Salomay Ngum

Salomay Ngum I am a WRITER.

My stories will keep you glued to your phones and you will learn a whole lot from my stories

I also do Couple content, Fashion & Lifestyle , Entertainment, Motivation, Inspiration content

The Barren Woman Episode Four That evening, Ebere went to a big supermarket and bought a lot of goodies for Uche. She bo...

The Barren Woman Episode Four

That evening, Ebere went to a big supermarket and bought a lot of goodies for Uche. She bought him nice clothes. She did this because she did not want him to go home from the hotel. She wants him to stay there and service her engine every day. She doesn't want him to go to the mechanic workshop again until she gets pregnant. If Uche stays at the hotel, he would have the strength to attend to Ebere the way she wants everyday. That was why she decided to go to the supermarket to buy him everything he would need.

"He should not leave the supermarket. I want him to just relax there and enjoy life. I want him to stay there and wait for me each day. If he goes to work, he would be too tired to service my engine, but if he stays at the hotel without doing any work, it means he would be more energetic to attend to me each day. I'm fully ready to pay for everything. The money he is supposed to be making at the mechanic workshop, I will be giving it to him. All I want is for him to get me pregnant. I will pay any price that is needed." Ebere said in her heart when she was busy selecting expensive clothes for Uche.

She also bought him expensive bathing soap, cream and other skincare products that would make his skin to glow like that of an 'ajebota.' Ebere wants Uche to look good. She wants him to look very attractive. She wants to properly take care of him so that the young man would do the work with all his heart. Ebere had all the money she needs, and she was ready to spend it on Uche.

"I have spent up to N500k this night. I think it's e enough. It's time for me to drive to the hotel to give him the things I have bought for him. I really hope he likes the clothes and shoes. They are really nice and they will.ake him look good." Ebere said in her heart. She went to the supermarket cashier to pay for the items. She then called a security man at the supermarket to help her take the bags to her car. She tipped the man with N5K. Soon, she was driving out of the supermarket premises and headed for the hotel.

When she got to the hotel, Uche was packing his bag and getting ready to go home because he was tired of waiting for Ebere. Ebere entered the hotel room and saw that Uche was getting set to leave. She was not happy about it and she quickly told him he can't leave. She made it resoundly known to him that he was supposed to make the hotel his home for the next three months. She was desperate and she was ready to pay whatever price he would ask.

"Please, Uche, I don't want you to go home. I don't want you to go to work either. I have told you I will place you on a salary of N100k daily. If you want me to increase the amount, I will increase it. What I want you to do for me is so important that I don't want you to waste your energy on anything else. Please, focus on getting me pregnant first. Once you get me pregnant, my problems would be over. If I allow you to go to work, you will be too tired to attend to me in the night." Ebere said. She took Uche's bag from him as she was entering the room.

"Please, come into the room. I have bought some things for you and I want you to try them out. I have bought everything that would make you happy here. If you need more, you can let me know. Just stay here and be my mechanic. Stay here and service my own engine in the night until I get pregnant. If you can do this for me, I will never forget you. I will always appreciate you. I will always be there for you. Please, come inside." Ebere said to Uche. He was standing at the door step of the hotel room.

"No Madam Ebere. I have already agreed that I will do the job. There's nothing to be afraid of. Even after going to work, I will also come here to be with you. I know you said you would be paying me, but the truth is that as a man, I have to work. I need to be working too because I don't want the situation where I will be stranded and unable to pay for my own needs as a man. Besides, I cooked a nice soup in the morning, I have to go back and warm it if not, it will spoil." Uche said. What he said made Ebere to laugh.

"So, it is because of soup that you are going home? Please, stay back. You will not lack food to eat, you will have access to everything you need. Please, start trying the clothes." Ebere said with a charming smile. After much arguments, Uche accepted what Ebere had asked. He tried the clothes and they looked nice on him. He was now looking like a very rich man.

