Stay active in your community and stay prayed up.. Evil is running rampant and desperation, instead of panicking, organize your folks and make a way.. For 30+ years Wealthy Whites, Chinese have excluded Black Americans from making money in their Own Neighborhoods, meanwhile they were stealing Billions. Today we are fighting a system of corruption, racism and discrimination, but we are Stronger Together, Proud to say with GOD 👑🕊️ assistance, things are Changing due to our actions.. #dcwilliamsdevelopment #capitalbossmodeentertainment 👑
I am the C.E.O of “ Capital BOSS Mode Entertainment 👑” C. B. M. E 👑. On a beautiful Carnival Cruise 🚢 sailing the Tropical Caribbean isles..!!
Capital BOSS Mode Entertainment 👑 is doing Massive damage on the treacherous Streets of California, where LIFE iz all Gas⛽️No Brakes.. C. B. M. E 👑 International Brand “ TRAP MONEY “ by StunnaLotuz 👑
At C. B. M. E 👑 we work Hard an we play Hard..!! Enjoying a few days of Casino 🎰 gambling..!!
Capital BOSS Mode Entertainment 👑 is coming in fast like a ⏳ Sand Storm.!! There has never been this amount of Money 💰 on the line. Stay tuned for Everything C.B.M.E 👑
Headed to Africa 🌍 in a few weeks to Build up my Brand, and LAND. Before I leave, let's assist my purposely impoverished Black Community in San Francisco, CA Fillmore District. GOD 👑❤️ Plan #CBME 👑 #capitalbossmodeentertainment👑
Corrupt Political system has allowed the Corporate structure to mistreat minorities Worldwide. Power is holding them Accountable and guilty of Law breaking.
These are the faces of Bravery, Intelligence and Toughness, discussing Justice ⚖️ Compensation💰.
No Racism No Hate San Francisco Grassroots Organization #noracismnohatesf
I am fighting daily for the betterment of Historical Black Communities in San Francisco. Urban sectors are purposely impoverished, then held hostage by a Racist, GREEDY, Discriminatory Political system.
No Racism No Hate San Francisco Grassroots Organization est. 2013. #noracismnohatesf
It has been a long road getting back to the Top 🎩 Floor, handling POWER MOVES. Took all my Patience, Hard Work, Dedication and Prayers for today to become a reality.. Salute the Brave individuals that entrusted my legal knowledge and process of handling Business. No Racism No Hate San Francisco Grassroots Organization #noracismnohatesf
Blessed to see the tree leaves blowing 🌬️🍃🍀 in the Autumn breezes..!! Swear it was a sign for Great things to come later that Day..!! I see you Father GOD ❤️👑🕊️. No Racism No Hate San Francisco Grassroots Organization #noracismnohatesf
So much Energy and Talent in America's Black Youth, that must be given a chance to Succeed.. A avenue out of the streets that leads towards Wealth is what I am working on. Sorry ❤️😔 Lil Snake 🐍 we just needed a little more time.. Young Super ⭐✨✨ 🌎 ✨ 🚀✨