Otter Creek's "Standing in the Truth

Otter Creek's "Standing in the Truth Romans 9:1 I speak the truth in Christ, I am not lying; my conscience confirms it in Holy Spirit.


A nasty comment was just made which I deleted saying that we beg for everything and we're lazy I'm 62 years old I'm disabled from a very horrible illness that I do not need to disclose, that makes my bones so brittle that they are just disintegrating and my discs are all gone in my body but three, that's all I'll say. I worked my entire life and most of the time even though I've been married I was a single mom and I raised my children myself. But wait I didn't just raise my children, I raised stepchildren, I raise nieces and nephews, I raised grandchildren, you out there you listen to stories that are not true, you don't know the truth about what has happened to us, if what has happened to us has happened to you, you'd be in the exact same spot we are but you don't know what we've been through because you've seen one side of one story and took it as your truth. Do you know what that tells me? you're a very very sad individual it's sad that you do that and that you pray on people that have had horrendous hardships in their life, you know nothing of the truth nothing, and if you took the time to ask me what the truth was like others have, you would completely change your opinion of what you've heard and about us. So shame on you shame on you it doesn't say a lot for who you are. HATE IS WHAT YOU THRIVE ON..


What saddens me in life?
What saddens me, is that people believe so many lies made up and created, rotten disrespectful, humiliating, libelous lies about people and they never have met them nor have they ever asked that person the truth or they never asked them for their side of the story. They don't ask them if these things are true, or if they're false, or if they're created, they just naturally assume that what people say is the truth. Human beings lie, human beings hurt other human beings. Why don't they start asking people for their side of the story? In the Constitution of the United States of America everyone including you is innocent until proven guilty. Seriously that's what our country is founded on. Yet so many people are so fast to hurt others for no reason other than someone said so. It's heart-wrenching. God tells us that we are to love our neighbor, God also says, that if you have a problem with someone you're to go to that person and talk to that person and try to work it out,( if you can't then you can seek Godly counsel or advice or seek the truth elsewhere. Life might be a lot more pleasant if we all took heed and followed those simple guidelines.

God is good all the time. His love and mercy And Grace are never ending.

God is good all the time. His love and mercy And Grace are never ending.


Womens Bible. Matthew 7:1-12
[1]Judge not, that ye be not judged.
[2]For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
[3]And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
[4]Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
[5]Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
[6]Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
[7]Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
[8]For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
[9]Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
[10]Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
[11]If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
[12]Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.


Womens Bible. Matthew 5:1-20
[1]And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
[2]And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
[3]Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
[4]Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
[5]Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
[6]Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
[7]Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
[8]Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
[9]Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
[10]Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
[11]Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
[12]Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
[13]Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
[14]Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
[15]Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
[16]Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
[17]Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
[18]For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
[19]Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
[20]For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.


Life truth,
About 10 years ago in Port Charlotte Florida at a hotel tiki bar WE were visiting I heard a man yelling just yelling help! People were yelling by the water that a man was drowning so I ran down to the dock area and another man had flipped his boat he was going under over and over and no one would jump in so I went to rail and people were saying he's a drunk let him die but as scared as I was of sharks I could not let him drown so I jumped in as little as I am and grabbed him by his shirt and thank God my legs were very strong so I put a foot on each pillar and sat this man on my lap to hold him until someone could help me get him on dock. A manager from hotel was coming with a key to unlock gate. People were yelling horrible things he's a drunk he's done it before, who cares about him girl you're going to die for this drunk get out of there save yourself. I chose not to I chose to stay in the water and help this man get to safety nobody would help him nobody would help me until a young man that was bar backing at the Tiki Bar ran over. I knew this young gentleman he said Michelle I'm going to get in and help you and I said thank you and he jumped in the water and he helped me hold him and he helped me save this man's life. It was in the news it was in the newspaper very well can look it up. I am not the person that people are making me out to be I'm a good person. I love human beings with all my heart and I love God with all my heart just the truth fact of life.
Unfortunately for the man this was the second time that day that he had flipped his boat he was drunk and he was arrested and I guess fortunately for him he was taken to a rehab center and a jail and hopefully he got help I don't know if he did or not I never seen the man again but I know that for years after every time I went to the Tiki Bar everybody knew who I was and the young man was still bar backing for quite a while there and everybody knew that we had helped a man and saved his life. God is good all the time.


