What is your local government doing for you? What is your Mayor, City Council, and County Commission doing for you? What is your State Government doing for you? What innovations or collaborations with private industry have they made to benefit you the citizen? Why is your property taxes so high? Why are your public utilities costs so high? Why is the cost of food gotten so out of control? Why are we allowing this to happen? I see the same people being re-elected time and time again, but your cost of living never decreases. You work hard for the money you make to provide for your family. All I ever hear from the government mouthpieces is government is working hard to keep you safe. Okay, thank you. No you don't. Now where's the rest of the return on my investment? Oh, we also build roads. Okay, thank you. No you don't. Oh, we also provide for your child's education. Okay, thank you. No you don't. We the people pay for that. We the people don't need government to do any of those things. We can do it ourselves.
When is our local, county, and state governments going to start using our tax dollars to provide energy and clean water to our homes? As much money as we have paid through taxes, Mercer County and the City of Princeton could pay for an energy and clean water system to power our homes for a very nominal price of upkeep and maintenance. We have the technology. But the problem is greed and lack of interest in truly helping it's citizens. The problem with us pesky citizens is we just settle for what we already have and never question the powers that be. The problem is our government officials and public service commission (which is really a bought and paid for commission by corporate entities), have collaborated with for profit industry and the people be damned! Why are we allowing our system to control us rather than the systems to be controlled by the citizens? It's our money, we should allow it to work for we the people, not corporations!