The Truth Vox Podcast

The Truth Vox Podcast Christian Podcast adding onto your beliefs and challenging what you perceive as reality.

We can’t even say that anxiety is at an all-time high, because it has become the norm; Society has normalized anxiety. T...

We can’t even say that anxiety is at an all-time high, because it has become the norm; Society has normalized anxiety.
The enemy of our soul fuels it and fans it.
The spirit of fear, the spirit of doubt, the spirit of mistrust, the spirit of confusion, the spirit of nervousness, the spirit of restlessness, the spirit of worry, and all the spirits of trauma are just some of the dark things cast onto our world, taking over… But those of us who know the Word of God, and who carry the Spirit of Christ, know that these spirits of anxiety are NOT of God!
Darkness is the absence of light. And light will drown out darkness.
Those of us who have truth are obligated to shine brighter, and to cast that light onto others.
Pray and speak the Spirit of truth and life and light! ❤️

🎯!This may not be a popular thought, but it's true.The darker the word gets, the brighter God's people need to shine. An...

This may not be a popular thought, but it's true.
The darker the word gets, the brighter God's people need to shine. And that light will definitely cause people to be blinded and turn away. But when we begin to speak with love, with the Spirit of God leading us, those whose hearts are ready to come to Him- will.
Jesus did not call the Church to be passive, but bold. We are to take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and divide righteousness from unrighteousness.
It’s time for this chosen Generation to stand for God and proclaim His righteousness.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household.”
-Jesus (Matthew 10:34-36).

Ok, so to say “I’m not too thrilled” is an understatement. When dark movies like this come out, not only does it generat...

Ok, so to say “I’m not too thrilled” is an understatement.
When dark movies like this come out, not only does it generate a new interest and begin a fad for impressionable kids (and adults), but it also ushers in dark spirits, familiar spirits, that latch onto people.
I hope fellow Christians will pray against this movie and any demonic doors it may open. 
This may seem insignificant, but when we overlook these types of platforms that expand out and root in, we are doing a great disservice in being the truth and light of God. 

I cannot express the importance of knowing the Word of God! It is DIRE in life. Seeking the Lord is seeking His words. S...

I cannot express the importance of knowing the Word of God! It is DIRE in life. Seeking the Lord is seeking His words.
Scripture is the light of God, it is the power of God. It IS God…

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1).

And in Matthew 4 we read how Jesus thwarted the devil by simply knowing Scripture. “It is written…” He said, and He knew and used the Word to overcome temptation and have victory over demonic influence.

None of us are exempt from the attack of the enemy of our soul. He seeks to sift us like wheat (Luke 22:31) and devour us (1 Peter 5:8). And he will use what works. And he won’t stop -unless we stop him.
When he gets into your mind, combat him with the Word of God!
Pick up your Bible. Read it. Study it. Attend a Bible study. Be present at church. Pray the Word out loud. Cover yourself with spirit and truth!

You know the saying, “The best defense is a good offense”?
Well, it’s absolutely true.
Don’t allow room for the enemy of our soul. Keeping the Word on your mind and in your heart will be your shield.
And during the times of the adversary’s attacks, it will be your sword.


I think it’s amazing how the Christian faith is being brought to our theaters. Praise God for the uptick of Biblical shows and films the last year. Could it be ever since famed believers began speaking out boldly proclaiming their faith?
The Holy Spirit is moving upon ALL flesh! He’s calling people to His glorious light!
This film began showing today.

This is a no-brainer.I find it funny that many news outlets are running this story. Don’t get me wrong- I think it’s gre...

This is a no-brainer.
I find it funny that many news outlets are running this story. Don’t get me wrong- I think it’s great. (People need to know). But they’re merely publishing it for the niche of the season and not for the truth. Nevertheless, it’s a decent read.
If you ever want to learn more about spiritual elements, acts or occult tools, check out our website which has some articles that can be helpful and informative (and great to share to others):

You don’t have to pretend.Speak your pain. Give it to God. He will carry it for you. He will take it from you. Mental he...

You don’t have to pretend.
Speak your pain. Give it to God. He will carry it for you. He will take it from you.

Mental health is a mirror of our spiritual state. And the darker the times in this world get, the darker we will feel. You are not alone!
The anxiety, the anger, the sadness, the fear you’re feeling… these are what the world offers.
So don’t look to worldly things for answers.
Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind(Romans 12:2).