Just to clarify rumors, we are not building a fence as much as we're building a barrier, or barricade or privacy covering to keep people from filming us. I'm sure that not one of you would like 15 to 30 people filming your yard everyday filming your child 4 years old filming you, none of you would like it and we don't either.
The sign that's laying in the yard cannot be picked up yet because John just had surgery for his third knee replacement, and to those idiots and that's what you are that are making comments that, that was not a knee replacement, they don't bandage it like that, 0r they don't do that, kindly excuse yourself, and probably should put your brain in your own damn business and stay out of ours, because he did have a third knee replacement, he did have all of the infection taken out of his leg he went in not knowing whether he was coming out with a knee or an amputation.
John is not a lazy man by any means and I've watched that man go to bed in tears from the pain he's in from his knees, so shame on you the people that are saying such hateful things, shame on you. And God forgive me for being angry about it because I do get mad, I'm human we're all Sinners, we all fall short of the glory of God. We're square with Fish and Game we have no problems with any organizations except the ones that have done things purposely and we're working on finding out who you are, we know what you did! We absolutely know what you did and it is being investigated and once we're able to prove who did it you will be arrested and you will get the charges pressed as many as I can press, to the to the top of the law. For what you did. I also just read some stupid comments and heard something from someone themselves that I make Harley Grace sick every time there's a hurricane so I can rush her to the hospital. Excuse me::::(the hospital is the last place that I would want my child.) The last time that Harley went to the doctor she caught rhinovirus and another childhood virus which ended her up in the hospital at the time there was that hurricane it was coincidental people it's the same type of time of the year when all of the flus and viruses come out. I can't control that. You need to get into some GA-1 groups and look at the pictures of their children and then pray blessings on them because their kids are in wheelchairs, their kids have braces, their kids are on walkers their kids are hurting and suffering from this damn disease and my Harley Grace, because I am such a good mother and I gave up so much to keep her safe and go to extreme measures hasn't had one serious METABOLIC episode, the only episode she had was in UTERO and she had a stroke and she's doing very well from that now. My child is where she is today thank you Jesus because I keep her away from people and I keep her safe not one of the parents out there with GA1 would never wish it on EVEN THEIR enemy's children. I don't hate anyone it's hard not to but I don't hate anyone. I guess I'm about done with that today we've also purchased security lights to get put up outside because we don't trust you people out there, we don't trust you you're worried about what we're going to do to someone some people we've never threatened anyone in our lives it's absolutely the other way and you know that you know that because you've seen it and you've heard it, OH I forgot you only see edited videos. But you think it's okay because its fun it's entertainment. You just got to love it well you go ahead and you keep doing what you're doing and hurting people because it's wrong and at the end it's you that will be judged just as you have judged others.
John 3:16

This is very interesting.

This is very interesting.

I wish I could say this was a happy Thanksgiving,  I have plenty to be thankful for, Harley Grace, John, my family and D...

I wish I could say this was a happy Thanksgiving, I have plenty to be thankful for, Harley Grace, John, my family and Daughters. I have never made death threats to anyone. It's so sad what's happening to my family. If we're accused of it it's really happening to us. Fake posts made by copy and pasting it's horrible lies.
I know that I have the blood of Jesus protecting us and his hedge of protection and my holy anointing oil from Jerusalem. We continue to pray for those that hurt us.
God bless to all of you.


The person helping us is not a felon BTW, he's been out of jail for awhile now and simply offered to do our electric. I do not have criminals on my property living here or around my child, but even If I chose to let someone help us who made a mistake and drove while drinking, he did his time and probation and is now doing what he needs to so what would be the problem? Who are you to cast the first stone? If your not perfect you have no right to throw stones or judge someone else.
We DO NOT FOR THE LAST TIME ALLOW ANYONE NEAR HARLEY GRACE DUE TO HER ILLNESS. GET OVER IT PEOPLE. I Can only say this, you see who's filming who, you see who's posting horrible things about us and about others you see and hear the lies and the things that are being CREATED and then told! and yet you have there's no proof but you believe it you take it as gospel I feel bad for you and I pity the people who are doing it I will continue to have Harley pray for you I will pray for you and we pray every day that God will take this and turn this into the light and bring this to an end and we pray for everybody involved. We just want to be left alone. You also need to look at another thing we haven't made one penny from any of this but somebody else is getting rich from it does that not tell you anything it should say a lot.
Hurt people hurt people


If anybody reading this thanks that for one minute we want to put up a 10 fence in front of our beautiful property that we love with all of our heart we don't but we have no choice we are doing everything we can to stop the stalker from hurting our family we're doing everything we can to stop this from happening so that my little girl can run around and play in her yard without everybody filming her. We don't want it but we have no choice and it's sick and it's unfair and it's wrong and I want to be left alone I'm begging to be left alone we don't want to be harassed and stalked and bullied and lied about every single day to make other people rich. If you people out there would do your research a little bit better you'd see the truth and it isn't what you think. There will be no Thanksgiving for my family even though we're thankful for each other and I'm thankful for my beautiful daughter there's nothing in our hearts that wants to celebrate it. Please just leave us alone please stopit, and fans stop filming us, stop driving by there's nothing to see stop driving by leave us alone please.


