Don't Donecker

Don't Donecker Showcase the truth about politicians and government officials in Rockingham County and Reidsville


Why Vote For Reidsville
City Council This Election

Reidsville needs a shot of hope. It needs new thinking and new heart for the city.

The city council operates in the old ways, good ole boy network, this is the way we've always done it, thinking. I'll take care of you and you take care of me.

Why is Reidsville Downtown mostly empty of great shops and restaurants?

One is the planning and zoning department. I've talked to many people that went to the city for permits for their dream business or shop and the permit office said, “we don't want that downtown.”

What right does the permit department have in denying someone a business, a livelihood, and on top of that costing the landlord a tenant?

In one instance the woman was told no and a few weeks later the same type business opened up but they were a friend of the permit department so that made it OK.

I know of contractors and builders that know the code that have gone downtown with code book in hand and still the city will not issue a permit even though it's a violating the law.

I've seen several people trying to build a business or remodel a shop downtown and just gave up because they were tired of dealing with the city.

How can this be? The reason is the City Council of Reidsville. The council has charge to oversee and take care of the needs of the people of Reidsville. But they are not doing their job.

They have to be voted out and new blood voted in.

You have city council members that own property that are called slum lords and officers have reported many calls to their property for drugs and violence but yet this council member gets a pass.

There are beautiful historic properties that the city council wants to tear down. Why? Because the former mayors friend wanted the property for their business expansion and most of the city council goes right along with it.

Far too many on the city council have never had to hold a real job. They've received all their livelihood for their whole career from the taxpayers of Reidsville.

They, unlike you and me, have never had to make a real world decision because the money they spend is not theirs, it's ours, and it's been misspent, misappropriated, and wasted for decades while the good people of Reidsville face a near dead downtown, higher crime rates, and a grim future with the current national issues looming.

As these issues hit Reidsville we will need good strong leadership in policing and leadership for the economy.

Why not put new blood into the city council. New hopes, new dreams, new possibilities for us as residents of what could be a great city.

Go to Eden, go to Madison, go to even the small town of Gibsonville and see the prospering downtown.

Why not Reidsville? A downtown is the heart of a city and if it's faltering then the whole city is sick.

Reidsville is sick.

Drive through downtown. Over half of the buildings are not used or not open.

But yet, if you are given a chance and if the city would get out of the way, people would open these building and businesses. They would prosper, downtown would prosper and you wouldn't have to drive to Eden, Danville, or Greensboro for a great meal or shopping.

How many dreams and hopes and how much possibility has the city lost and cost the good people of Reidsville so that those in power can stay in power.

I've heard outright lies from City Council members against anyone that opposes them or anyone that would run against them to change things.

That why I encourage you to vote for city council and vote for people from Reidsville.

T hat's why I'm supporting Willie Martin and Shannon Coates.

The current city officials don't want these men on the council. Why, because they are former law enforcment and they are wanting a change, not just a fresh coat of paint on old problems. A deep and long lasting change that the old guard of the city doesn't want. Why, because it will cost them money, power, position and it will expose their past deeds that they want to keep hidden.

Support Shannon Coates and Willie Martin.

They will stop wasteful spending.

They will encourage jobs here so people won't have to drive to Greenboro or Danville for work for a descent wage.

They will get and keep the crime rate down by proper and effective policing. They both have decades of experience in law enforcement with honorable service.

They will build a better downtown Reidsville.

They are both business owners.

Both are life long residents of Reidsville

Both have a vision for Reidsville and will see it through.

They both honor and respect property rights and respect the owners right to control their property.

Don't let the old guard hold and control the future of Reidsville.

Shannon Coates and Willie Martin,

Let's support them by voting November 7th.


People are seeing this. They are just fearful to like and follow. Shame that a small town has garnered such contempt for its citizens that they are fearful of complaining and pointing out what is known by everyone. Don't Donecker. We don't want to wreck the state of NC in the same way he's wrecked Reidsville. Take a look downtown. This is Doneckers 12 years as mayor downtown.


There aren't many likes and followers because Donecker retaliates. But LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE READING THIS and contacting me privately. Hmmm. Says a lot about the democrats that people are afraid to post their honest opinion because of people like Donecker.

Over ONE MILLION Dollars for UN-Needed sidewalks.  ReallyLet me start by saying that the men doing the sidewalk work are...

Over ONE MILLION Dollars for UN-Needed sidewalks. Really

Let me start by saying that the men doing the sidewalk work are doing an incredible job. They are just doing their job!

But for Reidsville to spend 1.2 Million Dollars to replace sidewalks that are in good shape is ridiculous.

Yes, there were issues but nothing that way short of a Million Dollars would not fix.

The mentality of the City is that things will get better is they throw someone else's money at it.

It's not the sidewalks it's the administration of City Hall and the Donecker administration that causes downtown to be as it is.

Downtown is the heart of a community and this heart is on life support because of silliness as you can see here.

I can take you to bustling downtowns that have far worse sidewalks than Reidsville but have great business.

Add to that the issue of parking downtown. Parking downtown is an issue with few businesses and the great minds of the planning committee thought it would be a good idea to lose several parking spaces for their vision of downtown. What?

Pure silliness and borderline stupidity.