It was only after Uche accepted to stay that Ebere went home. When she got home that night, she saw the new wife brought home by her husband. Amaka, the new wife was sitting in the living room. Ebere passed without saying anything. She did not bother to greet Amaka. Even when the new wife greeted her, she did not respond to the greeting.

She just walked past her and entered her room.

"I will not give up my marriage for you. I will not vacate my home for you. I will fight for my right in this compound. I suffered and built this wealth with my husband and I cannot leave it for another woman." Kate said to herself when she got to her room. The stage is set for battle.

Watch out for episode 5

The Barren Woman Episode ThreeAlthough Uche likes Ebere and he has been looking at her in a romantic way since she start...

The Barren Woman Episode Three

Although Uche likes Ebere and he has been looking at her in a romantic way since she started coming to the mechanic workshop to fix her car, he was taken aback when she said she wanted him to get her pregnant. He never expected such a request from her. Ebere was so bold about what she wanted. She was direct and there were no mistakes in her voice. She made it clear the date when she wanted to get pregnant. The way she said it even got Uche scared. He started thinking of what could happen if Ebere’s husband catches them in the act.

“I’m scared. I don’t know how this could work out. What if someone catches us doing this? What if someone sees us and goes to tell your husband about what we are doing? What if you got pregnant and your husband starts asking you how you go pregnant? Are you going to stop sleeping with him? If you stop sleeping with him and he discovers that you are pregnant, he will start asking questions and it will eventually be discovered that I’m the one responsible for your pregnancy. This would eventually put me in trouble.” Uche tells Ebere.

“He will not find out. I have a good plan. I mean, I have everything planned out. There is no need to be afraid of my husband. In fact, he is the last person you should be afraid of because as things stand now, he does not care about me anymore and he has even gone ahead to marry another woman. He has a second wife now, so he will not be caring about whatever I do with another man. He hates me because I have not been able to bear children for him. So, something in me tells me that he is the one responsible for our childlessness.” Ebere said in response. She was sitting on another sofa very close to Uche.

“That is why I’m asking for you to tell me what would happen if he finds out that you are pregnant for another man. You know, you and your husband are still married. You cannot stay under his roof and get pregnant for another man. Many questions would be asked. I just want to be clear because I don’t want you to call my name tomorrow. The moment you get pregnant now, people will start talking and even your husband would want to know the man that got you pregnant. Are you going to mention my name? I don’t want him to come for my head. You know you people are rich and I’m just a poor boy trying to survive. I don’t want anything that would send me to prison.” Uche said with a sarcastic smile.

“Nothing will send you to prison. You are just helping me to get pregnant. You don’t have to worry about prison. Leave everything to me. If I manage to get pregnant, leave all the problems that may result from it to me. I will be able to bear all the problems. All I want is to get pregnant. Just get me pregnant and leave the problems to me. You don’t have to worry yourself. I will never mention your name to my husband. If he wants to know the man that got me pregnant, your name would remain a top secret. Please, do this for me. As things stand now, I’m highly desperate. I need to get pregnant and bear a child. I need to save my honour as a woman. Another woman is coming to take over my home and start enjoying everything I suffered to build with my husband. I want to fight back. Please help me to win this fight.” Ebere said. She had started to cry. Her tears helped to soften the situation.

“Alright! Let’s do this. I’m happy to help provided you will guaranty that you will not mention my name if problem arises. I will help you. After all, I have been looking at you for a long time and I actually like you. You are so beautiful. Despite the fact that you are older than me, you look so beautiful and difficult to resist. Each time you come to the workshop to fix your car, I used to look at you for a long time because you are so irresistible. I have to confess to you today that I actually like you and I have wanted us to have a romantic relationship a long time ago. The only thing that stopped me was because you are married. If you were not married, I would have approached you for a relationship a long time ago.” Uche said to Ebere. She was so happy to hear that.

