It started out as more of a blog idea, and then began to take on a life of it’s own. The more research that I did, I realized there was a real need to explore all topics concerning our pets under one roof. I had noticed that most sites referring to pets, spoke of only one species at a time, there was nothing for the multipet owners, and families. I also realized, that a site was needed for n
ewbies with pets, and those that just might be curious about becoming a pet caretaker. Also, that many topics concerning out pets and their relationships with people were not being addressed. My idea is to bring an informative, entertaining, and sharing site to all of those that care and share a love, and concern for animals. Including those that we consider, and refer to as our pets. By informative, I envision the magazine to help enlighten people on the various pet issues and concerns that many of us have, including myself. Including the humor and delight that we derive from having these great “Pet People” in our lives is a very important factor within the magazine. For as long as I can remember, I have referred to my pets, as my “Kids”. I wanted to bring a site to readers that would put a smile on their faces, and possibly a good chuckle. I think all of us at one time or another find ourselves laughing out loud from the antics of our pets. My thoughts are to capture those feelings within the magazine. I knew that one way that I could accomplish this, was to present fun videos, articles, and stories. Sharing, communication, and my passion for pets and their lives is an important aspect of my life. Which played a very important factor in developing the idea of the magazine. The idea is to reach people to understand, and view pets as not just animals, but living beings with their own personalities, and traits. To share with others my own experiences as well as the pet loving community to share theirs. My goal is to make a difference in pet lives, and their families. This has been a journey, of a true labor of love to get to this point. It is a company that has the potential to reach many people of all backgrounds and ages, for pet lovers come in all sizes. My ultimate goal is to have a complete online pet magazine, along with a rescue ranch that is also a learning center for all age groups. There have been many accomplishments so far with much more to be presented, and as I always say, “Please Join Us, As We Grow!”. Also at this point, I would like to say a very special thanks to Dawn, David, and Pat. They are three very special people who believe in me, and my dream of “The HangOut!”. I look forward in sharing my ideas and my dream of helping and educating, in understanding and living with our “Pet Friends.”
Thank you for joining myself, and the pets in this journey,
Head Honcho of All the Pets
Share your own pet tales, photos, tips, and views with Joni’s Pet Hangout!