I’m just gonna be real, if you support Trump or any of his policies, beliefs, etc. please feel free to unfollow me, block me, any of the sort. I don’t need that kind of energy around. The last thing I want is people around me or what I do to be supporting Trump, and the many policies that he is enacting that are insane. I shouldn’t have to feel anxious about my future and if I will even have any rights/protections because of what Trump has done. In case some of y’all did not know, I am gay, and I am married to a man. I shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable in my country because people can’t handle the thought of a man being with a man or a woman being with a woman. Not to mention the friends that I have that could very possibly be affected by a lot of the policies that are taking place, both regarding LGBTQ and immigration policies. So, just fair warning, if you support Trump, you obviously don’t support me, so please stop following me.