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The Power Of Submission!  ✨✍🏽   You cannot resist the devil and he isn’t going anywhere if you have not submitted to God...

The Power Of Submission!

You cannot resist the devil and he isn’t going anywhere if you have not submitted to God!

The word of God is instructional, this is torah…many hear torah and immediately assume they are religious laws…or just the first five books of the bible.

However, 📚Strong’s Concordance defines torah (תורה) as having multiple meanings, including "direction", "instruction", "teaching", "doctrine", "law", "statute", and "custom".

In the NT we see torah proclaimed through out the books written by Jesus’s Disciples, through the words of Jesus Himself & also through the epistles written by the Apostle Paul.

Jesus makes it very clear that He did not come to ABOLISH the laws but to FULFILL them.
📖Matthew 5:17-18

And He did so by His death & resurrection!

Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.”
📖Matthew 22:37 MSG

Paul also very clearly admonishes Timothy to keep the pattern of sound teaching that was given to him. In other words, Timothy wasn't charged to PRODUCE new principles or content from the word of God but to preserve them and obey them.

The epistle to The Romans from chapter 6,
“Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?”
📖Romans 6:16

Paul shared these instructions for the sake of preserving righteousness and to protect Christians from being led into sin.

Laws in the natural are for protection and safety.

We follow laws in this nation to protect and keep us safe.

It is the same with God’s statues of limitations (that’ll preach) , principles, ordinances and governing laws in the spirit realm.

When you remain ignorant (uneducated, unlearned, unwise) you will always be blind-sided by satan’s schemes (temptations, traps).

God has given His people torah (spiritual governing laws, instructions, guidance) to keep His people safe and protected!

BUT when you are carnal and full of yourself (pride) you will always perceive His laws as rules, control, and legalism.

Deliverance doesn’t just come by way of casting out demons by the laying on of hands, your deliverance can be through your obedience to submit and surrender it to God!!!!

Hear ye, God doesn’t test us with temptation! Satan does!

If you are tempted to sin YOU CAN RESIST THE DEVIL when Jesus has full control in your life!

SUBMIT TO GOD, let Him heal you, let Him fill every void in you! Let His presence saturate you so much so that your resistance to satan’s hand will not be a struggle but the nature of your character, bearing the image of Jesus would cause you to remain victorious!

Let Jesus be full filled in your life, by submitting to Him and inviting Him into your mind, heart, surrendering your will to Him so that He can eradicate legalities and sanctions that keep you chained to sin and curses!!

- MV Lofton

The foundation of this admonition can be found where ✨✍🏽

📖James 4:7 NKJV
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

📖 2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

📖Proverbs 12:1
Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

📖Proverbs 19:20 ESV
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.

📖Psalm 32:8 ESV
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

God is calling His people into position to prepare them to move into their next season. Yet many in the body of Christ s...

God is calling His people into position to prepare them to move into their next season.

Yet many in the body of Christ still lack clarity.

For anyone who has been praying and seeking God for wisdom and direction but still find themselves battling doubt, fear and or confusion, it’s time to move in faith and trust in His plans for your life!

Come with a heart of expectation and watch God move!!

🗓️ Tomorrow, Monday 8/12/24

📍Joy Center
1208 Sumac
El Paso, TX

🕰️ 7PM

DECLARE THE DECREE! SHOFAT TZADIK📖Hebrews 12:23, 📖Isaiah 33:22“God the judge of all”📖Revelation 14:7 “And he said with a...


📖Hebrews 12:23, 📖Isaiah 33:22
“God the judge of all”

📖Revelation 14:7
“And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

✨And I saw authority sanctioned from heaven calling forth judgement upon the wickedness of the land…He desires that no man perish but to repent…His mercy is being extended…I saw the nullifying of curses in the courts of heaven on behalf of God’s people! For the LORD desires freedom for His people! He desires captives free!

