A Bloody Theory of Divine Light was reviewed recently on Amazon as four stars, an interesting review that is an essay itself, calling Bloody Theory a "magical, completely mad, jousting with society, but somehow untouchable, pristine and pure of heart." Considered as a species of Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory, "analogous to second order observation as Luhmann might point out. Modernity is ultimately a question of contingency, yes, but technology and divination remain distinct in this (mostly) disenchanted and differentiated...holy shrine’ of modern society. So where does this ‘holy shrine’ as described herein leave us? It leaves us squarely at the doorstep of modern society, alongside the reinsurance company agents and the undead salesmen, observing patiently the unfolding of this paradox (as folklore) in the form of science fiction, fantasy, advertising, Hollywood, and Burger King, which the intellectuals and the scholars abhor... It is not so much that I dislike any particular thing in this collection, only that it feels unrealized, a masterpiece only half finished, a work that speaks to my own sense of failed genius — neither entirely a poem, nor an online rant, nor academic criticism, yet simultaneously all three."