I am a huge fan of routines. Ask my family - they can pretty much tell you what day of the week I go to the grocery store, when I write my blog posts or build new resources, what time of day I typically clean stalls on the farm. The list goes on. Why? Because this reduces my cognitive load and frees up more space for me to be present when working with my horses and clients. It enables me to prepare for what I can predict and be more easy-going about the things I can't. Heck, even if I miss a day because of something unexpected, I don't beat myself up. I'd say if I hit my daily routine 9 out of 10 days, or even 4 out of 5, I'm doing pretty darn well and still making great strides toward that envisioned future.
On top of that, it helps me simply "get started". I take the time at least once a week (usually Fridays for work and Sundays for my home life) to break my goals into small tasks and build them into my daily routine for consistency and progress. Heck, even my new blog content is often on my radar a month in advance so that when I sit down to write I can focus on what I want to say about a topic instead of trying to determine what that topic will be.
Any horse trainer knows this is also a big part of how we train horses. We look at the big picture, break things into daily training, and go from there. The next thing we know, a few months or years down the road, we have a well-started c**t or we've moved to the next level of our discipline. That consistency is the key.
Grab a piece of paper and pen or open our notes app. Take a look at your life. What are some of your goals for the future and how can you break them down to fit progress into your daily (or almost daily) routine? I can't wait to see your future unfold as a result.