📖Daniel 7:9-10

“As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat…”

✨And I heard THE LORD say,
“If my people, if my people, who are called by MY NAME should turn from their wicked ways then shall I hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal their land!!”

✨Admonition: The LORD desires to heal our land but there are many altars, these altars erect idols and glorify them keeping the people of the land(s) bound to strongholds! It is time to repent and seek the LORD while He may still be found!!!

I declare & decree fire from heaven to come upon every false idol, demonic altar that are tied to mental strongholds in the name of Jesus!!

I declare freedom upon the minds of the people in this region and by the sword of the Spirit of God, I declare and decree the power of silver cords to witchcraft, falsehood, religion, new age, idol worship, and ancient mysticism will be disarmed and broken in Jesus name!!

Father forgive the sins of the people of this land for they know not what they do!!

I decree & declare the region of shall be saved, the people of this region shall be delivered and the land healed from all iniquity in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!

📖Job 16:19
“Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high.

- MV Lofton 6/28/2024🏳️🏳️

standards by:

ORDER IN THE HOUSE! ✨✍🏽     “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what w...


“For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
1 Peter 4:17

There is an ADMONITION to heed!!

Get it right with God before it’s exposed!

The scales are being weighed…the gavel will continue to come down!

I hear the sound of the gavel and I see “JUDGEMENT & JUSTICE”

The LORD weighs the scales in balance…wickedness shall be judged, justice shall come forth to redeem the righteous!!!

📖Hebrews 12:23

Judgements bring order— There is an order from heaven being established in the earth!


The Light of Yeshua is being released upon darkness! Temples (buildings and hearts, minds and souls) are being cleansed, purged, consecrated, sanctified…

“…Then he brought me to the entrance to the court. I looked, and I saw a hole in the wall. He said to me, “Son of man, now dig into the wall.” So I dug into the wall and saw a doorway there. And he said to me, “Go in and see the wicked and detestable things they are doing here.”
📖Ezekial 8





MV Lofton — 4/1/24


INNER TURMOIL —THE BATTLE WITHIN  ✨✍🏽  When you can perceive emotions from the throne of grace & mercy, I guarantee they...


When you can perceive emotions from the throne of grace & mercy, I guarantee they are not as true as you think or feel.

Emotions can be so intense they can develop a faulty belief system in our mind, soul and influence our will if we allow them to.

As believers we are called to allow Holy Spirit to govern these areas so the we can develop the same power and ability to do the same.

God created us all with emotions but they were never intended to govern or lead us.

Allowing intense emotions to influence decisions and our beliefs can be unhealthy and destructive.

Emotions can also deceive us!
📖Jeremiah 17:9

📖 Romans 8:5
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

📖 Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

The Spirit of the LORD will reveal inner turmoil within so we can release and heal…emotional intelligence takes time to develop…let intense emotions & triggers teach you rather than lead you

- MV Lofton

UNDER ARREST! ✨✍🏽  📖When I came to Jesus for real  #2010, one of the hardest things for me to surrender was my drinking ...

✨✍🏽 📖

When I came to Jesus for real #2010, one of the hardest things for me to surrender was my drinking habit.

Anyone who knew me in my BC (before Christ) days would have no problem telling you that I loved to drink…and my drink (tomada) was hard & violent!!

It took months to shake my dependency on liquor off after being born-again…mainly because I tried doing it in my own strength…it became a part of what I knew to be fun and was a part of what I thought was me.

But at one point I came to the valley of decision after a couple of reality checks!

One night I got so drunk (I was already saved) it took a whole weekend to shake off the hangover… this had never happened before and all my remedies failed!

Another night I got pulled over for swerving! Law enforcement knew I had been drinking, put me in the car in cuffs, and searched it for open containers…I used to be sly and hide my mixed drinks in my daughter’s sippy cups in case this ever happened (true story)… that night it was concealed!

Mercy was released to me that evening and they didn’t arrest me, however I had to call for a driver and face the embarrassment of owning up to my decision that evening.

