Social Enterprise Alliance - Washington

Social Enterprise Alliance - Washington Social enterprises are businesses whose primary purpose is the common good.

We use the methods and disciplines of business and the power of the marketplace to advance social, environmental and human justice agendas. Since its inception as The National Gathering for Social Entrepreneurs in 1998, the Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA) has been the champion and key catalyst for the development of the social enterprise sector in the United States. Our vision is for social enter

prise to reach its potential as a force for more effective and sustainable social impact. We empower social enterprises with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and work to foster a social enterprise ecosystem in which they can thrive.

Register now for a special evening of  , learning and connection with the Puget Sound   community on June 19. You'll hea...

Register now for a special evening of , learning and connection with the Puget Sound community on June 19. You'll hear leaders share their hard-won insights, challenges, and discoveries:

Come network with Social Enterprise and Social Impact Leaders on June 19. Hear from and connect with other change-makers interested in creating impact through Social Enterprise models. Light refreshments including soda, beer and wine will be served. Donations to offset fees to Social Enterprise Alli...

Introducing the Social Enterprise Alliance 2019 Jim Schorr Scholarship recipients, 15 emerging social entrepreneurs who ...

Introducing the Social Enterprise Alliance 2019 Jim Schorr Scholarship recipients, 15 emerging social entrepreneurs who face barriers to opportunity. SEA membership offers access to additional resources and connections needed to further their solutions and continue creating change.

INTENTIONAL. INCLUSIVE. OPPORTUNITY. DONATE Social Enterprise is Changing Thousands of Lives Social enterprise is becoming an unstoppable movement in our world today. Impact reports from leaders like REDF and Cara…

What does ready to lead look like?

What does ready to lead look like?

NEW YORK, April 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Amid rapid technological, economic and social change, it is important for organizations to move beyond mission...

In case you missed it: The 2017 SEA report with the British Council about how to "increase the effectiveness of social e...

In case you missed it: The 2017 SEA report with the British Council about how to "increase the effectiveness of social enterprise as a model for supporting women’s empowerment.'

Even in the US - the land of the free - women are not equal to men. British Council research, published today, highlights how social enterprise can contribute towards a fairer society.

In this Feb. 19 webinar, Kari Enge of Rank & File will explain how to set up a more effective, human-centered sales funn...

In this Feb. 19 webinar, Kari Enge of Rank & File will explain how to set up a more effective, human-centered sales funnel for your social enterprise. Kari will take you step-by-step through the elements of a human-centered sales funnel and coach you on how to use each component to create an authentic, impactful sales process that will increase your social impact and sales at the same time.

Free to SEA members!

Increasing Sales Using the Human-Centered Sales Funnel - A Step-by-Step Process Join Kari Enge of Rank & File to learn how to set up a more effective, human-centered sales funnel for your social enterprise. In this practical workshop, Kari will take you step-by-step through the elements of a human-c...

Keep creating solutions.

Keep creating solutions.

For all the negative and pessimistic news out there, there is a lot of good being done in the world which can serve as a source of hope. One sector which is on the rise and working to create solutions to many of our world’s greatest challenges is that of social enterprises.

How do you measure impact? This Feb. 15 webinar will break down what it means to design for and measure success, with ti...

How do you measure impact? This Feb. 15 webinar will break down what it means to design for and measure success, with time for questions and discussion. Participants will be asked to complete a short pre-webinar assignment and to come prepared to share their findings.

The 2019 DFA Alumni + Friends Webinar Series opens with a session designed to help us gauge the scope and degree of social impact designs. Human Centered Design is a great tool for tackling social challenges, but when all is said and done, how do you we measure impact? This webinar will break down w...

Chinook Enterprises announced its new CEO.

Chinook Enterprises announced its new CEO.

The same week we celebrated the retirement of CEO and founder, Rob Martin we also welcomed our new CEO and President, Steve Reed. “We

HT to Social Enterprise Alliance, which shared these three rules for making sure you retain the right customers:

HT to Social Enterprise Alliance, which shared these three rules for making sure you retain the right customers:

Because if you end up the wrong ones, they'll kill your business.

On Jan. 17,  Saul Garlick, CEO of Unleesh, discussed his journey as a social entrepreneur, making the transition from no...

On Jan. 17, Saul Garlick, CEO of Unleesh, discussed his journey as a social entrepreneur, making the transition from nonprofits to for-profits, and the difficult balance between impact and profit.

By Matthew Kredell The USC Price Center for Social Innovation kicked off the semester’s Social Innovation Speaker Series on January 17, with a discussion by social entrepreneur Saul Garlick, CEO of Unleesh. Garlick discussed his journey as a social entrepreneur, making the transition from nonprofi...

Here's an interesting take from our neighbors to the north on how some   are maximizing their  , building solutions to r...

Here's an interesting take from our neighbors to the north on how some are maximizing their , building solutions to really big issues and using business as a force for good:

After driving 8500 kilometres across Canada interviewing over 50 people in 14 cities and 9 provinces in 6 weeks, we present to you, The Social Shift, a docum...

Did You Know: Through Oracle, social enterprises and nonprofits of all sizes are eligible for a base donation of NetSuit...

Did You Know: Through Oracle, social enterprises and nonprofits of all sizes are eligible for a base donation of NetSuite with no-cost activation. This tool can be used to power the financial management operations of a small organization and has no recurring cost:

Netsuite+Oracle Social Impact mobilize its corporate resources to accelerate social impact for non profit and social enterprises. We are committed to supporting capacity-building efforts for nonprofits and social enterprises around the world through our technology donation and employee pro bono prog...

Can  , as this article asserts, catalyze broader changes in society and create a positive ripple effect, with more consc...

Can , as this article asserts, catalyze broader changes in society and create a positive ripple effect, with more conscious consumers supporting business which do better?

From recycling waste to reducing plastic consumption to going vegan for the month of January, more and more people today are conscious of the impact they

The International Social Innovation Research Conference is the world’s leading interdisciplinary social innovation resea...

The International Social Innovation Research Conference is the world’s leading interdisciplinary social innovation research conference. The call for papers and panels is now open!

Guidelines for abstract and panel proposal submission: Call for papers for the 11th International Social Innovation Research Conference is Now Open. The conference organisers invite abstracts for...

The case for  , with success stories

The case for , with success stories

For all the negative and pessimistic news out there, there is a lot of good being done in the world which can serve as a source of hope. One sector which is on the rise and working to create solutions to many of our world’s greatest challenges is that of social enterprises.

Halcyon, with partners the Bush Foundation and SOCAP, are taking the pulse of the   sector! Help them measure, analyze, ...

Halcyon, with partners the Bush Foundation and SOCAP, are taking the pulse of the sector! Help them measure, analyze, and compare social enterprise ecosystems in major municipalities across the U.S.:

Join us in the movement of building social enterprise ecosystems!

Presents with purpose! A great way to increase the impact of your gift giving this year and your support for

Presents with purpose! A great way to increase the impact of your gift giving this year and your support for

All of the products in the gift guide are ones you can feel good about buying. Spread holiday generosity to the world by buying presents with purpose.


The goal of this practical guide is to give our fellows as well as other social entrepreneurs some keys that allow them to think differently about their project around 7 questions:


Seattle, WA


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