Hey my Epic Family. If you guys haven't heard the news, one of our fellow soldier has passed away. As a dedication to him, I will be streaming tomorrow in remembrance of him. All donations in the stream will be given to his family. I will be streaming on tiktok so tune in tomorrow so we can all pay our respect to JINX.
Sorry everyone for not streaming lately. My PC power supply went out so I'm currently finishing up my PC build. Almost finish, once it's done I'll start streaming again. Here's some clips just cause lol. STAY EPIC.
A true Vikings fan. #skol
quick scope change to the red dot for the AMR finish
Quick scope change for the finish on the AMR.
Happiest 1st Birthday to my other princess. Daddy love you.
it's funny how Franklin NZ got scammers, now I got 1 too and it was time to have some fun haha