After these incidents, the Lord made it very clear to me there would not be mercy next time…this was due to the fact that I knew what I was doing but kept doing it!!

The bible makes it very clear that when we know to do right and don’t do it, it is sin!
📖 James 4:17

God never stopped loving me through my addiction; He was well aware it was a bandaid to cover the real wounds…but my choice to hold on to my vice would lead me to a path of death if I didn’t surrender it…

The addiction to alcohol was one of many vices I struggled to surrender in the beginning of my walk.

I was left with this question:
“Who do you love more? Me or the alcohol?”

Jesus makes it clear in John 14:15 that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments…obedience to God and faith in His word is the love language of the true believer!!

After coming to grips with this question, my love and faith in Jesus stirred a hunger for freedom…and His love for me broke the chains!!!

This is deliverance!!

Times before I had come to the LORD for help but remained unwilling to surrender the very thing that kept me in prison!
I had more faith in the power of oppression than I did in my redemption through Christ!

God has the power and is more than willing and able to set anyone free WHEN they believe and trust He can!!

It doesn’t matter what you struggle with…pornography
sexual immorality
lust (for food, power, money)

🏳️For those who have an ear to hear!!!

A WORD is being sent out!! This WORD can HEAL & DELIVER you from destruction according to Psalm 107:20!!

This WORD can draw you out of the pit, the miry bog and set your feet upon a ROCK according to Psalm 40:2!!

This WORD can deliver you from the domain of darkness and transfer you to the kingdom of God’s One & Only Beloved Son according to Colossions 1:13!!

This LIVING WORD is Jesus!!

- MV Lofton 6/3/24

Declare The Decree!! 📖Psalm 37:23-34

Declare The Decree!!
📖Psalm 37:23-34

3 great lessons one can learn from King David according to the book of 1 Samuel: ✨✍🏽The only annointing & method that ke...

3 great lessons one can learn from King David according to the book of 1 Samuel:

The only annointing & method that kept King Saul from being tormented came from the same person he later wanted to kill! 😂

King Saul at one point loved David.
King Saul at one point favored David.
King Saul appointed David as leader.

“…So David came to Saul and stood before him. And he loved him greatly, and he became his armorbearer. Then Saul sent to Jesse, saying, “Please let David stand before me, for he has found favor in my sight.” And so it was, whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him…”
📖1 Sam 16


All it took was a little jealousy, envy, that grew into hate to turn King Saul’s heart against David.
📖1 Sam 18

Not to mention, the favor of God was lifted from King Saul due to his pride & rebellion.
📖1 Sam 16, 1 Sam 18:10-12

King Saul’s hatred & fear of David began when the people celebrated David’s victories and compared the two…
📖1 Samuel 18

“…But an evil spirit from the Lord came on Saul as he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand. While David was playing the lyre, Saul tried to pin him to the wall with his spear, but David eluded him as Saul drove the spear into the wall. That night David made good his escape…”
📖1 Sam 18:10-12


1. never trust in the applause of men when you are doing God’s work. One day they will love you, the next day they can hate you.

2. never compare yourself with others. This breeds envy, jealousy & hatred which leads to murder or defamation of a person’s chatacter (slander, gossip, etc.)

3. keep playing your lyre (doing the will of God by the anointing He has placed upon you) and help folks, regardless if they’ve tried or to ‘kill’ what God’s placed in you. If God is for you, who can be against you!!? God will always provide a way of escape!!!

- MV Lofton



Face It Friday—Get Over Yourself!! ✨✍🏽

If you are in search of a “church” to call home remember that God will send to one so that you could be of help!!

Yet, so many are seeking a church to help them, giving nothing in return but complaints & criticism.

The gifts He placed in you aren’t to go to a church and draw men unto you, sit down Absalom!!
You were sent to be a blessing to your leaders.
If He plans to send you out, wait on Him to do so!!!

