A quick update on our work, our upcoming projects and our puppy. You can find the video in the link in my bio. #8circuitcafe #dirtfloorrevival #8ccsoffun #skisantafe
We got a new episode up in regards to the 8 Circuit model of conciseness. We shot it a while back, but it didn’t get worked on for some time. We have been really busy getting our projects ready and this kinda fell through the cracks. There’s a lot going on here and we can’t wait for the green light on sharing our new stuff but till then here’s Matt and I getting personal about emotional things💙🌀💙 #pma #8circuitcafe #dirtfloorrevival #podcast #emotions
Last of our videos from Holiday In Slambodia.
Urethane! Steve Caballero's.new band shreds it! Watch til the end and see a small The Faction
reunion. Big thanks to Not Like You and The
Blue Tile Lounge, amazing night!
#stevecaballero #thefaction
#notlikeyourecords #urethaneband
#dirtfloorrevival #8circuitcafe #skaterock
#skatecitysupply #btl_Iv
Last of our videos from Holiday In Slambodia… Urethane! Steve Caballero’s.new band shreds it! Watch til the end and see a small The Faction reunion. Big thanks to Not Like You and The Blue Tile Lounge, amazing night! #stevecaballero #thefaction #notlikeyourecords #urethaneband #dirtfloorrevival #8circuitcafe #skaterock #skatecitysupply #btl_lv
We are growing!! #verticalfarming #FreedomFood #dirtfloorrevival #hydroponics #feedyourneighbors #8circuitcafe
Garden of Eden update: building the hydroponic sprinkler head system. First and foremost always dry fit first!! More to come as we put together the vertical tubes with the Grow Pockets. Have a beautiful day y’all and keep up the Positive Mental Attitude 💙🔥💙#freedomfood #dirtfloorrevival #hudroponics #verticalgardens #feedyourneighbors
Garden update: so our lights finally got in! So freakin amazing that you can grow 47 plants with just two LED bar lights. The tech that’s available is mind blowing! Anyhow much more to come……#freedomfood #hydroponics #growyourownfood #8circuitcafe #dirtfloorrevival #selfsufficient
With price of food hitting levels ofinsanity we are building a hydroponicgreenhouse. This set up will produce48 lettuce plants from seed to platein 4 weeks, that's a lot of food and itwill do it with less than 30 gallons ofWater. We Will be sharing videoseveryday on the basics of the build. Ifanyone is interested in freedom fromthe broken system we live in hit us upand we get you started!#organicgardening #dirtfloorrevival #freedomfood #verticalfarm #8circuitcafe
Holiday in Slambodia update, MINUS-ONE is up! And this one is on fire. A massive thanks to @notlikeyouzine and @btl_lv for getting this thing together! Seeing a band that influenced me so much with @thrashermag and Skate Rock was a epic experience! Thank you to all the bands and skaters and of course @the_dive_lv we really hope y’all enjoy! Skate to live🔥💙🔥 link in bio….#notlikeyourecords #bluetileloungelv #thrasherskaterock #minusoneband #8circuitcafe #positivementalattitude #skatebording #skaterock
Circle Jerks freaking rocked it last night!! Great to see so many old friends as well, fantastic evening 💙🔥💙 #8circuitcafe #notlikeyourecords #punkrock #sunshinetheater #albuquerque
The Fastplants video we shot in Las Vegas at Holiday In Slambodia is up on our YouTube channel! You can find it through our link in bio. A real big thanks to Not Like You records and Blue Tile Lounge LV for putting this epic event together and a massive shout out to Fastplants you guys are freaking amazing!! Skate Rock at its finest… enjoy 🔥🔥🔥#thefastplants #notlikeyourecords #bluetileloungelv #positivementalattitude #skateboardinglife #skaterock #punkrock #8circuitcafe #skatepunk
Tony Alva at the Gathering of Nations Skate Jam in Albuquerque New Mexico. Calling in the ancestors to be a part of an amazing day. #tonyalva #skateboading #positivementalattitude #nativeamerican #sacred #8circuitcafe