“I’m happy you like me. In fact, I even want you to love me. If you love me, it will make it easier for you to get me pregnant. Please, I’m all for you. Whatever you want, I will give it to you. In fact, I want you to stop going to work so that you will have energy to do the bedroom work each day. Please, I will be paying you N100,000 every day until you get me pregnant. I have already said I will give you N5 million if it happens that you are able to get me pregnant. I’m so desperate right now. I have suffered so much with my husband. We built and acquired a lot of wealth only for him to go and marry a second wife. I want to fight for my place in the house and I can only do that if I can get pregnant and bear a child as soon as possible.” Ebere said tearfully.

They started going close to each other. They started touching each other. They started ki,ssing each other. They lay on the soft bed in the hotel room. Ebere did not mind that Uche was in his mechanic clothes and he was looking dirty. She did not mind that his body smelled of sweat and grease. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. Their bedroom action was so sweet. She has never had it so good.

“You are so good in this. My husband doesn’t know how to do it. Please, I want you to stay here. Don’t go anywhere. I will go and buy you food and new clothes so that you will change into something neat.” Ebere said.

Watch out for episode four

The Barren Woman Episode TwoEbere got to the mechanic workshop and luckily for her, the young man she had in mind was th...

The Barren Woman Episode Two

Ebere got to the mechanic workshop and luckily for her, the young man she had in mind was there. His name is Uche. The young man actually likes her but he has been respecting himself because he knows that Ebere is a married woman. However, if the opportunity presents itself, he would not hesitate to take it. That was exactly what happened because Ebere was coming to give him the opportunity to finally do what has always been in is mind. The evening sun was gradually setting and work at the mechanic workshop was about closing when Ebere drove into the premises.

Everyone knows that it was Uche who always fixes Ebere’s car. As soon as she drove into the mechanic workshop, everyone started looking for Uche. He was under one car trying to tight one last valve he loosened while fixing a jeep for someone. It was his last job for the day. Uche heard his name loud and clear, so he quickly finished what he was doing and came out from under the car. Immediately he came out, he met face to face with Ebere who was standing very close by. As usual, he greeted her respectfully. It was due to his respect and honesty that Ebere took a liking for Uche.

“How is work going today? You look like you have worked very hard since morning. How many cars have you fixed today? I mean, how many customers have you attended to today? You must be very tired. Even by merely looking at your face, I can see that you are tired. Have you taken some time to rest at all? You work so hard, and I admire that about you. However, it is also imported that you always take some time and rest. After all, you are not working for anyone.” Ebere said with a gentle smile.

“Well, if I don’t work like this every day, I will not be able to eat. It is the work I do here every day that enables me to eat. Nobody is helping me financially, so I must always work hard to look after myself. But thanks, I understand what you mean when you said I should be taking some time out to rest. I know rest is important and I will adhere to your advice.” Uche said to Ebere. She nodded her head in agreement.

She did not know how to tell Uche exactly what she wanted him to do for her. She did not want to say it in public. She knew that if she spoke about her real ambition at the mechanic workshop, another ear could hear it and cause serious trouble for her. Ebere quickly started searching her head for a lie she would tell Uche so as to lure him out of the mechanic workshop. If she is able to take him away into her car, she can then open up to him without hiding anything. A thought formed in her head and she decided to try it.

“My second car has broken down. I parked it at home. You can see the car I brought here today. This is the car I used to go to work in the morning when the second car refused to start. Can you follow me to the house to fix it for me? I can go and drop you in your house when you finish fixing the car for me. I want to drive it to work tomorrow. I don’t want to use the car that I used today. The car is too big and it usually attracts undue attention to me. You know how security is in this country today. I don’t want to be showing off too much before bad people start looking at me. So please, can you follow me to the house?” Ebere asked. She was smiling as she was talking.

“Of course, I will follow you to anywhere you want me to go. Let’s go right away so that I can fix the car and the go home to rest. You are my person and I’m always here to help you in any way I can.” Uche said to Ebere. They entered Ebere’s car and they drove out of the mechanic workshop. Soon, they were driving on the beautiful streets of Calabar. The streets and roads were so nice. Everywhere was neat. Ebere likes watching the flowers on the roadsides when she is driving, but that evening was different. There was something in her mind and she would not rest until she gets it off her chest. Soon, Ebere branched into another street after they drove a far distance from the mechanic workshop.

