Creando Música en Tiempos de Pandemia: Un Nuevo Enfoque
Fallen Fortres Creando Música en Tiempos de Pandemia: Un Nuevo Enfoque
El Proceso Creativo Detrás del Álbum "At the Heart of Entities" Fallen Fortress
Toxicity - System of a Down
Toxicity - System Of A Down
Fallen Fortres Lanza nuevo Album (Entrevista Completa)
La banda Fallen Fortress ha dejado una marca significativa en la escena del metal progresivo con el lanzamiento de su tercer álbum, “At the Heart of Emptiness“. Esta obra tan esperada ve a la banda profundizando en las complejidades de la emoción humana, creando una narrativa que resuena con cualquiera que haya enfrentado sentimientos de aislamiento y la búsqueda de la verdad personal.
@FallenFortress @rockbrotherspodcast
#FallenFortress #Entrevista #rockbrotherspodcast
Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog
(Live Rock Im Park - 2001)
#limpbizkit #limpbizkitstyle #limpbizkitfans #numetal #rapmetal #numetaloldschool #numetallives
Stone Temple Pilots - Plush (live at Soho Square, 1993)
#plush #stp #stonetemplepilots #scottweiland #mtv #grunge #90s #90smusic #reelsgrunge #livemusic #rock #unplugged #acoustic #1993
Bush - Swallowed (live at Woodstock, 1999)
#bush #swallowed #glycerine #woodstock #1999 #90s #grunge #reelsgrunge
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the name (live at Pinkpop, 1993)
#tiktok #killinginthename #1993 #notgrunge #rageagainstthemachine #ratm #tommorello #90s #90smusic #rock #rocknroll #alternative #alternativerock #reels #drums #pinkpop #pinkpopfestival #guitar #zackdelarocha #debate #punkrock #raprock #livemusic #timcommerford #bradwilk
Nirvana - Breed (live at MTV Live and Loud, 1993)
Credits: MusicVideos4K
#comeasyouare #nevermind #liveandloud #1993 #nirvana #kurtcobain #rip #ripkurtcobain #davegrohl #kristnovoselic #smellsliketeenspirit #grunge #rock #music #livemusic #90s #90smusic #nostalgia #reelsgrunge
Stone Temple Pilots - Trippin’ on a Hole in Paper Heart (live at Bizarre Festival, 2001)
#stp #stonetemplepilots #90s #scottweiland #90smusic #reelsgrunge #livemusic #grunge #rock #rocknroll #music #festival #friday #robertdeleo
OTD in 1994, Alice in Chains release their third studio album “Jar of Flies”.
This personal favorite of mine was well received by critics and has been certified quadruple platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
What’s your favorite song on the album?
#otd #onthisday #jarofflies #aliceinchains #laynestaley #rockbrotherspodcast #90s #90smusic #reelsgrunge #grunge #rock #rocknroll #jerrycantrell #seankinney #mikeinez
Radiohead - Reckoner (live from the Basement, 2008)
#radiohead #notgrunge #reckoner #paranoidandroid #karmapolice #alternativerock #okcomputer #thomyorke #jonnygreenwood #eob #edobrien #colingreenwood #philselway #thebends #kida #alternativerock #rock #rocknroll #90smusic #90s #music #livemusic #nostalgia #inrainbows