If your heart doesn’t align with the vision of a house, don’t be so quick to criticize what you took no part in building—if God truly sent you to a place…submit, serve and offer your gifts to help!!

God equips people with the annointing/ability to help!!!
📖1 Cor 12:28 — Read

“Suppose the foot says, “I am not a hand. So I don’t belong to the body.” By saying this, it cannot stop being part of the body. And suppose the ear says, “I am not an eye. So I don’t belong to the body.” By saying this, it cannot stop being part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it smell? God has placed each part in the body just as he wanted it to be. If all the parts were the same, how could there be a body? As it is, there are many parts. But there is only one body.”
📖1 Corinthians 12:15–19

Far too often people church hop because they weren’t identified, recognized or used the way the “felt” they should of been—or they felt neglected and ignored by members…that’s the problem, they think church is about them!!

It’s time to heal and get delivered from “church hurt” & offenses!!

It’s time to grow up and graduate from the elementary principles as in Hebrews 6!!

We grieve The Holy Spirit when we allow self-centeredness, superficial spirituality and the fickle nature of our hearts breed DISUNITY!!

God does not move in chaos, dysfunction, disunity or division!!

If you really desire to be a blessing and be used by God, help!!!

We have to get over ourselves if we desire SUPERNATURAL moves of God. We must be intentional to keep our focus (heart, mind and soul) centered on JESUS alone and come into alignment with what He is doing corporatley.

The Ekklesia is you, me, us. You don’t stand alone!!

📖Philippians 2:1-30 ESV
“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus…”

- MV Lofton

📖Psalm 22: 14- 18I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint.My heart has turned to wax; it has melted...

📖Psalm 22: 14- 18
I am poured out like water,
and all my bones are out of joint.
My heart has turned to wax;
it has melted within me.
My mouth[d] is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth;
you lay me in the dust of death.
Dogs surround me,
a pack of villains encircles me;
they pierce[e] my hands and my feet.
All my bones are on display;
people stare and gloat over me.
They divide my clothes among them
and cast lots for my garment…



It is the hour where confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior may not be enough to fortify you from the wickedness in high places…

Being saved and fortified are two different concepts as a believer. You can be saved but ignorant of satan’s devices.

Does a confession have power? YES! So much so that it can heal your soul according to James 5:16.


Many come to Jesus confessing Him as Lord yet remain in covenant with darkness!!!

📖 James 4:4 ESV

“You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”

Covenants are defined as written agreements but can also be made verbally.

What worldly or dark things have you signed off on by simply agreeing to it and allowing it to enter your life???

Destructive patterns & cycles are great indicators that covenants with darkness may still be present and when darkness is present, demonic influences have access to your life to keep you in bo***ge!!

You can not fortify a building, wall, or house if there are breaches!

Breaches come from continual sins that become strongholds or lead to demonic oppression!


📖 1 John 3:8 ESV
“Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.”

It’s time to fortify your covenant with THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and renounce all contracts and covenants with satan’s kingdom!

Thank You Jesus for being the LIGHT! The LIGHT that disarms the power of darkness and dismantles demonic covenants in areas that we can’t see or may not be preview to!

Satan will only flee when you SUBMIT TO GOD FIRST, you then have the power by Holy Spirit to resist satan’s temptations and dodge his snares!!

As we begin to witness biblical prophecies unfold let us continue to prepare as the 5 wise virgins…by presenting ourselves without fault through repentance, forgiving offenses and releasing our past so that as individuals and collectively we continue to be cleansed and transformed as the glorious church found without a spot, wrinkle of any other blemish, holy and without fault!!

True covenants with The LORD sealed by the blood of Jesus will remain & be sustained against the winds to come!!!

- MV Lofton 4/16/24

Let’s “Kingdom-ize” this  ,“Less of me and more of You Jesus.”

Let’s “Kingdom-ize” this ,

“Less of me and more of You Jesus.”

Psalm 91 🙌🏽

Psalm 91 🙌🏽

THE SWORD: Dividing soul & spirit!    There are the deep things of God according to 📖 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 And there ar...

