Email Money

Email Money Our focus is solely on email marketing as a means to a full-time income and retirement plan.


Birth Certificate Fraud; Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus (BCCRSS)

In The Mirror

The Nuremberg Code:“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person… No one shall be subjected to … inhum...

The Nuremberg Code:

“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person… No one shall be subjected to … inhuman or degrading treatment … Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights… No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence…”

Masks can cause severe acne and other skin problems. The discomfort of a mask distracts some children from learning. By increasing airway resistance during exhalation, masks can lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. Masks can be vectors for pathogens if they become moist or are us...

Breakdown of the Matrix(I DOUBT YOU CAN HANDLE IT)

Breakdown of the Matrix

An American guide on how to have a rock-hard dick all day.


Remind your local school board about this:

18 U.S. Code § 1470 - Transfer of obscene material to minors Whoever, using the mail or any facility or means of interstate or foreign commerce, knowingly transfers obscene matter to another individual who has not attained the age of 16 years, knowing that such other individual has not attained the age of 16 years, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.


The Uniform Securitization Scheme:

How did they do it? You may ask, what did they do. They stole our birth certificates and made us the credit for the Government debt. This took place back in 1932 when FDR filed bankruptcy and used the people of this lad as collateral to pay off the debt they had occurred fighting endless wars.

The people were ordered to return all their gold to the US Treasury or suffer great consequences. In the meantime FDR signed an act that allowed him to use the people of this land in the bankruptcy they filed.

What is sad as no matter how hard this government tried the debt they were mounting would never be paid off in a million years. They made a pack with the devil himself to borrow money to fight a war nobody wanted to fight.


The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials,
and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of
the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund.

Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States."

One of the biggest discoveries that I have had recently that I wanted to let you know about is actually this blog articl...

One of the biggest discoveries that I have had recently that I wanted to let you know about is actually this blog article that I found:


That means no citizenship process, no tests, no long waits and no bs. You can just go get your passport and boom, you’re done. No need for a green card or to try and marry some fat piece of junk or anything else if you wanna stay in our glorious nation.

I assume that all you do is get a birth cert from your home country, enclose an Explanatory Statement that has vast details as to exactly what your situation is, enclose some proof as to having been in a state for more than 3 months (sworn testimony from a few friends should be fine), then attach all that stuff to the DS-11 form and go have it processed like a normal-ass passport.

Is there a difference between United States nationals and citizens? Yes! Find out what the differences are and why a national may wish to become a citizen.


If one understands that Socialism is not a “share the wealth” program yet is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super rich men promoting Socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs.

Communism, or more accurately Socialism, is not a movement of the down-trodden masses but of the economic elite. – Gary Allen


I was asked – yet there no words: it was a straight mental instantaneous communication – ‘What had I done to benefit or advance the human race? – The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying – Sogyal Rinpoche


Hey! I know you’re busy, so I’ll get straight to the point. I’m
transitioning from real estate into copywriting. This means I’m looking for business owners who need help with writing emails, website copy, lead pages, or FB ads. Would you happen to know anyone?


***Tyler's 10 Rules for Email Writing***

I recently came up with a list of ten rules for email writing for my writing team to use at my agency, TWD.

It's a checklist you can run through before hitting 'send' on any email... so you'll know your copy is as strong as can be.lerlet

The next time you write an email to a list, make sure you're doing these 10 things:

1. Make your email a story.

People pay attention to stories. They instantly capture our attention. Instead of telling your reader something, draw them in:

"I was having a chat with John in marketing the other day when your name came up. I realized you haven't visited our store in a while, that's why..."

2. Write from one person... to one person.

People don't buy from corporations or brands. They buy from people. Saying "Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a great day" is weird. Especially since so many people read their emails as they're sitting on the bowl with their pants around their ankles, presumably BY THEMSELVES. Your prospects aren't huddled in a room together... so don't write that way. Check your tone and make it personal.

3. Pace... then lead.

Your copy begins with your prospect's problems... then takes them by the hand and leads them to the outcomes they desire.

4. Show, don't tell.

"The man was mad" is nowhere near as powerful as "steam was coming from Ms. Smith's ears as she barreled down the hall."

Swap general details for specifics.

5. Invoke a specific emotion with your writing.

You should be able to say "I'm trying to make my reader laugh, cry, feel envy, be inspired, etc..."

If I can't feel the emotion you're trying to elicit, it needs to be rewritten.

6. Demonstrate.

Nothing crushes objections like a dramatic demonstration. Tell a story that SHOWS how your customers are using your product to solve their problems. They should understand how it works, why it works, and why it'll work for them.

7. Dimensionalize.

Get your readers to 'think past the sale' and imagine what their life looks like AFTER they've experienced the benefit of your product.

