In times like these, our first instinct is to protect ourselves and our own. We in many cases revert to our primal instincts. We have been conditioned by television and movies for many years as to how we are to approach an apocalyptic/pandemic event. At first it was hard to conceive, but the reality is, we are in fact staring down the barrel of a life and history altering event. Although this outbreak can always be worse, the fact remains, it is in fact a nightmare for those directly affected by this virus. With that being said, regardless of the current circumstances, time will not stop for us. We still have to live in the present and have a reasonable expectation of a future to come. Historically we find ourselves waiting for governmental directives to ease the sting of the incidents. I think we can all agree, our governing bodies were not fully equipped for the widespread mayhem. Although we have elected these bodies to manage the expectations associated with all threats, we have to be realistic and come to terms with the fact that no one can prepare for every variable life has to throw at them. What we can do in this time of crisis is, protect ourselves, help one another the best way that we can, and buy the government time (to do whatever they are doing) by ensuring we control the variable we can control. Without a timeline of when this pandemic will go into remission, a major concern will be food! Many of us have stocked up, but with services being suspended left and right, how do the suppliers restock? How do we stretch what we have to its maximum capacity? We need to start addressing these factors within the confines of the area which we are sequestered. Furthermore, I will be posting simplistic recipes utilizing minimal ingredients a person can make regardless of their culinary expertise. This hopefully will allow the rations within your home to stretch a bit further. Finally, please feel free to post simple recipes that could help someone else. This is an attempt to start a worldwide global citizen campaign. If you have ingredients in your home and are unsure of what to do with this, IM with the ingredients you have in your home. We will be happy to attempt to create a recipe fitting your ingredients. My vision is for each of us to make it through this event, stronger in character, a bit more united and with many lessons learned.
Thank you for listening and please share this message as many times as you can. We are our brothers and sisters keeper.