If we can turn our minds to the truth and the light, then we can reflect the same to our soul.
Matthew 6:22-24 says, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness.”

So put light in your mind. It starts here first.
Read the Word of God. Study it out. Include it in your day. Speak it out loud. Talk to Jesus.
You see, if we are facing this world without the Spirit of God daily, then we will not overcome anything. HE is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) that fights for us (Exodus 14:15) and overcomes (John 16:33).
We need to incorporate the Word of God with every thought and every step.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

The Word IS GOD!
And His Word is the truth. His truth is our hope.

And please don’t feel bad when you can’t do it on your own. Many times we cannot walk this path alone.
We need one another. We need to encourage each other. Be honest with yourself that you are weak. We all are. Let others in, and let God walk with you.

Halloween is a week away.Do you celebrate it?Many Christians are against observing Halloween. Some are fine with it. And...

Halloween is a week away.
Do you celebrate it?
Many Christians are against observing Halloween. Some are fine with it. And then there are those who have the somewhere in-between viewpoints, therefore tailor a celebration to fit their perspective. What's a believer to think? With conflicting takes on the holiday, what is a follower of Christ supposed to do?
From the take of a Bible following Christian who used to be deep into the occult, I’ll share some information and thoughts. Maybe this post will help you make your decision.
(Grab a drink and snack and get comfy, because this is a thorough one!)

Many Christians are against observing Halloween. Some are fine with it. And there are those who are somewhere in-between viewpoints, therefore tailor a celebration to fit their perspective. What's a believer to do? With conflicting takes on the holiday, what is a follower of Christ supposed to do? M...

Not understanding but still trusting is what faith is about.Remember…the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and gua...

Not understanding but still trusting is what faith is about.
the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
He knows all.
He has plans for us, and they’re for us to prosper and not to harm, plans that give hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Trust even when you don’t understand.
There is nothing to fear.
Ignore the enemy’s insistent lying whisper.
Greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

It’s easy to be distracted.The world provides plenty of incredible distractions: From enticing entertainment and social ...

It’s easy to be distracted.
The world provides plenty of incredible distractions: From enticing entertainment and social media overload to passion-igniting news…
Our thoughts and time are either consumed by or get lost in music, money, health, home, food, friends, work, wants…
Our days are full of things to keep us busy. Our heart, mind and body are exhausted.
But what about our soul?
We allow ourselves to be consumed by personal responsibilities and life related stresses… then we wonder why we’re sick, stressed, sad and forever unfulfilled.
We live in practicality… but what about REALITY?
The war is spiritual, not physical (Ephesians 6).
Truth is- the enemy has been fanning the flames of so many fires in our lives that we’re debilitated trying to keep up. And we’re not focused on what we really need or what really matters.
Don’t let the world dictate your life. Don’t let the enemy of your soul control you.
Remember that the battles are not ours, but God’s (2 Chronicles 20:15).
We are to be still and let the Lord fight the battles for us (Exodus 14:14) so we can keep pressing forward, seeking only the Will of God (Matthew 6:33).
That will is for us to live life and be happy (John 15:11)
and allow God’s sovereign governance of all that comes to pass (Ephesians 1:11).
We must trust He knows all (1 John 3:20)
and He has amazing things in store for us (Jeremiah 29:11).
Put your faith into action (James 2).

Today- consume God’s Word.
Give your time to speak to Him.
Be distracted by His Spirit.
See how that starts to change everything- from your perspective to your circumstances.

We are lifting up Israel in prayer during this time of such horrendous atrocities.“Hear, O Israel, today you are going i...

We are lifting up Israel in prayer during this time of such horrendous atrocities.

“Hear, O Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them. For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." (Deuteronomy 20:3-4)

They can come against Israel all they want… WE KNOW who wins the war 🙌
Glory to God in the highest!

“On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.” (Zechariah 12:3)

Coming soon! Part 2 of the Slow Fade Series: Spiritual Oppression- Causes, Curses and Cures.Today is World Mental Health...

Coming soon! Part 2 of the Slow Fade Series: Spiritual Oppression- Causes, Curses and Cures.

Today is World Mental Health Day (10 Oct).
It’s the time to talk about mental health and show everyone the truths around the upswing in mental illness.
We’ll discuss it’s link to spiritual health.
Follow us on Facebook and watch for the release Slow Fade Pt. 2.

