As much as I love gaming, I’ve got to get my vehicles running because that’s what makes me money. I finally got someone who wants to buy it and I’ll be using the funds to go into tools and parts to fix my car‘s.
I met some great people streaming and it’s been lots of fun, but as the saying says, “if it doesn’t make money it doesn’t make sense”.
A few people have offered to try and help by lending me money but I don’t have a guarantee on how long that’s going to take to get my income back up. And I can’t take a hand out from someone without giving my best effort first and exhausting all possible options by myself.
I’ll be back when I’m ready again. I’ll probably even have a better gaming rig at that point too. Almost 700 people hit the follow button on my gaming page, we reached thousands of views, and we’ve donated over $1000 to charity. That won’t be forgotten. AtticusKhan Gaming was the funnest adventure I’ve taken so far. But as people who follow my page know, I like to help people. and once my truck is back up and running, I’ll be posting more recovery videos and streams.
Thank you to all my friends who supported my page and thank you to those people who became my friends from streaming.