Happy Monday all.
As many of you know there is a movement in Lawrence to do away with Christopher Columbus Day. A great deal of what people know about Columbus is based on what Howard Zinn wrote in his book "A people's History of the United States. This book is the MEIN KAMPF of the Hate America Left. Zinn was a lifelong Communist and a sycophantic admirer of Stalin and Mao. His book is full of mistakes, half-truths, and in some cases fictional. This book has turned a Generation against America, Yet his book is recommended reading for our High School students. " WHY"
Below is an e-mail that I sent to all the "City of Lawrence Councilors". I do hope you also take a minute to write to them. E-mails on the City of Lawrence website.
PS. If you want to read an outstanding book please read Mary Grabar's book "DEBUNKING HOWARD ZINN" you can order it on Amazon. Take care Father Mikey.
"Good day, City of Lawrence Council Members.
In recent weeks, I have learned that the Lawrence Alliance for Education had voted to eliminate using the name of Christopher Columbus celebrating the holiday in October.
It was too late for Greater Lawrence citizens of Italian-American descent to offer our view on retaining this historical figure named for this holiday for so many years.
In an article written by Allison Corneau ( Lawrence Tribune), a front-page article indicated that there is a movement to influence the City Council to also change the name city–wide and not just throughout the school system.
There are many people of Italian-American descent who are concerned with this abandonment of celebrating Columbus for his accomplishments some 530 years ago.
There seems to be a select group of people who are trying to change history and determine what many people like Columbus did many years ago in today’s context.
None of us were here when any of the celebrated heroes made decisions, they believed to be right at that time.
Lawrence is an immigrant city going back over 175 years. And it is one today.
While many of my fellow Italian Americans may not live in the city of Lawrence today, our roots are still here. Our businesses are still here. Our churches are still here. And the many local non-profit organizations that we support today are still here.
We have pride in the City of Lawrence and urge all members of the Council to carefully consider your decision as to changing or retaining the name – Christopher Columbus – for the October holiday.
Please respect the many Italian Americans throughout the community and respect the historical figures who helped found and built this great country.
Best regards,
Michael Lomazzo ( member of “The Italian American Alliance, 6.602 members strong)