Through all the pain, there is purpose.It can be greatly difficult to push past what we go through. But when we fix our ...

Through all the pain, there is purpose.

It can be greatly difficult to push past what we go through. But when we

fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen (2 Corinthians 4:18)

we will find a supernatural strength and hope.
We must remember

those who persevere under trial and stand the test will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. (James 1:2)


our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)

When we’re weak, then we are strong because God’s power will rest on us!
(2 Cor 12:9-10)

We can’t forget in ALL THINGS God works for the good for those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

All what we go through DOES have a purpose.

If we can focus on the spiritual aspect of what we’re going through, not the physical, we will find peace in our trials.
(Romans 8:6)

And the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

Call on him. He will help you ❤️

Just like in the days of Noah, when no one believed the world would flood… Just like in the days of Moses when the Egypt...

Just like in the days of Noah, when no one believed the world would flood…
Just like in the days of Moses when the Egyptians didn’t think the plagues would come…
Just like in the days of Elijah when no one believed God’s fire would consume the Baal sacrifice…
Just like in the days of Jesus, when no one could believe He rose from the dead…

We will start seeing miracles, signs and wonders on a much grander scale. The Lord will begin showing Himself in a way we haven’t seen since Biblical times.
The enemy knows his time is short. He has taken over this world and it has become a much darker place.
But it’s time for God to manifest His sovereignty.

Many won’t see what is happening. Many will see but not believe the truth.
Many will see and turn from truth in fear.
…And some of these will even be believers. Don’t have a form a godliness but deny the power.
It is the responsibility of the Church to proclaim truth and not falter.

“ In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.”
(Acts 2:17-20)

Be vigilant.Jesus warned us to watch and pray in Luke 21:36. He said to “Watch therefore, praying at every season, that ...

Be vigilant.
Jesus warned us to watch and pray in Luke 21:36.
He said to “Watch therefore, praying at every season, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things which are about to come to pass.”

Who’s ready?Hey… Sorta looks like our logo…Just sayin’ 😉(Comparison in Comments)

Who’s ready?
Hey… Sorta looks like our logo…
Just sayin’ 😉
(Comparison in Comments)

The dazzling celestial event will allow millions of people to witness "the awe and the wonder of seeing a beautiful ring of fire eclipse."


Knowledge is power.
How can you fight what you’re battling if you don’t even know what you’re facing?
The battles we fight are not against flesh and blood- and neither is our help.
On EP 2 of The Truth Vox, we discuss Spiritual Oppression. In this heavy and dark world, this is prevalent. The topic needs to be addressed because everyone deals with spiritual oppression, whether they’re aware of it or not.
There is so much involved- from what it is and the signs to the doorways that bring it on… and how to close those doors.
Join us when we bring to the table a very bold and transparent conversation that many Christians don’t (and won’t) have.
Release date: Wed., Sept. 27

Song credit:
Welcome to the Fire
By: Willyecho
Album: Willyecho

In 1947, an Arab shepherd boy found ancient scrolls in the Qumran caves near Jericho, Israel. They were hidden in potter...

In 1947, an Arab shepherd boy found ancient scrolls in the Qumran caves near Jericho, Israel. They were hidden in pottery and contained Biblical text written between the 3rd century B.C. to the 2nd century A.D.

When compared to the King James Version of Scripture (published in 1611), these historic texts support that translation closer than any other.

In order for a copy of an existing publicized book to be legally printed, there needs to be an X-amount of changes so it doesn’t fall under plagiarism. This is one reason why every version of the Bible is different from the other.
However, when you begin to re-write and take out of God-breathed Scripture, that’s where the problem begins. (Many Scriptures warn of this: Deuteronomy 4, Rev 22, Prov 30…)

Sometimes we need to use various Scriptures to get an understanding of what is being said, but ultimately, be sure of what you’re reading.
And this is also why we use the KJV
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Beware of false teachings. Wolves in sheep's clothing know exactly what they're doing.That's why The Truth Vox is making...

Beware of false teachings. Wolves in sheep's clothing know exactly what they're doing.
That's why The Truth Vox is making sure to destroy sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God, taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ- just as 2 Corinthians 10 3-6 tells us to do.

We've got some exciting things coming up!Aaaaand our next Episode will be out next week: Slow Fade.We'll get in the dept...