“Ma, I don’t understand. Where are we going? This seems to be a different road from the one I followed the last time I came to your house to fix your car. Have you people changed apartments? You no longer live in the other street?” Uche asked.

“We are still living there. I just want to take you somewhere and buy you food. There is no way I’m leaving you hungry. You are looking tired, so let us go to a restaurant to buy you good food to eat before we will continue to my house. Or don’t you want to eat?” Ebere asked.

“Ah! I very much want to eat. It is as if you knew that I was hungry. Please, let us go. I want to eat jollof rice and fried chicken.” Uche said with a smile. Ebere entered a big premises with a large building in it. When Uche saw the building, he quickly knew they were in a hotel.

“This looks like a hotel. It doesn’t look like a restaurant. Do they sell food?” Uche asked.

“Of course, they sell food. Just follow me.” Ebere responded. She went to the receptionist and booked a hotel room for three months. She took the keys to the room and led Uche into the posh apartment exclusively kept for them.

“Hmmm! This place is beautiful.” Uche said. He sank into one of the soft sofas in the room.

“Uche, I’m sorry that I lied to you. I brought you here for a reason. I’m about to lose my marriage to another woman because I have not been able to get pregnant. I’m suspecting that my husband is the reason why I’m barren. This is why I want to try another man. I want to try you. I want you to sleep with me and get me pregnant. I will reward you with N100,000 weekly. And if you successfully get me pregnant, I will give you N5 million.” Ebere said. There was silence in the room as she waited to hear Uche’s response.

Watch out for episode three

The Barren Woman Episode OneEbere sat on her bed that hot afternoon like a village fowl beaten by a heavy rain. Her body...

The Barren Woman Episode One

Ebere sat on her bed that hot afternoon like a village fowl beaten by a heavy rain. Her body was shaking uncontrollably as she cried like a child who did not get meat given to her fellow children. It was as if nature or God has denied her something good that other people have access to. She has been married to Clement for twelve years, and in those twelve years, she has never conceived. In fact, she has never missed her period even for once. Her heart yearned for a child. The pain of childlessness is lodged deep in her heart. It was a pain that has become a part of her for a long time. And it was a constant reminder of her inadequacy. She felt like a failure. She has always felt like she was not worthy of being a wife and of being a mother. Not having a child in Nigeria is something terrible, because the woman suffers a lot. This was the fate of Ebere.

Just as she was trying to calm herself down, she heard the door open. It was Clement, her husband. He looked at her with a frustration and disappointment. He has always hated her. He thinks she is the one to blame for their childlessness. Many people in Nigerian blame the woman when a couple is having problem with bearing children. They think the woman is the problem. This was exactly what Clement thinks. This was why each day, he takes time to lambast his wife and make her feel less of a woman simply because she does not have a child. Even this afternoon, he has come to lambast her again.

"Ebere, why are you crying?" He asked. His voice was firm and very harsh. Ebere looked up at him. Her eyes were red and puffy and her face was like that of an old woman cooking in a smoky fireplace.

"I'm just feeling a little down, that's all.” Ebere said. She was trying to brush off her sadness and pretend like everything was okay. But she knew everything was not okay. She was barren and this was giving her heartache. She needs her own child as quickly as possible.

Despite the fact that Ebere tried to smile, Clement was not fooled. He knew exactly why Ebere was crying. He has been patient with her for twelve years, but his patience was boiling over. He thinks he was getting old. He thinks men of his age are already fathers to many children and he had none. Not even one child to his name. Who would carry on his lineage? He wanted children, and he wanted them now.

"Ebere, we need to talk." He said. His voice was serious and harsh. Ebere looked up at him. She knew that he was about to say something bad to her. She is used to it by now, but it was still going to be painful.

"What is it my dear husband? Please you can go ahead and tell me whatever you want to tell me. Whatever you want me to do, I will do." She said with a tiny voice.