Here's an example: a piece of copy from a recent cart abandonment campaign we created for a client in the sunglass niche:

"... I wanted to check that everything was OK?

Maybe you got distracted, daydreaming of how cool these would look on you as you sat on the balcony of your chateau, sipping the finest champagne on a warm summer's evening, as you leaned back and gazed upon the magnificent French Alps…

… or maybe you got tagged in a Facebook post and had to go see what all the fuss was about.

Either way, your sunglasses are waiting for you right here..."

Let them feel what it's like to own the product.

8. Every email needs a direct, deliberate call to action.

Don't crap out on the pitch. Be direct, give explicit directions, and unpack all important details of the offer.

Don't get your reader dressed up with nowhere to go... always direct them to the next action to take.

9. Run your emails through Hemingway App... then read your email out loud.

This is how you catch all the wordy and wonky bits. Your reader will subvocalize (read aloud, internally) as they read your copy. So do them a favor and use this method to tighten and polish your copy before it goes out.

10. Cut your word count by 10%.

You're more verbose than you think. Challenge yourself to trim down your writing and say the same thing in fewer words.

If cutting 10% of your words is too tough, you probably need to trim 15%.

Which one of these rules resonates with you most?

James Tyler

Philadelphia House Painters

Philadelphia House Painters

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Good Stuff! Here's How To Claim Your Free Email Cheat Sheet and Daily Email Tips..

Good Stuff! Here's How To Claim Your Free Email Cheat Sheet and Daily Email Tips..

The Quickest & Easiest Way To Upgrade Your Marketing Knowledge "8 Free Cheat Sheets Guaranteed To Improve Results In Every Part Of Your Online Business... In Less Than 5 Minutes" The Quickest & Easiest Way To Upgrade Your Marketing Knowledge We respect your email privacy and never rent or sell your....


How To Consume Information Products ...The Right Way

Recently I was listening to a podcast where the guest - I think it was Dr. Patrick Gentempo - mentioned a brilliant concept... that literally had me pause the podcast, run for a piece of paper, and write it down.

I think it's such a profound realization that you'll probably want to do it, too.

Whenever you do anything, you need to...

Decide whether you're going to have a whirlpool bath effect or you're going to have a pivotal effect.

Here's the difference.

You probably know what it's like to sit in a whirlpool bath. You slip into it...

the water temperature is just right.

The sound of the water and the feel of it touching your skin starts literally melting your stress away.

It feels pretty awesome...

While you're in it.

Once you get out... your life goes back to the way it was.

Maybe you feel a little bit more relaxed for a little bit, but fundamentally, there's no change.

A pivotal experience is different.

It might not be as comfortable and relaxing as sitting in a whirlpool bath.

However, it can change the trajectory of your life... like double, triple, or 10x your income.

Or increase your focus and productivity.

Or let you gain back the motivation you lost a long time ago.

In my opinion, this concept applies to every area of your life.

However... nowhere this is more important than when you're consuming information.

Most people consume information like they sit in a whirlpool bath.

They thoroughly enjoy the idea of what the material will let them accomplish.

For example, if they're reading a book about being more productive, they enjoy the possibility of being more productive.

It's a blissful state - just like in a whirlpool bath.

Very few people are willing to roll up the sleeves and get to work to actually try and implement the insights.

To actually make the consuming of the information a pivotal experience.

The good news is it is always up to you to decide what it's going to be.

Are you going to change your life or just sit in a whirlpool bath?

Nothing bad with either. I just happen to know which one I prefer.

And when it comes to changing your life, there's nothing more important to fixing your productivity.

Think about it.

If you're twice as productive, then, as far as your environment supports it, you're going to make at least twice as much. However, the growth is almost always exponential. So expect even more income, free time, and the ability to decide what you want to do at any given moment.

-Jim Tyler


Email ad monetization will forever change when Apple officially releases iOS 15 and Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) this fall.


Why I go against the grain...

Jim here.

You’ve probably noticed that the emails I send you are a bit longer than what other brands and individuals use.

Often, I’d take at least the first half of a 1,000 word email just to get to the main point… which, if you listen to most gurus, goes completely against every rule - such as you need to get to the point immediately, to have a call to action above the fold and so on.

Well, this email doesn’t even have a call to action.

And you know what else?

While this might go against some rules… the most important rule of marketing in my experience is to first, stand out.

Preferably, stand out in a way that furthers the process of the sale.

Because just standing out doesn’t matter - there are plenty of the so-called influencers out there who have half a million followers, yet can’t drive 2 sales in a single promo. They’re good at standing out, yet not too great at expediting the process of the sale.