We've got some exciting things coming up!
Aaaaand our next Episode will be out next week: Slow Fade.
We'll get in the depths of discussion on Spiritual Oppression, dissecting it with Scripture, stats and experience. This is a 2-parter you don't want to miss!

Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you(1 Pe...

Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you
(1 Peter 4:12).
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. (Ephesians 6:12)
No weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).
He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. (Daniel 6:27).

Have faith. For the Lord would not have called you out to see you defeated.
When you have the Great I AM at your side, you CANNOT lose.

The fences are for our protection.The flock is for our protection.The shepherd will protect us.The Lord obviously has ou...

The fences are for our protection.
The flock is for our protection.
The shepherd will protect us.

The Lord obviously has our best interests at heart… protecting us from going astray, protecting us from getting lost, protecting us from the wolves…

So the next time our flesh cringes at a Biblical command or wants to rebel against godly instruction- we must remember it’s for our protection. And even when we do fight it, the Lord will STILL chase after us and fight for us to come back. His love is unfathomable.

“For the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.”
-Deuteronomy 20:4

Many of us overthink too much.But don’t view that as a bad thing- it’s because we care what our actions will cause and w...

Many of us overthink too much.
But don’t view that as a bad thing-
it’s because we care what our actions will cause and what our place and purpose is.
Take that anxiety and turn it around.
Instead of worry and stress- make it about caring and motivation.
Your faith can move mountains.
No matter where you are- you’re right where you’re supposed to be. Live in the moment and take from it what you can.
God has given you emotions and talents and circumstances as part of your journey. That is the faith you need to hold. It will turn that stress into strength. It will make that worry into wonder!

If people insist on taking Jesus out of the world, then Christians need to insist on bringing him in!50% of adults repor...

If people insist on taking Jesus out of the world, then Christians need to insist on bringing him in!

50% of adults reported anxiety and depression symptoms in 2023.
2022 show a record high of su***de deaths worldwide and is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It’s reached the highest number ever. And even more heartbreaking: Su***de is the second-leading cause of death for teens and young adults.
Yes, we have a problem here. And no, we cannot keep ignoring it.
“Hopelessness” and “loneliness” were attributed by these groups as to their reasoning.
But when you have Jesus in your life, you have hope. You have love. Those of us who know this- need to be sharing that truth.
And these issues need to be on the battlefield to be fought. Because when Jesus is in the mix- we WILL win!

(Stat sources: Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey; CDC; JED Foundation)


EPISODE 2 is coming! Wednesday, Sept. 27 JOIN US when we discuss Spiritual Oppression. *Slow Fade* will be Part 1 of thi...

EPISODE 2 is coming!
Wednesday, Sept. 27 JOIN US when we discuss Spiritual Oppression.
*Slow Fade* will be Part 1 of this topic, where we will begin an in-depth look into Spiritual Oppression. We will aim to answer some questions many people have, such as: What is Spiritual Oppression? What does Scripture say about it? How do you become plagued with it? Can those with the Holy Spirit be oppressed? What are the signs? What can I do if someone I know is affected? If I am? And so much more.

As the world becomes heavier and darker with each day in these end times, this is a subject matter that needs to be addressed. Knowledge and discernment are a must.

You can find our show on most podcast platforms: Apple, iHeart Radio, Audible, Google, Spotify, and more! Plus, you can listen directly on our website:

Jesus is the Light of the world; and he who follows Him will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life (...

Jesus is the Light of the world; and he who follows Him will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life (John 8:12).
Sometimes that light has to be made with fire. There may be Christians who disagree; however, in Scripture fire often represents the presence of God. And God uses fire to reprove us when we stray away from Him. But we’re not to lose heart when he rebukes, because the Lord disciplines the ones he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his (Heb 12).
So don’t think it strange that the Holy Spirit, through us, will be bold and like fire to come against unclean spirits that keep people in spiritual strongholds.
Let the revival begin!

There are plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing...but even more are the ones who fall into their trap. The Church cannot ...

There are plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing...but even more are the ones who fall into their trap.
The Church cannot wait to make a clear sound. We must start speaking up now!
The wolves come in many forms- one being the new age movement.
LISTEN to our EP on our website: "Down the Gaia Hole" to learn about the rising deception and danger:




Racine, WI


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