"I've found someone else. I mean I found another woman. I have married her. I want this to be clear that I now have another wife. She is someone who can give me the children I so desperately want. I cannot wait any more. I’m growing old. I need to give birth to children now so that I can train them when I’m young. It is now clear to me that you are as barren as the Sahara Desert. You cannot give me children." Clement said. Ebere felt like she had been punched in the stomach. She couldn't breathe and she couldn't think.

“The name of my new wife is Amaka and she is moving in with us this evening. As I’m leaving this room now, I’m going to pick her. I just said let me tell you. I've made up my mind. I expect you to welcome her into our home." Clement said.

“Please, Clement. Don't do this to me. Give me some more time. I will conceive and bear children for you. I’m not God. It is God who gives children.” Ebere said tearfully but Clement just shook his head. He did not even listen to her.

"I have given you twelve years, Ebere, It's time for me to move on. Amaka is my future now, not you." Ebere felt like she had been slapped. Clement’s words were hitting her like shrapnels. She couldn't believe the man she loved could be so cruel.

When Clement left her in the room, Ebere wiped away her tears and looked at herself in the mirror. She was tired of being the victim and tired of being blamed for her childlessness. She was tired of being taken for granted. She needs to fight for herself. She needs to be a happy woman. She quickly recognized the fact that her happiness can only come from her own heart and now, she was ready to use her hand and shape her life. She was not going to be the weeping child anymore, she was ready to do something drastic.

"It's time for me to fight. I have to stop crying. I will do something drastic about this bareness.” Ebere said to herself. A plan began to form in her mind. She was going to find out if Clement was the one with the problem. And she was going to do it by trying another man. She thought about the men she knew, the men she could easily seduce. And then she thought about her mechanic, a young, handsome man who had always flirted with her each time she went to fix her car. She made up her mind. She was going to sleep with her mechanic, to see if she could get pregnant. It was a bold plan and she was desperate.

"I will have multiple bedroom actions with my mechanic. I will show Clement that I'm not the one with the problem. If I can get pregnant, it will become clear that he is the one who is incapable of impregnating a woman. I think I should go now and look for the mechanic.” Ebere said. She picked her car keys and drove to the mechanic workshop in search of the man who would impregnate her.

Watch out for episode Two


Tonight, grab your popcorn; we're dropping the first episode of our new story, The Barren Wife.


Our recent story has just concluded! While we await the next captivating tale, “The Barren Wife”, we’d love to hear from you. Share what you learned from the last story and don’t forget to leave a review on our page!


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The Marriage Committee Episode TenAfter his victory at the church, Ken had a good sleep that night. He came home and sta...

The Marriage Committee Episode Ten

After his victory at the church, Ken had a good sleep that night. He came home and started doing mental calculations of how much he would spend for his wedding with Emerie. He knew his parents would want the wedding to be a big party due to their status in the society. They have already said it that a lot of dignitaries would be invited. Even the state governor was going to be there, according to the plans already drawn up by Ken’s parents. They had given him the plan to read, but in the end, he concluded that he was not going to have a big wedding.

Ken thought about the whole thing critically and concluded that it was best for him to just get married silently without making further noise or inviting too many people. He reasoned that already, his wedding plans had generated too many dusts and even caused the death of some people. He had realized that a lot of women wanted him to marry them. He decided not to publicize his wedding anymore. The public attention was becoming too difficult for him to manage. However, he was happy that he was able to clear his name. He would now do things his way.

The next morning, Ken approached his parents and informed them of his plans to have a small wedding with Emerie. He told them his intention was to invite just a handful of people. He didn’t even want to hire canopies, he just want the wedding to be attended by a few friends as well as both families. His parents were not happy about it but Ken insisted there was no need for an elaborate event which would end up attracting further public attention or even create further trouble for him and Emerie.

Ken’s parents were not happy about the decision he took but they love their son. They also trusted his judgement. Besides, it was his wedding and he had the rights to decide exactly how he wanted it to be. They were not the ones getting married. The best they could do was to support and advise their son. Since he said he wanted a small wedding, his parents said they would support him to do whatever he wanted. Ken was happy, so he gave them another list of how he wanted the wedding to be.

