We are living in auspicious times. Many souls on the planet have chosen to be here for the benefit of all Humanity. I have established this website as a place of remembrance. To help us remember the spiritual beings of light and love that we truly are. To remember that listening to our hearts and the way of love is always the answer. I have several intentions for this sacred space. One is to teach
souls to re-connect with their heart energy. To teach them to recalibrate their energy vibrations so that they can transcend their personality and ego. To re-connect with the Divine through their Higher Self which will allow the development of intuition, healing abilities and other gifts that are innately ours. For us to remember how to assimilate the masculine and feminine energies to re-seed the Earth in it’s proper balance. To create the practices and principles of living in the 5th Dimensional frequency, yet still be present and to connect to the 3rd Dimension as long as we are physically here. In other words, knowing how we can be “in the World, not of the World” as taught by Lord Sananda (Jesus the Christ). How we can transmit the Christ Consciousness into our World through our own vibrational frequencies and use this energy to create, transmute, inspire and transcend. I hope you will join me on this exciting journey. The journey to our authentic selves. The journey of transformation from duality to Oneness. A journey of remembering. Why the Magenta Way? In 2013, I had pictures of my energy field taken which showed a thin magenta line extending from my crown chakra up to Source. I later learned through Lord Sananda that this magenta string was my connection of the vibration of the bloodlines of Christ. He said that it is a connection with the original bloodline of what is known as the Office of the Christ, the gifts of Mary Magdalene and Lord Sananda’s energy. It is the energy of the Ruby Ray. The energy of those who dedicated themselves both as males and females to this Ruby energy as a fertility of the office of the Christ and the gifts of the Twin Flames of the Magdalene. Bio: Carol is a channel, spiritual teacher, spiritual counselor and vibrational conduit. She connects to the higher realms and frequencies. She is multi-dimensional in her wisdom and has a clear and direct channel. Her approach is simple, but profound with a direct path to the heart. During her sessions she is able to transfer light codes and channel the light and love frequencies of the higher dimensions to entrain others to raise their own vibration. Carol has been professionally channeling since 2002. She is known both nationally and internationally. Her work has been featured in several Connecticut newspapers and over the Comcast Network. She has been counseling people in spiritual practices since 1985. She is an ordained interfaith minister of the Order of Melchizedek through the Sanctuary of the Beloved since 1999. She is a Master of Shamballa Multidimensional Healing since 2000.