Super Genius Games

Super Genius Games Founded in fall 2007, SGG is dedicated to publishing quality PDF and print products for a wide range of games and game systems.


Just in case anyone here does not know, some former members of Super Genius Games are now running Rogue Genius Games. They have many of the same product lines available, and are currently having a membership drive for their page!

High quality material for the Pathfinder RPG and other games!

The Genius Guide to More Cavalier Talents gets a 5/5 review and the Endzeitgeist Seal of Approval on Paizo!http://paizo....

The Genius Guide to More Cavalier Talents gets a 5/5 review and the Endzeitgeist Seal of Approval on Paizo!

The idea of cavalier talents (and why they are a good idea) is first presented in The Genius Guide to the Talented Cavalier, along with a large number of talents (many adapted from the abilities of cavalier archetypes). The new talents presented here can be used with that book, or added as new optio...

Interested in seeing what people are saying about an SGG release? Try checking here! Chances are if you comment on a thr...

Interested in seeing what people are saying about an SGG release? Try checking here! Chances are if you comment on a thread there, I'll reply.

Paizo Publishing And Big Finish Announce Licensing Deal To Create Pathfinder Legends Full-Cast Audio Adventures, Aug 17, 2013

 #1 With a Bullet Point: 5 Meta-Combat Feats is available now at DriveThruRPG! Give combatants ways to manipulate their ...

#1 With a Bullet Point: 5 Meta-Combat Feats is available now at DriveThruRPG! Give combatants ways to manipulate their resources the way spellcasters do with metamagic, but for sword-swingers and back-stabbers!

#1 With a Bullet Point: 5 Meta-Combat Feats - Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world-building is a u

The Genius Guide to the Talented Cavalier gets a 4/5 review from Endzeitgeist at Paizo! Quote from the review: " this is...

The Genius Guide to the Talented Cavalier gets a 4/5 review from Endzeitgeist at Paizo! Quote from the review: " this is in every way superior to the base cavalier class and should be considered a must-buy option for all endeavoring to play one."

The cavalier is one of the least flexible classes in the base rules. The class grants a single choice at first level (what order to join), and a very few bonus feat options (six over 20 levels, half of which must be teamwork feats and half combat feats), and no other opportunities for customization....

Now available for your Halloween fun!

Now available for your Halloween fun!

#1 With a Bullet Point: 5 Magic Diseases - Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a

Looking to spice up your stone golems? Then check this out!

Looking to spice up your stone golems? Then check this out!

#1 With a Bullet Point: 3 Templates for Stone Golems - Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a

Laughing gas bombs and more, now available at!

Laughing gas bombs and more, now available at!

Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a useful skill, you don't always need four paragraphs of flavor text to tell you swords are cool, magic is power, shadows are scary, and orcs are savage. Sometimes a GM doesn't have…

Now available at DriveThruRPG!

Now available at DriveThruRPG!

#1 With a Bullet Point: 9 AlchemicalBomb Discoveries - Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a

The Genius Guide to More Monk talents gets a 4.5/5 review from Endzeitgeist on Paizo! Quote from the review: "So far, co...

The Genius Guide to More Monk talents gets a 4.5/5 review from Endzeitgeist on Paizo! Quote from the review: "So far, content-wise, this pdf delivers quite a few complex, cool talents that do iconic, cool things and provide some options that simply rock"

The idea of monk talents (and why they're awesome to begin with) is first presented in The Genius Guide to the Talented Monk, along with a large number of talents (many adapted from the abilities of monk archetypes) to get you going. But we know that you can never have enough talents and so the GGT:...

Hair of the Dog, a gnoll hostel, gains the very first ENDZEITGEIST 5/5 and SEAL OF APPROVAL for a Christina Stiles Prese...

Hair of the Dog, a gnoll hostel, gains the very first ENDZEITGEIST 5/5 and SEAL OF APPROVAL for a Christina Stiles Presents Super Genius Games offering!!!!! Check out the review!

Hair of the Dog” marks the second Waysides in my Christina Stiles Presents offerings for Super Genius Games! In case you missed the first one, please check out “Didjer’s Crab House” and its tandem release, “ #1 With a Bullet Point: 3 Things Made from Crabmen.”

Another 5/5 review for one of our classics, The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants! Quote from the review: " For the pri...

Another 5/5 review for one of our classics, The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants! Quote from the review: " For the price this pdf packs a lot of content. This pdf also is notable for including spells for the APG specific classes. Antipaladins, Alchemists, Inquisitors, Oracles, Summoners, and Witches are all given some love with the new spells. "

Although a vast number of spells are available in the game's core rulebooks, many GMs and players have an insatiable desire for more options. In many cases it's not necessary to create new spell options from scratch, since a few minor changes to an existing spell can create something with a very dif...

Now available at DriveThruRPG!

Now available at DriveThruRPG!

#1 With a Bullet Point: 6 Powers for the Legendary Weapons of Mythic Characters - Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a


Mythic Diehard. Prereq: Diehard, Endurance. When your hit point total is below 0, you are staggered but do not take damage from taking standard actions. When you reach the negative hit point total that would normally result in your death, you have an additional number of negative hit points equal to your Constitution score + mythic tier beyond that. When in this range of negative hit points you automatically stabilize, but are unconscious.

Our own Owen K.C. Stephens was on Geekerati Wednesday night, and highly recommend them to all fans of podcasts and thing...

Our own Owen K.C. Stephens was on Geekerati Wednesday night, and highly recommend them to all fans of podcasts and things geeky. You can, of course, start with the episode where he talks about OUR stuff, if you like. :D

In this week's episode we had the honor of speaking with Owen K.C. Stephens about Super Genius Games and their catalog of excellent Pathfinder products. Owen gave us some details behind the inspiration for the Genius Guide to the Talented X and chatted with us about a ton of geeky topics. There was…

Now you no longer have to settle with having just a cold iron weapon. Upgrade your magic weapons today!

Now you no longer have to settle with having just a cold iron weapon. Upgrade your magic weapons today!

#1 With a Bullet Point: 5 Magic Abilities For Cold Iron Weapons - Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a


SuperGeniusGames. Com
Redmond, WA



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