One way to do that in online marketing is to do what everyone else is too lazy to do.

For example, writing a longer email like this without even selling something is what most marketers don’t bother to do.

Because it takes a lot of time, research, and thinking.

It’s no different for me.

Which is why I’m smart about it.

I have these created for me - and it doesn’t even cost me that much because it’s just a part of a service in an exclusive membership I’m a part of. One day I’ll tell you all about it.

The lesson here is that you don’t have to work hard to get results.

Sure, if you want to really go all in, you can do everything yourself… yet if 20% of the effort (which is the level of effort it takes me to review these and add some ideas of my own) gets me 80% of the result (in reality, it’s closer to 95%), why would I?

Now, here’s another point.

If everyone starts sending longer emails and providing value (instead of just “buy this thing from me”) you know who will be the first to send shorter ones? Me.

Because standing out and grabbing their attention comes first.

If you can’t grab someone’s attention, you can’t provide value to them.

There’s a lot to be said about grabbing attention the right way, though.

For example, you could grab everyone’s attention in a crowded movie theater (as if we have those anymore…) by yelling “FIRE!!!”...

Yet if your goal is to sell popcorn, well, I don’t think you’ll sell much.

Bottom line is...

First, stand out - if everyone zigs, you zag. Do it in a way that helps to get your message across.

Then, provide relevant value. As much as you can.

And watch out for how you grab people’s attention - make sure it’s congruent with your message.

-Jim Tyler


Better than savings?

Jim here.

Make of it what you will, yet during the pandemic, Americans are saving a greater percentage of money than ever before, according to new data.

It’s normal for the savings rate to go up when there’s a crisis.

For example, the previous record American saving rate was 17.3% in May 1975. There wasn’t a pandemic back then... yet it was a tail end of a recession brought on by skyrocketing gas prices, spending on the Vietnam War, and a Wall Street stock crash.

However, I always look at studies like this with caution.

The problem is that these just look at the average number.

Think of it like this. If I have a million dollars and you have zero dollars, on average, we have $500,000 each. Doesn’t help you one bit though when your card declines at the grocery shop though, right?

Hopefully that’s not the situation you find yourself in these days. If it is… we need to do something about it. Even if it isn’t, let’s focus on something that will help you prevent it from happening.

Now, I’m not qualified to give financial advice. Common sense applies - spend less than you earn, build an emergency fund, take care of your health, and so on and so forth.

That’s not what my today’s post is about.

Instead I want to show you an asset that you can start growing today which is going to help you as an emergency fund, as an investment vehicle, an appreciating asset, and on top of all of it it will keep generating you income as long as you treat it right.

I’m talking about an email list.

Yes, it’s not fancy… or “sexy”. It’s not the latest trend, either. Plus, it takes some work to build and keep up.

It’s almost as if it’s similar to saving money.

Now, how do you build an email list?

It’s a broad subject and it doesn’t help that most people overcomplicate it. So it intimidates most marketers.

The truth, however, is you can start simple.

For example, the only thing that really matters is that you have something you can either give away for free or sell at a low price in exchange for people’s email addresses.

My recommendation is to sell something small right away so you build a list of buyers… yet a freebie can work, too.

The next step is to keep emailing that list all the time.

Don’t worry if it’s just a few people right now. You need to get in the habit of getting in touch with them as often as possible. Keep sending them offers, too - and you’ll start seeing conversions.

Last piece of advice is not to worry about inconsequential things like which autoresponder to use. I can guarantee you that at the beginning anything you use will be better than nothing. When it comes time to switch, you’ll know exactly what you’re looking for and will be able to make an informed decision.

Bottom line is this.

A properly built email list is like having a second savings account, a business, an investment combined. You can rely on it to make you money whenever you want with little maintenance.

So get to it - and let me know if you have any questions.

-Jim Tyler

6 words that can crush it for you... starting this weekI can't think of a better way to start off Fridays post to you, t...

6 words that can crush it for you... starting this week

I can't think of a better way to start off Fridays post to you, than with a simplified game plan that will help you get the money you're seeking today, next week, next month, next year.

So here are the 6 words.

Collect Emails.

Send Emails.

Get Rich.

That's it.

Now, granted, the above sounds a little "hypey".

Ok, Ok.

Maybe a lot "hypey".

Yet it's something I firmly believe in.

And in fact, have been able to prove to myself and others, for the last 16ish years (since 2005).

Here's something else I believe.

If you can send emails to a friend, you already have the necessary skills, to make money online.

In fact, the less "academic" your writing is and the more "conversational" is it, the more of an audience you'll gain, and as a result, the more money you'll collect.

(Re-read that last sentence. I just gave you a $10,000 tip. You can thank me later by buying me Swedish Fish and Starbursts!)

