Lefty Blondie Press will be at the 18th Annual Western Maryland Independent Literature Festival (Indie Lit) tomorrow, Saturday, September 28th in Frostburg, MD!
This event celebrates the writers, publishers, and readers of small press and independent publishing!
LBP will be hosting an exhibitor booth at the Indie Book Fair. Reconstruction by Edith Friedman, Undress by Kelley Beeson, and Skydog by Jan Beatty will be available for purchase--all hand-cut, handbound, and hand-numbered!
Tons of Lefty Blondie handmade goodies will also be available, including handbound book earrings and Broadsides created by featuring the poetry of the talented and
BONUS! Our very own Co-Editor and Co-Founder extraordinaire, Amy Lee Heinlen will be hosting a panel discussion and reading her stunning poetry!
We hope to see you at the festival!