We want everyone to know that we DO NOT HAVE ANY ILL INTENTIONS TOWARDS ANYONE AT OTTER CREEK TOWN HALL, What's been said is a lie a flat out lie John is never pulled a gun on anyone at any meetings anywhere and would never do that nor have I we have no intentions of hurting anyone we have been involved in politics for several years in North Port where we lived our friends are currently the members of the commission of North Port and they are our friends no one has ever had a complaint against us ever that we've done something so heinous. We do not have any ill intentions towards anyone in town hall there is a way of handling things that go on when you are in commission meetings when you're running for offices when you're doing whatever and it means you go by the legality of everything there are complaints that can be made there are offices that deal with whatever is is going on you never take things into your own hands. We are very familiar with how you deal with things legally in any situation that you are in. Also we have never purchased tracking devices and placed them on anyone's vehicle I did not make signs and put them up in Otter Creek I haven't found one person in Otter Creek that ever saw a sign. My family members have never been contacted about my handwriting that is a lie because that is not my handwriting I have never written that way and I never will my children know that my family knows that and my friends know that been writing for 62 years don't think I would change up my writing now. All we can do is keep debunking the lies that are told about us. We don't do anything against any human being whatsoever in Otter Creek Nothing. At certain times Otter Creek is the most peaceful wonderful quiet place to live. All we can hope and pray for is that peace would last permanently in Otter Creek. Praying people that God will touch the hearts of everyone in Otter Creek.




#1 John was resting and filming the stalker drive by harassing him. He's clearly filming not doing drugs. Lol SMDH. JUST STUPID.
#2 The birth family has nothing to do with Harley Grace and you people have no idea what the truth is about some of them. SMH shame on you. AS SOON AS I LOCATE THE FOUNDED CHILDABUSE REPORT ON THE BIO MOTHER I WILL POST IT. There's a reason she doesn't have not one of her children..Hmmm. (6 BTW)
#3 John has never pulled a firearm on anyone at anytime at any meeting. Your showing just how easily you are manipulated and how GULLIBLE YOU ARE. I'd think the cops would have arrested him for something like that..
#4 I do not have any mental health issues, I'm so sorry to burst your bubbles and ruin your fun but s0rry nope not me.
We're building a fence to protect her and us from the stalker and you.
It's sad, so very sad. I hope your all proud of yourselves.

It's Lemon time here in Otter Creek, these are the best Lemons I've ever had! So big! As big as my tasty..yummy

It's Lemon time here in Otter Creek, these are the best Lemons I've ever had! So big! As big as my tasty..yummy


There was witnesses parked on our side facing opposite direction that witnessed the entire thing. You can even hear John asking the witness to use her car to block him so he didn't get hit.we are measuring to put up plywood to protect our child from this. We're getting big security lights, it's US BEING TERRORIZED AND we are terrified of what could come next from them, from fans from the lies being told about us.




John was never in the middle of the road, John never made a comment at all to anyone but me. John was walking on a walker with his leg wrapped up to his thigh crotch area as he is 2 days post surgery for a knee replacement. John was dragging a tape measure as we measured our property. A neighbor was parked on our side of the road facing the opposite direction and was a witness to everything. And Advocate a victims advocate from Akron Ohio was on the phone with me for the initial confrontation until I told her I had to go so that I could film what was about to happen, and then I videoed it. my video and showed to the Levy County Sheriff's Department two very different things. I was given a case number because what happened was harassment to us. It was obvious we were on the side of the road because John couldn't push his walker in the grass. Nobody violated any order.


I just found a post that I hadn't seen before that I thought was very funny. I don't know who said that we brought tortoises from Iowa, BUT NO WE never brought a tortoise from Iowa. Our story has always been the same, it's always been the truth, and there's many witnesses to the day this happened. We had a condo in another town I am not going to name and as we sat in our little Cabana area Cantina Area at our condo well John sat there with friends a little red Foot Tortoise came crawling into the middle of all of them, out of no where, that was our first Tortoise and the start of our tortoise rescuehere in Florida and that happened about 10 and a half years ago going on 11 years now, time flies fast probably 11 years now. So NO we've never said that we brought tortoises from Iowa I know people keep tortoises all over the world but I would never dream of keeping a tortoise in a cold State like Iowa ever.

