2 days of highbays #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering #lighting #power #renovation #electricalengineer #electricfemale.
#residencial #building #commericial #femaleelectrician #underground
✈️✈️#electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering #lighting #power #renovation #electricalengineer #electricfemale.
#trade #building #underground #femaleelectrician #services
The most satisfying part of my job ⚒️ #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering #lighting #power #renovation...
#residencial #commericial #trade #building #femaleelectrician #services #underground
Thanks for the idea #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering #lighting #power #renovation #electricalengineer #electricfemale.
#residencial #building #trade #services #femaleelectrician
Its all fun and games til your blue collar girl has worse adhd than you lol #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering...
#femaleelectrician #services #power #trade #commericial #building #underground
In deep in this troubleshooting job.. just escalated so quickly. Part 2 coming soon along #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric...
#services #commericial #underground #femaleelectrician #trade
I want the phone number of the genius that installed thag splice box #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering #lighting...
#services #trade #femaleelectrician #power #underground
Its all fun and games til your blue collar girl has worse adhd than you lol #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering...
#building #services #trade #power #residencial
That may be a lifestyle for some people but you’ll never see that #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering #lighting #power...
#commericial #residencial #power #femaleelectrician #services #trade
#electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering #lighting #power #renovation #electricalengineer #electricfemale.
#underground #building #trade #commericial #femaleelectrician #residencial #services
The NERVE #electrician #construction #tools #electricity #electric #engineering #lighting #power #renovation #electricalengineer #electricfemale.
#building #services #femaleelectrician #trade #commericial #underground #residencial
It's double on the way back around when I have to fix it 🙄.
#services #residencial #electrician #building #trade #construction #femaleelectrician #power #commericial