“We will do whatever you want. It is your wedding. Go ahead and plan it the way you want. We trust that you will do the right thing. But first, you must go and see the marriage committee. You know they are the ones who would approve for you and Emerie to be wedded in the church. It would be good if you go there. The pastor said they will start sitting today’s evening. You and Emerie have to appear before them. Invite Emerie, make preparations so that the two of you can drive to the church where I’m sure they would already be waiting for you.” Ken’s parents said.

“Actually, you people don’t understand me yet. What I have been saying here is that I don’t even want to do white wedding again. In fact, I want to leave that church. The church messed up with my mental health. I don’t want to have anything to do with them again. There is no way I will be getting married in a church were the pastor ganged up with his daughter to tell a terrible lie against me. I’m not going to be doing my wedding in that church. It’s not happening.” Ken said to his parents. They were surprised. It was then that they fully understood Ken.

“But you have to be wedded in a church. It’s important. We are Christians and you cannot just get married without your wedding being blessed in a church. We would want the wedding to hold in a church. If you want the wedding to be small, fine, but for it not to hold in a church is not good. Please, we want you to think carefully about what you are about to do. It was the church that hurt you, not God. You were not going to church because of the pastor, but because of God.” His parents said.

“But there is nothing wrong in observing only the traditional wedding. As things stand now, I just want to meet the parents of Emerie and pay her bride price as our tradition demands, and then I will bring her home. I don’t want to do church wedding. The church humiliated me. The church was unjust and I will honestly not hold my wedding there. This does not mean I’m leaving God. I just want to take a break from that pastor’s church.” Ken said tearfully. He almost cried when he remembered what he has gone through in the past few days.

“Alright! We can see that you feel very strongly about this. But at least, go to church right now and let the marriage committee know of your decision.” His parents said. He picked his car keys and drove to church. The marriage committee was already waiting. The pastor was there. Everyone was looking sad. It was as if they had prepared to humiliate Ken and Emerie, but thankfully he came alone and he was prepared too.

“You think you can embarrass the pastor and still get married in this church?” One of them said.

“We are not approving this wedding. The wedding is not holding in our church.” Another said.

“You tried to scatter the church by humiliating the pastor. Now, you have come to beg us to allow your wedding to hold. It is not going to happen.” Another member said.

“I made it a point to be here so that I can look you in the face and tell you that we are not going wed you and that your wretched girl in our church.” The pastor said angrily.

“As a matter of fact, I have come to tell you people that I’m leaving the church. I don’t care what the committee decides. I’m not even doing church wedding again. So, you people can go to hell.” Ken said as he leaves the church. Once again, the pastor was deeply embarrassed. He thought he was holding Ken below the belt, but the young man had everything planned out.

A week later, Ken married Emerie in a simple traditional marriage. They lived happily ever after.


The Marriage Committee Episode NineThe church was fully packed that Sunday. A lot of people had missed going to church a...

The Marriage Committee Episode Nine

The church was fully packed that Sunday. A lot of people had missed going to church after the government closed down the place due to the number of people that died there when there was a stampede. People who ordinarily do not come to church everyday made it a point to be at the service. What made things more interesting was that rumour had gone round informing people that Ken was going to dump the poor girl he chose and marry the pastor’s daughter instead. A lot of people wanted to be there to witness the announcement.

The whole church was therefore filled to the brim. There were people who were not members of the church but simply came to observe things. Some were friends to Sophia while others were friends to the pastor himself. They came because the pastor’s family had informed them that their daughter was beginning the preparation for her wedding. Everywhere in the church was occupied by members and guests. There was even an overflow. A canopy was placed outside the church for people to stay because the church could no long accommodate the number of people that were flocking inside.

When Ken came to church that morning, the first thing he did was to go to the media department where he gave them the recorded audio device. He told them that he had a special song which he wanted to play for his fiancée, Sophia. He convinced them that he did not want anyone to listen to the song before Sophia. He also gave them some money to soften their hearts and begged them to allow the whole thing to finish playing before turning it off. He told them that so many things depended on what was in the device he gave to them. The boys there were his friends, so they promised to help.

