Gloria Dei podcast
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, Pastors Bradley, Lois and Javen used Zoom to discuss Sunday's readings. In this episode, "Integrity with Ghosts," they discuss the readings for the Third Sunday After Pentecost: Jeremiah 20:7-13; Romans 6:1b-11; Matthew 10:24-39. This week, they discuss the readings with Gloria Dei Member Ellen Whitted.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
Gloria Dei Podcast
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, Pastors Bradley, Lois and Javen used Zoom to discuss Sunday's readings. In this episode, "The Harvest is Plentiful", they discuss the readings for the Second Sunday After Pentecost: Exodus 19:2-8a; Romans 5:1-8; Matthew 9:35--10:8, with Gloria Dei Member Alex Stegman.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Podcast
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, Pastors Bradley, Lois and Javen used Zoom to discuss Sunday's readings. In this episode, "In the Beginning … Again", they discuss the readings for Holy Trinity: Genesis 1:1—2:4a; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; Matthew 28:16-20.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, Pastors Bradley, Lois and Javen used Zoom to discuss Sunday's readings. In this episode, "Intoxicating Prophecy," they discuss the readings for The Day of Pentecost: Acts 2:1-21, 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 and John 24:19-23. They welcome special guest, Eric Silvernale, a relatively new Gloria Dei member.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, Pastors Bradley, Lois and Javen used Zoom to discuss Sunday's readings. In this episode, "Is This an End or a Beginning?", they discuss the readings for the Seventh Sunday of Easter: Acts 1:1-11, Ephesians 1:15-23 and Luke 24:44-53.
They welcome special guest, Larry Nelson, Gloria Dei Council member and Stewardship Committee Chair, and a proud member of the Chancel Choir. You'll want to listen to figure out what his choir membership has to do with driving a car and getting out of dairy farm duty.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, our pastors used Zoom to discuss this Sunday’s readings. In this episode, " Living as God’s Body," they discuss the readings for the Sixth Sunday of Easter: Acts 17:21-31; 1 Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21. On this episode the pastors welcome special guest, Anders Knutzen, a long-time Gloria Dei member, Sunday School teacher, and Confirmation mentor.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
Gloria Dei Podcast
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, our pastors used Zoom to discuss this Sunday’s readings. In this episode, "Many Dwelling Places," they discuss the readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter: Acts 7:55-60, 1 Peter 2:2-10 and John 14:1-14.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, our pastors talked with Gloria Dei Member and Church Council Representative Susan Davis-Ali. In this episode, "Into the Heart of the Beast," they discuss the readings for Palm Sunday: Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a and Matthew 21:1-11.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
We now have a dedicated What Does This Mean page (@WDTMGDLC) that we hope you will like and follow (plus our Gloria Dei page). You'll find our podcasts @WDTMGDLC.
If you have thoughts or questions about this week's reading, please contact any of the pastors ([email protected]). Enjoy our latest podcast.
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, our pastors talk with Ann Niedringhaus, a Gloria Dei Member and Church Council Representative. In this episode, " I am the Resurrection and the Life," they discuss the Gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday in Lent: John 11:1-45. We encourage you to share this with friends, especially now, when we all seek ways to stay spiritually and socially connected.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
We now have a dedicated What Does This Mean page (@WDTMGDLC) that we hope you will like and follow (plus our Gloria Dei page). You'll find our podcasts @WDTMGDLC.
If you have thoughts or questions about this week's reading, please contact any of the pastors ([email protected]). Enjoy our latest podcast.
Gloria Dei Podcast
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, our pastors talk with Gloria Dei's Youth Ministry Director Katie LeClair. In this episode, "Clear as Mud," they discuss the Gospel reading for the Fourth Sunday in Lent: John 9:1-41. We encourage you to share this with friends, especially now, when we all seek ways to stay spiritiually and socially connected.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
We now have a dedicated What Does This Mean page (@WDTMGDLC) that we hope you will like and follow (plus our Gloria Dei page). You'll find our podcasts @WDTMGDLC.
If you have thoughts or questions about this week's reading, please contact any of the pastors ([email protected]). Enjoy our latest podcast.
This week in our "What Does This Mean" podcast, our pastors talk with Gloria Dei member and Saint Paul Area Synod Bishop Patricia Lull. In this episode, "Wrestling at the Well," they discuss the readings for the Third Sunday in Lent: Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, and John 4:5-42.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes, take a break and then resume the podcast. We design our podcasts to help worshipers listen to Sunday readings with more depth and understanding.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
We now have a dedicated What Does This Mean page (@WDTMGDLC) that we hope you will like and follow (plus our Gloria Dei page). You'll find our podcasts @WDTMGDLC.
If you’re interested in being a podcast guest, or have thoughts about this week's readings, please contact any of the pastors ([email protected]). Enjoy our latest podcast.
Gloria Dei Podcast - What Does This Mean
Season 3 of the Gloria Dei "What Does This Mean" podcast introduces our dedicated "What Does This Mean" page (@WDTMGDLC). Please follow us (and our @GloriaDeiStPaul page) and find our podcasts there, too.
In Season 3, our pastors continue conversations with Gloria Dei members about this Sunday's readings. In Episode 2, Brad White, a new Gloria Dei member, joins the discussion on the readings for the Second Sunday in Lent: Genesis 12:1-4a; Romans 4:1-5,13-17; John 3:1-17.
Here's the link to listen to this week's episode:
You can use this link to find all past episodes.
The whole podcast is about 30 minutes long and broken into three parts. Feel free to listen for a few minutes and take a break.
If you’re interested in being a podcast guest, or have thoughts about this week's readings, please contact any of the pastors ([email protected]). Enjoy our latest podcast.