The Barren Woman Episode Four
That evening, Ebere went to a big supermarket and bought a lot of goodies for Uche. She bought him nice clothes. She did this because she did not want him to go home from the hotel. She wants him to stay there and service her engine every day. She doesn't want him to go to the mechanic workshop again until she gets pregnant. If Uche stays at the hotel, he would have the strength to attend to Ebere the way she wants everyday. That was why she decided to go to the supermarket to buy him everything he would need.
"He should not leave the supermarket. I want him to just relax there and enjoy life. I want him to stay there and wait for me each day. If he goes to work, he would be too tired to service my engine, but if he stays at the hotel without doing any work, it means he would be more energetic to attend to me each day. I'm fully ready to pay for everything. The money he is supposed to be making at the mechanic workshop, I will be giving it to him. All I want is for him to get me pregnant. I will pay any price that is needed." Ebere said in her heart when she was busy selecting expensive clothes for Uche.
She also bought him expensive bathing soap, cream and other skincare products that would make his skin to glow like that of an 'ajebota.' Ebere wants Uche to look good. She wants him to look very attractive. She wants to properly take care of him so that the young man would do the work with all his heart. Ebere had all the money she needs, and she was ready to spend it on Uche.
"I have spent up to N500k this night. I think it's e enough. It's time for me to drive to the hotel to give him the things I have bought for him. I really hope he likes the clothes and shoes. They are really nice and they will.ake him look good." Ebere said in her heart. She went to the supermarket cashier to pay for the items. She then called a security man at the supermarket to help her take the bags to her car. She tipped the man with N5K. Soon, she was driving out of the supermarket premises and headed for the hotel.
When she got to the hotel, Uche was packing his bag and getting ready to go home because he was tired of waiting for Ebere. Ebere entered the hotel room and saw that Uche was getting set to leave. She was not happy about it and she quickly told him he can't leave. She made it resoundly known to him that he was supposed to make the hotel his home for the next three months. She was desperate and she was ready to pay whatever price he would ask.
"Please, Uche, I don't want you to go home. I don't want you to go to work either. I have told you I will place you on a salary of N100k daily. If you want me to increase the amount, I will increase it. What I want you to do for me is so important that I don't want you to waste your energy on anything else. Please, focus on getting me pregnant first. Once you get me pregnant, my problems would be over. If I allow you to go to work, you will be too tired to attend to me in the night." Ebere said. She took Uche's bag from him as she was entering the room.
"Please, come into the room. I have bought some things for you and I want you to try them out. I have bought everything that would make you happy here. If you need more, you can let me know. Just stay here and be my mechanic. Stay here and service my own engine in the night until I get pregnant. If you can do this for me, I will never forget you. I will always appreciate you. I will always be there for you. Please, come inside." Ebere said to Uche. He was standing at the door step of the hotel room.
"No Madam Ebere. I have already agreed that I will do the job. There's nothing to be afraid of. Even after going to work, I will also come here to be with you. I know you said you would be paying me, but the truth is that as a man, I have to work. I need to be working too because I don't want the situation where I will be stranded and unable to pay for my own needs as a man. Besides, I cooked a nice soup in the morning, I have to go back and warm it if not, it will spoil." Uche said. What he said made Ebere to laugh.
"So, it is because of soup that you are going home? Please, stay back. You will not lack food to eat, you will have access to everything you need. Please, start trying the clothes." Ebere said with a charming smile. After much arguments, Uche accepted what Ebere had asked. He tried the clothes and they looked nice on him. He was now looking like a very rich man.
It was only after Uche accepted to stay that Ebere went home. When she got home that night, she saw the new wife brought home by her husband. Amaka, the new wife was sitting in the living room. Ebere passed without saying anything. She did not bother to greet Amaka. Even when the new wife greeted her, she did not respond to the greeting.
She just walked past her and entered her room.
"I will not give up my marriage for you. I will not vacate my home for you. I will fight for my right in this compound. I suffered and built this wealth with my husband and I cannot leave it for another woman." Kate said to herself when she got to her room. The stage is set for battle.
Watch out for episode 5