Amen, Amen ,Amen

Amen, Amen ,Amen


John 3:16

Dear heavenly father please forgive those that hurt us, and bless them beyond measure.
Teach me Lord to also forgive no matter how hurt my heart is and bless them beyond measure. Let your light shine bright Lord Jesus.


We are not racist we are not white nationalist my family is made up of half black everyone is half black, or some full.
We have all races! stop hurting us over lies, these phone calls to us are wrong accusing someone who's entire family is mixed with black people. Lol it's so stupid! Anyone who knows my life would know the truth.


Just a thought, if Munchausen Syndrome by proxy was the issue in our family why would my daughter been placed in the NICU for 17 days after born and having the newborn testing done that they do for all newborn babies in every hospital? Why would we have been transferred from one Hospital to another by ambulance after her birth and after being told that the newborn screening came back with a positive test for glutamic acidymia type 1 why would she have to be taking amino acids right now that her body doesn't produce if it was all faked by me? Why am I not at the hospital everyday with her? Answer maybe that's because Hospitals and Clinics are dangerous to my child because they have a lot of what? viruses and what do viruses do? Cause fever and what does fever do to my child? Cause metabolic stroke, cause death, cause brain damage, cause all kinds of problems. You people will stop at nothing to hurt someone else on the word of another person who is making all of this garbage up. There is nothing rational about your thinking. My daughter has a metabolic team that follows her very closely. My daughter does regular blood tests for her metabolic team I think they know whether my child is sick or not and what she has. Shame on you shame on you.


The person creating those false freaking conversations should be so deeply ashamed of themselves. I don't even have words.I don't know at this moment if I have prayer for them, it is disgusting it's deliberate and it's trashy to do that to someone else. John has never been on crack or any other freaking drug and if people are on opiates, let's just think about it, anyone that takes a pain medication goes to a pain management clinics, the pain management clinic p**s tests them once a month so I don't know how he'd get away with doing crack and we did U A's for my adoption. You people are the sickest, Twisted people I've ever known about in my life. I feel so sorry for you.I pity you each and every one of you involved in these lies.


Are you kidding me you've got a stoop to creating conversations LOL oh my Lord.


All my family wants, is to be left al0ne. We are innocent and God knows it. That's what I care about. You all know it, you all are not unintelligent people. The baby and I are praying as well as our family members for you all.
You will face judgment just as I will in the end but the difference is I am not worried or afraid, I treat everyone good. May God in heaven bless you and keep you and shine his light on you.


No matter if the truth is staring them in the face, they will never believe it because hurt people hurt people. If they just looked they would see the truth. Some just don't want to. They enjoy hurting people. God bless them and keep them. Hrwal their hearts Lord.


Dear heavenly father,
I come to you Lord Jesus to pray for all of those people that are hurting people I use the same dear Lord hurt people hurt people and it is so true I pray with all of my heart and soul lord that you will heal them, bless them, from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet Lord. Lord God please change my heart help my heart please don't allow me to hold animosity Lord God please help me to learn how to have Grace and how to have mercy for people that hurt me. Please Lord Jesus help me to teach Harley Grace To Love even the darkest of people and let her know Lord God that you are in control and that all she needs to do is lay this all at the bottom of the Cross and you will take care of it. Let my little girl Lord Jesus have faith and understand that by having faith means we have to believe even if we can't see it that it's going to happen. I pray Lord God for every one of the people out there that are doing these horrible horrible things to us I pray Lord again that the fleece will fall from the wolf and you'll see it for what it is everyone will see the light and the truth. I pray Lord God that you will help us go on with our lives day today blessing others and helping others the best that we can and just let us be the best people that we can be under Christ. I praise you and I thank you and I love you Lord with all my heart.


Please! No comments allowed at all!! Just reading, keep your thoughts to yourself. Please.

To the Norwegian man who cussed me out so nasty, and  abused me verbally and accused me of lying, well here you go, here...

To the Norwegian man who cussed me out so nasty, and abused me verbally and accused me of lying, well here you go, here's your proof I FILED FIRST IN FLORIDA!!!!! MINE WAS NOT RETALIATION THE OTHER ONE WAS. I BELIEVE A VIDEO MADE that SAID THEY GIVE THEM OUT LIKE CANDY IN OHIO. ANYONE CAN LIE TO GET AN ORDER.

My blessing box is up and full..Otter Creek residents in need may help themselves.

My blessing box is up and full..Otter Creek residents in need may help themselves.


ROMANS 9:1 I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience confirms it by the Holy Spirit— I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.


They should have done their research before creating those conversations and using those words because I DO NOT SAY THOSE WORDS.
My family is so multi racial and my family has several people in the LGBT community um so I would NEVER USE THOSE WORDS.


Otter Creek
Otter Creek, FL





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