It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
Skeptics -- how to deal with them, and how to get the respect you deserve.
Listen as Corbie FIRE THROUGH SPIRIT, explains her views towards skeptics and how she reacts to them not taking her seriously.
What was your biggest takeaway from Corbie and her wisdom?
#unstoppableyou #unstoppable #unstoppableism #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppablewomen #psychic #psychicreading #psychics #psychicmedium #psychicreadings #psychicreader #psychicsofinstagram #PsychicAdvice #PsychicAdvisor #psychicreadersofinstagram #idontfetch #treatmewithrespect #respectfully #respectyouself #respectothers #godgiven #skeptics #skepticism #skepticbeliever #provingskepticswrong #celticdruid #bringmeachicken
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
When I was little I wrote in a journal.
I would always start it with "Hi Diary, Today I...." and I would talk about my day.
Fast forward years later to finding them again, they honestly make me laugh.
I would write about my day. Would it be for any other reason than to write? No.
Did it have a purpose like Corbie Mitleid FIRE THROUGH SPIRIT, suggests a journal for? No.
I look back on it now and realize how much journaling can mean to someone at not only that time, but also for self-reflection which is exactly what Corbie talks about.
Are you someone who uses journaling as a tool for reflection?
#unstoppablewoman #unstoppable #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableism #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppable #spiritualrealm #celestial #journaling #writedownwhatyounotice #protectyoursoul #protectyourspirit #beingawakened #changesinviewpoint #pastlife #spiritualrealm #protectyourself #trustyourself #groundyourself #centeryourself #sheildyourself #simpleprotection
From the team at Unstoppable You Podcast, we wanted to wish you a Happy New Years and a kind and gentle 2022!❤️❤️
Santina Rigano-Lesch Melissa Campo Martinez, Phoenix Warman, and Anné van Jaarsveld
Do you ever make yourself eat a certain food because it's good for you?
For me it's green beans.
I'll eat them if someone else makes them, because I am being polite, BUT I will never make green beans in my home.😆
Listen to Paige Penick's Start Fueling Better, tip on how to work with foods we don't like, and adjust them to ones we do!
I had never thought of it this way, but she is totally right!
Share how you prepare or cook a food that's been a struggle for you to eat but that you now enjoy. 🍲
#unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppableyou #unstoppable #unstoppabism #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableguest #unstoppablewoman #healthyeating #pickyfoods #eatititsgoodforyou #healthyrecipes #dontlikethetaste #findotherfoods #findnutrientsinotherfoods #roastedcarrots #carrotsandhummas #plainbroccoli #findwhatyoulike #trynewfoods #trynewrecipes #favoritehealthyrecipes #macronutrients #micronutrients #greenbeans
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
"A certain size doesn't equal a certain health."
I remember growing up and being told that:
✔️Being smaller is healthier.
✔️Being smaller looks prettier.
✔️The person you like doesn't like you because you aren't skinny.
✔️The people will like you if you were smaller.
Paige Penick Start Fueling Better, changes the narrative and makes us look at how to use food to fuel ourselves instead of just seeing what we look like on the outside.
Comment an Emoji below if you have you ever been affected by the above societal impacts and thoughts?
#unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppable #unstoppableism #unstoppableguest #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableyou #unstopablewomen #Itneedstobealook #innerlove #selfconfidence #startfuelingbetter #foodforfuel #foodfuel #startfeelingbetter #foodforfeelingbetter #skinnyisntalwaysbetter #whatisskinny #healthoverdresssize #feelgood #loveyourself #reasearchonhealth #howyoufeel #whatreallymatters #innerthoughts #imissrunning #feelingcomfortable
It's Unstoppable You Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable You Chat Time!
The mindset some businesses, organizations and companies have of "taking away from someone, to give to someone else" is NOT a productive way of building a team as a leader.
Today, Ameé Quiriconi Author & Speaker, gives us a look into wage differences due to genders. Aka Women being paid less because of their gender.
A main focus in todays society needs to be more about finding the fault within the business model to therefore have equality across the board.
Women should not be paid less. Period.
Do you feel women have been getting taken advantage of with their wage?
#unstoppableyou #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppablewomen #unstoppableism #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableguest #bossbabe #wagegap #gendergap #womensalary #salarygap #changeyourmindset #businessmindset #workforcemindset #changeforthebetter #changeforequality #diverseworkforce #businessmindset #inclusiveworkforce #equityworkforce #neverreducetopayothers #businessmodel
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
How many of us have felt like this:
"I'm down with therapy, but I'm not talking about ____."
Ameé Quiriconi Author & Speaker shows us how important it is to ask the hard questions when it comes to inner growth.
I love the question in this episode when she asks herself:
"What are you accountable for?"
What was your biggest takeaway from Amee's realization?