THE SWORD: Dividing soul & spirit!

There are the deep things of God according to
📖 1 Corinthians 2:10-11

And there are the deep things that can lead one to a pit of delusion & isolation.

I have come to learn that some people desire to be so deep they become isolated in their own delusion that creates a sense of counterfeit spiritual experiences.

If you are having deep spiritual experiences and all you see is negativity, darkness, demons, doom & gloom, that may not be God. They may be “visions of your own mind”…
📖Jeremiah 23:16

There are times God will release visions & dreams to bring awareness & clarion calls to intercession & prayer but in your time with THE LORD that shouldn’t be all you are “encountering”.

God doesn’t take you to depths to stay in darkness!!!

Your encounters should take you deeper to heighten you to levels in worship and prayer and expand you in your capacity to love, to extend mercy and walk in peace, regardless of what you hear or see!

True, deep encounters will have you bearing the image of Christ Jesus. The more time you spend with Him should cause you to “look” like Him

Deceptive experiences will have you looking like the father of lies himself.
📖John 8:44

Be vigilant in these times & discern the difference.


📖Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

- MV Lofton


Many make commitments to Jesus but remain in bo***ge to legalism, soul wounds and mental strongholds…but tonight!!!Gates...

Many make commitments to Jesus but remain in bo***ge to legalism, soul wounds and mental strongholds…but tonight!!!

Gates of bronze will be broken!
Iron bars will be cut in two!
Chains will be broken in pieces!

If you’ve accepted Jesus into your heart but feel as though you are still bound to affliction, distress, fear, addictions, compulsive & impulsive behaviors, torment, poverty, destructive cycles, worry, anxiety…come on out tonight!

The LORD desires you to walk in the fullness of your freedom, no longer bound to slavery!!!!
📖Galatians 4:7


“The LORD’s Saving Goodness!”
📖 Psalm 118

“Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as your fathers did…”
📖Hebrews 3:8

More changes and transitions are on the horizon…Ecclesiastes 8:12 ”Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his lif...

More changes and transitions are on the horizon…

Ecclesiastes 8:12
”Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his life [seemingly] is prolonged [in spite of his wickedness], still I know that it will be well with those who [reverently] fear God, who fear and worship Him openly [realizing His omnipresence and His power].“

The LORD doesn’t use fear tactics to awaken His people to the realities of things come.

He does however, forewarn.

He forewarns so that His people are prepared and not caught off guard.

As His people its our responsibility to take heed to those forewarnings & instructions.

Here’s an unpopular truth some of you should consider:“Let folks fight their own battles!!!”Here’s the thing, many of us...

Here’s an unpopular truth some of you should consider:

“Let folks fight their own battles!!!”

Here’s the thing, many of us can try to take up battles others are fighting and can be affected by association.

Some people are in battles due to their rebellion & disobedience and here you are with a savior complex trying to help them through.

You can pray for people but as intercessors all you can do is intervene by asking for grace and mercy and pray like Jesus, “that their faith would not fail them!”

Anything beyond God’s control is beyond ours.
We are not holier than God, God is Sovereign and He is Just!!

Some people you gotta lay at the altar and leave them there!! Otherwise you will find yourself drained and worn out because they don’t take heed to what you pour into them.

Jesus didn’t save Peter when satan asked to sift him as wheat! He prayed that His faith would not fail him and instructed him to strengthen his brothers after he turned back!
📖 Luke 22:32

My Pastor once told me, “you can’t love people more than God”… the revelation of this statement freed me from a savior complex, casting pearls among swine, and toiling with folks that just refuse to submit to instruction.

Some may say “we shouldn’t give up on people”… in this regard you aren’t giving up on them…you are giving them to The LORD and getting out of His way so that HIS WILL can be done and not yours!

