I was privileged to share my faith journey on Jesus In My Life Podcast. Follow and share their podcast. It is full of many other testimonies that are so powerful. Here is a brief preview of the podcast to be released tomorrow.
This is my youngest grandson. He is 6 months old and 24lbs of cuddly roles. Grandchildren will bring joy to the deepest parts of your heart no matter what heart ache is going on. It is miraculous. 💕#javamoments #grandchildren #grandmalove #grandma #joyinthejourney #joy #grandchildrenareablessing #fullnessofjoy #thankfulgratefulblessed #thankful
Our grandson had been trying to catch this beautiful orange dragon fly for weeks. He finally caught it and wanted to keep it forever. It was his, he worked so hard for it. It took so many conversations to get him to see it differently. To let it go was so hard for him. We were so proud when he heard us and got it.💡💡💡💡💡💡💡 Changing a mindset is no minor feet. It is our daily battle to align our thoughts with What is right. “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”
II Corinthians 10:5 NKJV
Jesus, Jesus you make the darkness tremble. Jesus, Jesus you silence fear.
“Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?””
John 11:40 NKJV
Been enjoying footage from our trip and thought I would share another song Bobby Burgess and Cassandra Burgess sang in the Abbey in Scotland. We are so thankful to be home safe and sound. Day 6 of self quarantine. 💕
This filled my heart with joy today 💕 Singing In the Abbey. Bobby Burgess, Cassandra Burgess, Tim Magoffin.
All My Life God has been faithful! All my life God has been so so good! What a gift to hear these two this morning in this amazing Abbey💕 #fatherdaughterduets #worship Bobby Burgess, Cassandra Burgess, Tim Magoffin
What an amazing weekend with these mighty women of God! Truly honor to connect with such amazing women serving our country abroad. #servingabroad #pwocwomens #womensretreat2020 #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #women #militaryspouses #militarylife
Hello PWOC Ladies! We are counting down until the Women’s Retreat. We can’t wait to meet you and see what God is going to do!!! #lettheadventurebegin #womansretreat #pwocwoman #pwoc #militarywomen #inspirationalspeakers #artistsofsacramento
“God Move My Feet” (original sang at a church talent show in 2011) was the beginning of many doors that opened in Cassandra’s world 💕 Thanks for being brave enough to let God move your feet so faithfully for the past 9 years. #proudmom #godmovemyfeet #artistsofsacramento #sacramentoartists #inspirationalspeakers #inspirationalvideos #churchtalentshow #remember #faithfulness #giftedsingersongwriter