#unstoppableyou #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppablewomen #unstoppableism #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableguest #personalgrowth #innertermoil #singlemom #failedbusiness #toxicrelationship #amicursed #whatswrongwithme #negativethoughts #accountability #innerreflection #selfreflection #selfcareforthesoul #personalchange #idontdeservethis #commondenominatior #sitdownwithyou #reflectonyourself
It’s time to meet another one of the Unstoppable Women behind the podcast!
It’s time to meet another one of the Unstoppable Women behind the podcast!
Meet Phoenix Warman, one of our podcast Social Media Managers.
She brings her love for story telling to the audiograms, posts, and graphic designs you see on IG and FB.
Give this lady a warm welcome in the comments!
"Hi! My name is Phoenix Warman and I am one of the social media managers for the Unstoppable You Podcast.
The reason I joined the team was actually because I work with Santina with our Virtual Assisting Services called "Don't Do It Yourself Virtual Assistant Services".
She let me be a part of the podcast team and I absolutely love it. I also know Melissa and Santina from our dance class as well. I have learned about Anne recently and I absolutely adore her.
I love Batman, Sushi, and dancing. I love to dance. I've been dancing for over 10 years: Ballet, jazz, tap. So Santina and I have a lot in common with our dancing backgrounds.
I am really excited to join and be a part of this wonderful podcasting team and get to know a little bit more about you, our viewers."
Great to have you on board Phoenix!
#unstoppableyou #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppable #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableism #unstoppablewomen #podcast #behindthescenes #graphicdesign #womenhelpingwomen #audiogramscreations #womenoninstagram #womenonfacebook #Virtualassistant #Ilovebatman #Ilovesushi #ramenisamazing #dancinggal #ballet #jazz #tap #hiphop #competitivedancing #recreationaldancing
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
When mums come back into the workplace, employees can be very kind, helpful, and welcoming.
While this is appreciated, it can become internalized by mum thinking she:
🥀 isn't as good as she once was before having her child
🥀 has too much on her plate or has 'mum brain'
🥀 won't be able to do what she used to
Gladys Simen, shares her take on mums re-entering the workforce and understanding that they are who they are, just with an extra job at home.
And the 'who they are' is what gives them their superpowers in the workforce.
Have you been a mum that went back into the workforce and what was your experience like?
#unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppableyou #unstoppableism #unstoppableguest #unstoppablewomen #unstoppablegeneration
#bossmom #workmom #momswhowork #mompreneur #busymom #workingmom #workingmomlife #momlife #motherhood #momboss #transitioningmom #momssupportingmoms #empowerment #enlightenment #inspiration #balance #parentingbalance #parenting #womeninbusiness #family
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
Mums rule the world!
They cook, clean, organize, help, nurture, love, listen and so much more.
But when do mum's have time to themselves?
Listen to Galdys Simen, sit with what she has to say about mums needing their own time, and share your biggest take away!
#unstoppable #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppableyou #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableguest #unstoppableism #unstoppablewomen #powerfulmum #mumbalance #mommygoals #momstruggles #mothering #momgoals #mommyhood #newmoms #mom #motherhood #womensupportingmoms #mumpower #mumssupportingmums #youareneveralone #timeforyourself #timeforyou #rechargetime #selfcare
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
What does "settling" mean in a relationship? Why do we think we have to settle?
Our guest, Laura Medrano, talks to us about what settling means, and uses a great analogy about our focus when we settle.
Drop an emoji if you've ever known someone like this little boy with the cup in the analogy.
#unstoppable #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppablewomen #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableism #unstoppableyou #toxicrelationships #settling #neversettle #settlinginourrelationship #tinycup #oceanahead #surrenderthecup #hardtoletgo #fearoftheunknown #sparkyourfire #firewithin #analogiesarewonderful #thetruthistough #whatliesahead #adventureawaits #changeisgood #fullpotential #selflove #givingyourselfthebest
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
We all have expectations put on us from society. Ones we believe ‘should be’ achieved.
"By 18 I need to graduate."
"By 21 I need to find my career."
"By 25 I need to start settling down."
But what happens when the plans you make don’t happen?
Our Unstoppable Guest, Laura Medrano, shares about self compassion and what that can look like within ourselves.
On a scale of 1-10, how much compassion are you giving yourself?
#unstoppable #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppablewomen #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableism #unstoppableyou #toxicrelationships #neversettle #innerthoughts #negativethoughts #selfesteem #selflove #compassion #selfcompassion #begentlewithyourself #hardworkpaysoff #changetakestime #dontfeelguilty #noshame #learningthroughexperiences #giveyourselfmorecredit #innerpeace #positivity #positivemindset #bodylove #mindlove
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
Each person has a level of comfortability with their own sexuality, and their sensuality within that sexuality.
Being able to tap into that gives us more power and control of our own true selves.
Our Unstoppable guest, Pamela Burditt @pamelaburditt, opens our eyes to the idea of being sensual and how this varies for each person.
Pamela suggested some ways to connect to ourselves sensually, like:
🔥 Indulging in your favorite chocolate dessert
🔥 Self care including lotions and body butters
🔥 Sensual dancing
🔥 Self pleasure
What does "being sensual" mean to you?