Moving forward...

Yesterday, I gave you 1st crack at jumping into my newest micro-workshop, marketing cheat sheets funnel.

It's all about leveraging email to make you more money.

Hey Jim, there's already a billion and one email courses and workshops out there. What could possibly make your marketing cheat sheets funnel any different / better?

That's a fair question.

And I'll answer it in 3 simple ways.

1: Good quality product

- I have bought 100s of low ticket products from JVZoo, Warrior Forum, Clickbank, and others. A lot of 'em were junk. Yet some of them, were solid gold.

Every once in a while, you hit on a winner.

This is one of those times.

2: Can't beat the price

- It's $1.00. If you don't have $1.00 or worse, unwilling to part with $1.00, then the Internet as whole, will chew you up and spit you out. Seriously. Free will only get you a preview. You want in the game, you gotta pay.

3: I'm gonna help you win... BIG.

- I'll end up selecting 3-5 folks to work with 1:1, as micro case studies, to help them fine tune their initial welcome email, as well as, create a follow up game plan. Because too many of ya'll are just walking past $100 bills by not following up.

There ya have it.

You decide if you want in or not.

The doors will be open until Sunday night.

Get registered right now, as next week, classes are in session!


Review the offer.

If you think it will help you now, as well as, into the future, then buy your ticket. If not, feel free to take a pass.


Success Loves Speed,


The Quickest & Easiest Way To Upgrade Your Marketing Knowledge "8 Free Cheat Sheets Guaranteed To Improve Results In Every Part Of Your Online Business... In Less Than 5 Minutes" The Quickest & Easiest Way To Upgrade Your Marketing Knowledge We respect your email privacy and never rent or sell your....


The secret advantage dirt broke copywriters have

An admission:

When I got started in the insanely competitive world of learning copywriting, I was so broke I didn’t have a pot to wiz in or a window to throw it out. I specifically remember how it was even kind of a stretch to buy Dan Kennedy’s excellent “Ultimate Sales Letter” book at the time, if that gives you an idea of how broke I was.

All of which turned out to be a good thing.


Because I simply didn’t have enough money to waste, and took what copywriting education I could get a heckuva lot more seriously than practically any copywriting newbie I know or have dealt with ever will.

When all you have are a few dollars to spend, you don’t just casually invest it.

Or, worse, fall for a bunchy of goo-roo nonsense.

Another advantage:

It was the early 2000’s, and there wasn’t anywhere near the glut of copywriting training circulating around there is now. Today you are inundated with so-called copywriting experts pounding their chests on Facebook or Twitter about how great they think they are, yet have not only never learned the fundamentals of the craft, they only sell to their own lists of sycophants who buy just because they are told to, then set themselves up as authorities on the subject.

I remember one guy telling me he could sell better than any of the A-list copywriters out there.

When I asked how, he said:

“I’ve sold thousands of dollars worth of my courses in my Facebook group.”

This is the mentality of these dorks.

They have a little success selling to their warm markets… and have deluded themselves into thinking they have anywhere the skill of an actual A-list copywriter, who has worked for the big mailers, constantly split tested against other great copywriters for controls, selling brand new products to ice cold leads who have no idea who they are and didn’t even know those products existed 5 minutes earlier, competing in an environment that is a thousand times more competitive and harsh than spanking out half-arsed offers to pre-sold leads on the internet.

It’s why I have so much respect for the actual A-listers.

The ones who do the above day in, and day out.

Anyway, here’s why I bring all this up:

Early on, when dirt broke, there were very specific copywriting resources I not only patiently saved up to buy (with the profits of whatever fees I got paid to write copy)… yet studied them a minimum of 10 times.

No exaggeration.

In fact, in some cases, it was as many as 30 times.

Some of them I still go through annually.

I’d go through them over and over and over… taking notes, applying, taking notes, applying, taking notes, applying… until the information started to click, make sense… and, over time, compound on itself, and became second nature, where I don’t even have to consciously think about writing copy anymore.

Admittedly, learning copywriting this way is a lot of hard work.

And it certainly takes a fair amount of patience.

Thus, most people will never do it.

And it never ends — as I’m still getting schooled by these same copywriters daily.

Do what you will with this info.

Jim Tyler






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Wouldn't It Be Great If You Could Make Money From Your List Instead Of Wasting Money?

Do you get frustrated when you build your list yet don't make any sales from it?

Do your subscribers actually look forward to receiving your emails each day?

Do you get irritated when you spend hours crafting some great free content, only to have people unsubscribe from your list when you send it to them?

Or maybe your subscribers do actually open up your free content emails, yet when it comes down to it and you ask them to buy from you, they lock up their wallets?