And look at the turns onto Gilmer and Settle. I can hardly make it in a regular vehicle. Forget about trying it in a box truck or a big van. It's difficult. Where were the great minds planning this?
Not downtown for sure.

One million two hundred thousand dollars to tear up sidewalks that could have easily been repaired. But, it's not their money so they don't care about anything except looking good and wiping each other's tails with accolades of what a great job each other is doing.

And that stands from the city council to the planning and zoning and apparently the whole City Hall (an exception for the everyday workers that just do their job - they know better than all of us the silliness that is Reidsville)

When I can go two counties over and have their inspectors laugh about the stories they've heard about Reidsville City inspectors and planning and zoning there's a problem.

Look at these photos.

I am taking a stand for the good people that own buildings and attempting to survive the culture of Reidsville City Hall.

Why would anyone vote for a man that left Reidsville in this shape with his 12 years in office?

Don't He'll take his stupid agenda to the state level and there is already enough stupid in Raleigh.


Is JESUS your cornerstone or stepping stone.

Politicians, are you using Jesus as your rock?

Is that rock a cornerstone for all that you do and all that you are?

Or, is Jesus just your stepping stone something for you to profess to gain votes?

If so hear this warning. The time is at hand when the Lord Jesus is going to bring those down that have used his glory and name for their own glory.

It is coming quickly upon us and you will be counted as a two-fold soon of hell.

To know good and not do it is a sin.

But to use and abuse good in order to feed your lust for power and fame is worse.

There is time to repent and it is time now to repent.

For the time is at hand and playing Christian will cost you far more than being one.


What is Kindness?

Many people think the banner I've hung in honor of our illustrious former mayor is not kind.

But it is. Let me tell you how. These merchants downtown and throughout Reidsville suffer, lose business and struggle to survive because of the city officials that don't care nor know a hoot about running a business.

Mostly, they've sucked off the Government teat their whole adult life or a big part of it.

Kindness is my caring for and respect for the business owners here is Reidsville, especially downtown that could blossom. They have everything they need, they are entrepreneurs, except for local government support.

Kindness is saying I don't want Jay Donecker doing the same thing at a statewide lever that he's done for Reidsville.

Mayor for 12 years and look at downtown.

Kindness is saying I'm going to take a stand for right and against
people like Jay Donecker.

Kindness is saying that the City of Reidsville needs to wake up.

I was recently at a merchant meeting with a few city officials.

The city officials maligned merchants and building owners as the problem with Downtown Reidsville.

The quote of that day was "even in movies inspectors are portrayed as mean" or close to that.

One local businessman had invested tens of thousands in a building to bring business downtown. He told me he was fed up and just going to sell the building. Rather than support this man the city officials vehemently declared he only bought it to flip.

I was with him when we was showing it to potential restaurant people and I heard his plans and his excitement.

But no, the City of Reidsville declared his intentions to only be to buy and flip the building.

So what is kindness? If you punched a mugger for stealing a little old lady's purse are you unkind. No, neither am I for wanting to see the good people of Reidsville prosper and to have a city that's on their side rather than feeling like the biggest obstacle they must overcome is the City of Reidsville itself.


I can hear the accusations and assertions going on now. No one, not one Republican Candidate, not one GOP personnel
had anything to do with my banner and my posters.

It was all on me. Although I think the GOP should be more aggressive in attacking the policies of candidates like Donecker and any and all democrats they had no hand in this site nor my banners, posters, billboards, and more.

Now would be a good time to lay out a warning to the Republicans. For too long you've only been controlled opposition for the Democrats, You caved, you lied, you sold out, and you compromised with the enemy.

Do not do that this time. There will be heavenly consequences.


They call evil good and good evil. And that's what you've buckled on as Republicans for far too long.

It's time to take a stand as men against wickedness and unrighteousness. There is little or no grace period in this battle.

Our children's future is at stake.


The political state of Reidsville and the city hall cabal is that many people have commented to me personally about this page and have even agreed with the comments about Jay Donecker, but they are afraid to follow or post positive comments because of the retaliation of city hall, city council, and the people that obey them.

It's sad, this could be a beautiful downtown, the heart of the community but it's an armpit because of Jay Donecker who was Mayor for 12 years.

I've seen Jay the Politician downtown more since he filed to run for state office than I did for the entire 12 years he was mayor.

Anyone that runs on a democratic ticket is for demonic issues like grown men in your little girl's restroom and aborting babies up to 9 months and in some cases up to 2 months after birth.

Jay supports illegal aliens, open borders, and tight government control where what HE says goes and nothing else matters.

Vote Jay if you want ungodly people ruling your state.


It's a shame that a person has to do this in order to get the attention needed against such clear-cut issues. Issues that anyone with a heart for truth, righteousness, and justice would stand against. There was a time when even the people that weren't Christian had at least a reverence for right. Not anymore.

Look at the filth and language that's posted against this page.

What kind of people throw around such vulgar and ungodly language.

You are about to be judged. The Lord Jesus is going to judge the righteous and the wicked and I know that you don't stand in the camp of righteousness.

Know that you may still have a chance to call upon Jesus to save you. That time will not always exist. Eternal damnation awaits many of you, far too many.

Repent for what is about to fall upon this land will cause even the Godly to quake. The ungodly will pray for the rocks to fall upon them.

I will pray for you all.



Scales Street
Reidsville, NC



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