- MV Lofton

“A Season Of Growth, Fruit & Renewed Strength ” ✨✍🏽        I Declare & Decree!!!The fruit of joy!! 📖Galatians 5:22-26Gro...

“A Season Of Growth, Fruit & Renewed Strength ” ✨✍🏽

I Declare & Decree!!!

The fruit of joy!! 📖Galatians 5:22-26

Growth & overflow in my finances!! 📖Proverbs 3:9

Renewed strength in spirit!! 📖 Isaiah 40:31

”I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.“
‭‭📖John‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Jesus said, remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me. I am the Vine; you are the branches.

The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in Me, he is thrown out like a [broken off] branch, and withers and dies; and they gather such branches and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you remain in Me and My words remain in you [that is, if we are vitally united and My message lives in your heart], ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.

My Father is glorified and honored by this, when you bear much fruit, and prove yourselves to be My [true] disciples. I have loved you just as the Father has loved Me; remain in My love [and do not doubt My love for you].“
‭‭📖John‬ ‭15‬:‭4‬-‭9‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Good fruit comes from being planted in good soil!!

Unless a seed dies it cannot grow!!
(📖John 12:24 paraphrased)

There are different measures of rewards for believers —the measures of fruitfulness!!

”But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”
‭‭📖Mark‬ ‭4‬:‭20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Harvests won’t look the same for everyone but there will be crops to reap from!!

—Being good soil is a choice!
Many hear the word but fail to get understanding and apply the word to their lives to see fruit!!

Many disconnect from the true Vine which is Jesus and try to produce on their own.

Remember the seeds are ALWAYS good! It’s the soil that remains questionable and what we allow to deter or distract us from producing fruit!!

Pursue The LORD in faith & seek Him diligently to see the harvest you anticipate…

His word is seed and produces life!!!

Seed time and harvest are matters of spiritual and natural laws that deal with more than just money—fruit does not lie. Your life is a testament of your harvest!!

There should be fruit in your life if the seeds have fallen on good soil!

Our measures are dependent on:

- Proven Faith in God 📖 1 Peter 1:7
- Stewardship/ Faithfulness 📖 1 Samuel 12:24
- Honor 📖 Proverbs 3:9, John 12:26
- Willingness to sacrifice & suffer 📖John 12:24, Romans 8:17

- MV Lofton 3/2/24


Declare The Decree! 📖Proverbs 18:10

Declare The Decree!

📖Proverbs 18:10


The devil tried but he failed.

The word still went forth…



Let me drop you a tip:

Curanderos, brujos/brujas practice what God calls detestable.

This means GOD HATES the practice of sorcery, witchrcaft, voodoo, huju, idol worship, divination…

He considers this PROSTITUTION!
📖Leviticus 20:6

📖Exodus 22:17
📖1 Chronicles 10:13
📖1 Samuel 15:23
📖Leviticus 19:31

👉🏽Their practices aren’t sourced from God. They get their intel from demons!!

❗️They have no power to cure illnesses & diseases.

❗️They offer deceptive fixes to make you go broke.

❓Why do you think these clowns charge you money?

👉🏽They want to make you think they’re “gifted & spiritual” but it’s a gimmic.
They will be accountable to God for how they used their gift!!!

📖 Isaiah 42:8

Your money sown into their practices pays their bills!!
They gotta bills to pay & make a living!!
They don’t care about you or what happens to you!!

If they aren’t leading you to or back to Jesus they are false!!!

Y’all stop going to these fake, phony, white/green/black/purple jokers who will tell you what you want to hear about family, your love life & future!’

They can’t prophesy your future!!! All they can do is reveal knowledge & keep you on a path of death!!

God is the revealer of our future & gives us hope & a promise!!!!!

The minute you give these liars access, take note to everything that begins to happen to your life because of the curses you’ve allowed them to speak into you!!

-broken relationships

Repent & turn to Jesus!! He is the Only One that has the authority and power to heal! deliver! And set you free from curses!!!

- MV Lofton


San Antonio, TX


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