All of you are aware of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
In accordance with the CDC request for self-quarantine of events with 50 or more people and the City of Selma’s closure of public buildings, we feel that in the best interest of the public we must cancel our Centre for Commerce Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 19. This event may be re-scheduled later this year.
Monies already paid with registrations have not been deposited. Therefore, checks will be voided, credits will be issued on charge cards, or those who paid cash may come by the Centre for Commerce for payment refund.
The health and well-being of our supporters is our top priority during this pandemic.
We hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way.
M. Wayne Vardaman, Sr., President
Selma & Dallas County Centre for Commerce
912 Selma Avenue
Selma, Alabama 36701
(O) 334-875-8365 (C) 334-412-1199
[email protected]