#unstoppableyou #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableism #unstoppablewomen #sexuality #femininedevine #masculinedevine #sexuality #sensuality #trueselfcontrol #trueself #chocolates #lotions #sensualtouching #sensualreading #sensualmusic #sensualdancing #Selfpleasure #releasestress #releasecreatility #positiveenergyflow #thedivine
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
When we think of our womb we think of children, pregnancy, giving birth etc.
Our Unstoppable guest, Pamela Burditt @pamelaburditt, talks about the sacral chakra A.K.A the womb chakra in a much deeper meaning with creation.
The womb being not only where children are created and nurtured from, but from where all creation derives from.
What outside of pregnancy does your womb create for you?
#unstoppableyou #unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppableism #unstoppablegeneration #Unstoppablewomen #unstoppable #Chakra #secondchakra #betweenbellybottonandpubisbone #sacralchakra #orange #wombchakra #Childbirth #creationoflife #givingbirth #pregnancy #morethanawomb #sacralhealing #Wombawakening #stuckness #allcreation
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
From a huge house fire to a toxic relationship, a lot of people would have put the blame on anything, and everyone else.
Our guest, Angela Legh, looked at how she was becoming a victim of the fire, a toxic relationship, and decided to take back her power to change the narrative of her life.
How do you emotionally feel when you internalize the question "Why me?"
#unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppable #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableguests #unstoppableism #unstoppablewomen #californiafire #selflove #burntupinflames🔥 #2017tubbsfire #relationshipcommunication #relationshipchange #reevaluatedmylife #toxicrelationshipsurvivor #toxicmarriage #selflove #selflovejourney #questioneverything #victimofthetrauma #whyme #shiftedperspective #overcomingadversity #choosingforgivenessoverbitterness #healtomoveforward
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
When dealing with past traumas, the easiest thing to do is point the finger and blame the trauma.
Our guest, Angela Legh explains to us how trauma can be a gift, and shows us how to change our perspective from being a victim.
When you are able to change that perspective, you find your power within and you experience the reward from feeling/dealing with your emotions.
Have you ever felt you have pointed the finger at your trauma?
#unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppableism #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppableguests #unstoppablewomen #unstoppable #childrensbooks #childrenbooknovelist #childrenemotions #childrentraumahealing #shoveitdown #empath #processyourfeelings #suicideawarness #mentalhealth #childrenmentalhealthawareness #anxietyrelief #relationshipcommunication #feelingneutral #victimperspective #victimmentality #victimenergy #responsiveenergy #triggersandhealing #childhoodtrauma #changingthenarrative #nutralityhealth #awareness #acknowledge #accept
It’s time to meet one of the Unstoppable Women behind the podcast!
Meet Melissa Martinez @mcampo1026, Our lead Graphic Designer/Writer!
She brings her creativity to our graphics, shownotes, and titles for the podcast!
We are so happy to have this beauty on our team!
#unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppable #unstoppableism #unstoppable #Unstoppablewomen #meetthecrew #behindthescenes #writer #designer #graphicdesigner #beautifulbabe #mommabear #momof2 #interventionschooling #educationdegree #unstoppablebabes #amazingperson #workharddancehard #classesthurandsat #teammember #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlove #podcasteditor #podcastlife #podcastsforwomen
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
Our guest Mel Lawson, hits on some really intense realizations on what it's like to be beautiful within her eyes compared to societies standards.
How you feel about yourself affects not only the way you look at yourself, but how others see you.
And the way others see you, OR the way you think they see you, of course effects your self-esteem. It's a horrible cycle.
When you work on your own mental health and internal trauma, the love for yourself will shine through.
How do you feel about societies standard for women and how we are 'supposed' to look?
#unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppableism #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppable #womenempoweringwomen #womenhelpingwomen #womenstrength #selfesteem #selfwork #trauma #weightloss #womenweightloss #societystandards #thinorhealthy #mentalhealth #interaltrauma #internallove #dietculture #caloriecounting #dietfads #disorderedeating #5senses #touch #taste #listen #see #smell #foodhasfeelings #girlgab
It's Unstoppable Chat Time!
Living with an addiction is never easy.
It's even harder to:
❤️seek help and guidance
❤️speak about your traumas and journey
Mel Lawson, shares her journey with us and how working on her own recovery with food addiction and eating disorders, has put her in a place to now able to help others.
Have you or do you know of someone who lives with an addiction?
#unstoppableyoupodcast #unstoppableism #unstoppablegeneration #unstoppable #Addiction #disorderedeating #bingeeating #anorexia #bulemia #pica #ruminationdisorder #avoidantdisorder #eatingdisorder #trauma #childhoodtrauma #callyourselfout #stigma #eatingdisorderstigma #purging #nighteating #brandnewyou #internallove #internalhealing #bestyoucanbe #relationshipwithfood #feelingshaveflavor