“Please, a lot of thing depends on what you are going to help me do. If you don’t help me, I’m going to be in trouble. Please you people should not fail me. I’m depending on your help. I came to you because you are my friends and I know that I can count on you to help me in this critical moment of my life. If you fail me, I might lose everything.” Ken tells the guys in the media room. He hinted to them that what was in the device was going to clear him from some king of trouble but he did not say everything.

One other person who was in church that day was Emerie. She did not make herself visible. She was just hiding in one corner outside the church. She was waiting for the right moment when she would come out and make a triumphant entry into the church when the pastor’s bubble has been busted. Ken had told her to monitor things from the car, so she was in the car, with the window slightly opened so that she could hear what was happening in the church.

“Once you hear the audio recordings playing, start coming into the church immediately. When you come, just rush and meet me on the stage so that I will stand with you. Once you meet me on stage, I will abandon Sophia and hold your hand. I want everyone to know that we are still together despite what the enemies what to turn us into.” Ken told Emerie before he left the car that morning and went into the church auditorium. As usual, he was sitting in the front with Sophia who was regarded as the bride to be. His parents were also in the front seats.

Everything was set. They church members were ready. The pastor’s family was ready. Ken was ready. Sophia was ready. The recorded voices were prepared and ready. Emerie was ready. Ken’s parents were ready. The whole church waited with tension. The pastor was the person who would set the ball rolling. At long last, he was invited to the podium. He climbed the podium with so much respect and dignity. It was one of the best days of his life because his dream has always been for his daughter to marry a rich man. He picked up the microphone with gusto and took it to his mouth.

“Today is the best day of my life. I have the chance and greatest honour to announce my own daughter’s impending wedding. I have waited for this day all my life and I’m happy it is finally going to happen. My daughter is getting married to a well-brought up man. A man who is from a good and reputable home. And above all, a man who is well-to-do. I’m honoured to introduce to you my daughter, Sophia and her fiancée, Ken. The wedding bells are ringing for them. Please, join me in clapping for this beautiful couple.” The pastor said. While some people already knew about the development, others were surprised. But all the same, many people in the church cheered Ken and Sophia as they stood up in front of the crowd.

“I have something to say.” Ken said. He raised up his hand and called for the microphone. The mic was handed over to him and everyone thought he wanted to appreciate the pastor or to shower encomiums on the Sophia. However, people were shocked when he started talking.

“I’m not going to marry Sophia. I just put this whole thing up so I can clear my name which she and her father tried to tarnish. This lady standing here is a crook. Her father, I mean the pastor of this church is also a crook. Sophia is forcing me to marry her. The pastor is forcing me to marry his daughter. I don’t love her. I have a woman that I love, but they won’t allow me to marry her. That was why they paid someone to come here the other Sunday and claim that I got her pregnant. It was a lie and it was all planed by Sophia and the pastor. Well, I’m here to announce to you that the person I want to marry remains Emerie.” Ken said loudly and boldly. The church went absolutely silent. Many people in the church actually worship the pastor and his family. Many of them were disappointed to hear what Ken said.

Meanwhile, Emerie had come out from the car outside and she had joined Ken in the church auditorium. Ken had abandoned Sophia and he was holding Emerie like a hard-won trophy.

“What evidence do you have to prove these allegations? You better have a strong proof. Because if you don’t, I’m going to sue you for defamation.” The pastor threatened. Just then, Ken gave sign to the people in the media department, and they immediately played the recorded voices. When the church heard what Sophia said in the audio, people started leaving, while others were just shouting in disappointment. The pastor also heard his voice and he became ashamed and left the church unceremoniously. Sophia too rushed out the church in tears and embarrassment. Ken successfully cleared his name and then took Sophia home triumphantly.

Watch out for episode 10


16768 Willow Lane Sw
Prior Lake, MN


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