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Community To Freely Practice - One thing iExperienced when iStarted to do the things iWas thinking differently compared to OTHER individuals. It becomes lonely and it's because of a few reasons. 1) you need moments of new isolation environmental habits to become who you envision you are, or, taking steps towards becoming...this is the start of a new life, a new book of your life, with a new story of how you become successful creating a new life. 2) Everyone around you isn't as acute as you may have believed they are which, you'll soon learn as you begin to realize. Mindsets are important when having connections with people, they sharpen our traits. And with the new information you're gaining, new practices you're doing, and, the new life your creating by making certain lifestyle choices to match it that it can be successful...you'll soonly realize you're a bit more intelligent or smarter or both, than others based on how you're thinking. 3) you can't become successful in something you are designed for or you designed for you and your future life by being around friends and family or having fun as much any more. Because it's a your putting yourself all in situation when you're creating a new lifestyle.
Direct exclusive content, that only you and others SUBCRIBERS will see - This content will appear in your newsfeed or by exclusively accessing inside of the group where everything will be more categorized. This will be content that is always adding value, daily or weekly updated being the content will also be for you to be able to gain REAL NEW SMM INFORMATION you can go use right away. The catch is to stay a SUBSCRIBER because there wil eventualy be symbiotic information that actually allows you to utilize multiple techniques together... there's levels to this. And, the basic level information is ADVANCE LEVEL information, imagine what the advance level information is like! And why you want to avoid sharing information with individuals who don't have a full scale overstanding of information you're gaining along with others...hence the reason for in here you can have a COMMUNITY TO FREELY PRACTICE NEW COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES with, compare, contrast, then comment about for a review and, allowing you to not be frustrated with others attempting to speak a languistic way they don't know about or ever heard of respectfully speaking, unlike out there.
LEARN ALL NEW SM UPDATES - Get information to big questions on social media or clairifcations, that can be answered or give a knowing of the process of the happening.
GET SOCIAL MEDIA ALGORITHM FORECASTS - The special part about this is that, together we can have a harness of THE ALGORTIHM. And, be all apart of a unique 21st Century Digital Web 2.0 ALGORITHM TEAM.
LEARN THE PRINCPLES OF SM - Now, in my reels there's continous information on the PRINCPLES OF SM. The difference inside of here is there will be continous daily information being gained on the in-depth levels of the PRINCPLES OF SM. Especially with questions to be answered, overstandings of how things correlate to occur into something else, or, sharper insight to knowing why it's correct.
LEARN HOW TO BRAND YOURSELF IN SM - Did you know that you need to BRAND YOU, even though you already BRANDED YOUR Business? Are you wanting to know how to brand your business, getting a continous monthly overstanding even from seeing examples of branding a business or oneself? And, are you having self embrassing moments, that troubles with the best way to present yourself in video content? Because iKnow there's a HIGH percentage of Business Owners who get confused on what not to post or what to post that's best for their business. Thinking that some content may be unrelated that might not be the case when using a model of the Business Of The 21st Century [ Business Of The 21st Century by Robert Kiyosaki - THIS BOOK AVAILABLE FOR A PURCHASE IN WEB 1.0. iHighly Recommend reading this book being you're using Web 2.0. ] Because things are much different and, new in the 21st Century when it comes to marketing your business online, about 15% to 13% have what's considered an expert/master/specialist overstanding of SMM. Remember technology is too always changing by the seconds, especially with A.I. always being in the picture when it comes to utilizing anything that connects to the internet or permits energy to create appearances unseen and seen.
VMWAS -Video Marketing With A Smartphone... let's remember this abbreviation that we all don't have to always type it all out lol!!! Now, all jokes aside, this is going to be your practice grounds, your learning grounds and, your start on the expereinces of why video content is essential or you will go out of business, no questions about it. Hiding from the video camera to make your content is no longer allowed. In here, we encourage everyone to make of more videos instead of photos. Because over 80% of internet activity is people watching videos - WATCH THIS REEL for more insight value -
SMM QUESTIONS -Get answers to questions of what is all being taught.
SMAT - LIVE COLLECTIVE Algorithmic Exercises aka A Breakout Session, Class, or Workshop.
GET TRUSTED BUSINESS OWNERS AND DIGITAL CREATORS TO COLLAB WITH - The integrity level expected of anyone with a Business is truthfully at a huge margain of a restart. Mainly because of the fact in the digital world there's needs for CYBER SECURITY in the 21st Century, that are new, as an individual you have to be on top of too. In here, we'll have no worries of that and, please overstand anyone doing otherwise will be removed. This is a Business Community of develpment in the new gold rush, which is followers and, being able to take care of our families from the inteligence or, smarts we mentally own.
MINDSET TEACHINGS - From my perspective business is 98% mental, 2% operational and, it's because one's mindset, creates the fail or success of a business as well as the patterns of the business. Over the last 15 years, iHave been grateful enough to meet beyond the handful of valuable mindsets that play small parts or, big parts in a plan non famous and famous. And, it's their mindset that allows them to play the parts that they do. Some of these individuals work with high profile celebrities, some are celebrities, some are multi-millionaires you don't know of, some are individuals who you follow on social media. The diversity of knowing various mindset traits of successful people who are close to getting their desires, working towards them while being in the needed realm environments or have gained them. Has changed my life and it's going to change your life too ... as long as you have a, TEACHABILITY INDEX OF 10! Search it in GOOGLE or the Facebook Search Bar for the defintion, iHad to when iLearned about it. Which proves, you like me, are no different nor alike, and the fact we're all individually unique means we all have individual unique value, you use to make money. You have to train your mind to have a successful mindset to make successful choices and be successful.
BOOK CLUB - Now TBT Leaders are readers, if you want to hide a secret write in a book they say, and, where the true mastery of disciplince begins to develop from my POV. These three categoeries mentioned is what will actually bring you to the top of your game of having edge. READING, because once you read, the right books when it comes to SELF DEVELOPMENT skills the intention is for you to view the world and your mindset differently in functional ways that work for you. The information you gain allows you to expereince, expereinces and have wisdom that is all new to you. iWill introduce you to books that speak truth, that speak value, that speak confidence you can transfer into your ways and, energy of positivity you can't resist because it all excels you. We all will collectively read and discuss throughout the month or months ahead.
All that will be taught will have a multitude of learning much more than enough of information scoping from:
- Branding, Sales In The 21st Century, Business In The 21st Century, SMM, Leadership Skills, Business Communication, Doubling Your Monthly Income, Business Values
Because of this, content will remain for those that will need to catch up being apart of the team. You can be apart of right now, gang, subscribe right now and, it won't be easy although it'll be worth, iWill help you get to your own individual success for only $3 dollars a month ... looking forwarding to helping you change your life.