Jesy Nelson, a woman with light skin, was part of a British girl group named Little Mix. They have been together for 9 years. Jesy Nelson decided to leave the group because bullies were causing damage to her mental well-being. She made this decision after they released a music video called "Sweet Melody. "
After she saw the music video for Sweet Melody, she had a panic attack and was taken to the hospital. Then, she almost tried to end her life because of bullies.
She made a song called Boyz with Nicki Minaj and Puff Daddy because music brings her joy. She wants to make herself feel good and be in good health because she wants to overcome mental health issues and live a fulfilling life.
While Boyz is singing the song Jesy, her friend Leigh Anne accused Jesy Nelson of pretending to be a black woman when she is actually white.
Yes, there were some unfair beliefs about certain groups of people, but Jesy didn't write the song Boyz.
Leigh Anne told Jesy not to spray herself because it can cause problems for black people. I agree with what Leigh Anne said.
Jesy Nelson wants to use fake tan to make her skin look like a sun tan, but she doesn't want her skin to become black.
I have noticed that some white women use fake tan to make their skin look darker because they feel their natural pale skin is not desirable compared to being a black woman.
Little Mix made many excuses to try and make Jesy Nelson look like a bad person for kissing Leigh Anne's ex. However, Jesy only barely kissed him and it happened because Leigh Anne's ex walked away from Jesy, showing that they were not together.
Little Mix made up a story about Jesy Nelson with a song that came out 2 years ago. The song is called "cut you off" and it's about Jesy Nelson, but it falsely accuses her of being racist. However, Jesy Nelson was not being racist at all.
Leigh Anne wrote a song called "Don't say love" because she doesn't want to say it if she doesn't mean it. One of the lyrics talks about empty lies and empty words, as if she wants to make empty promises. This is what narcissists do to make empty promises.
Jesy Nelson made Leigh Anne believe that she never said something she actually did say. This is an example of gaslighting. She tried to manipulate Leigh Anne by gaslighting her, because that's how you defeat someone who is narcissistic and uses gaslighting tactics.
Most people noticed many warning signs in the relationship between Leigh Anne and Jesy Nelson.
Leigh Anne won because she got rid of Jesy out of spite and sought revenge on her. She treated Jesy as insignificant and did many hurtful things towards her.
I love Leigh Anne because I really do.
Leigh Anne did something that is not acceptable or appropriate.
Cora J News