...

When you get the nudge to do something...
Trust it and follow it!!! ✨️

I have never been disappointed when I do.
Tea, Reiki, and a beautiful space to unravel in.

🙏Thank you Manja for our time together today!

I fought it a little bit...It started to thunder before I left and thought oh I "should" stay home...

The nudge to go was stronger...JUST GO!

I went slow and steady all the way there.
It started to rain as soon as I got there.
Poured while I was there and stopped right as I was leaving....Like a beautiful cleansing I needed!

✨️A beautiful Sun/Neptunian energy!
Cleansing and dissolving everything that's ready to go so we can be everything we're here to be.

I forgot to share these last Friday....🐾Fuzzy AKA Harper Lee...she is teaching me SO much right now. She's very Uranian ...

I forgot to share these last Friday....

🐾Fuzzy AKA Harper Lee...she is teaching me SO much right now. She's very Uranian and I'm starting to understand why!
🐾Shelly Belly...such a trickster!
🐾Pixie Poo who wanted to stick her 👅 out!
🐾And another picture of Luca Pi for his bday!


Semmes, AL


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