Morrow County Blog

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Newly elected Board of Commissioner Gus Peterson, and Chair David Sykes, just voted to change a previously FINAL vote by the BOC.

Today's vote, was a vote that has caused Morrow County to LOSE the additional funding offered by Judge Hill/Oregon State to help pay for the new courthouse annex. According to Judge Hill, that ADDITIONAL funding was contingent on the annex being build in the north end of Morrow County.
According to Judge Hills previous presentation, Sykes and Peterson's vote will also cause the LOSS of Morrow County getting an ADDITIONAL Judge, as well as ADDITIONAL court staff, which would have been fully funded by the State (not paid for by Morrow County tax payers)

I have to wonder how Morrow County tax payers feel knowing that they are now responsible for the additional cost, potentially millions, which would have been paid for by Oregon State.
How much will YOUR taxes increase to cover Gus Peterson and David Sykes vote?

Previously, Aaron Palmquest, Irrigon City Manager, addressed Morrow County BOC. Palmquest was clear that it was improper for a final vote to be changed due to personal opinions.
It certainly appears that Syke and Peterson ignored Palmquest's words.
Were Sykes and Peterson's votes for personal reasons, or for the best interest of Morrow County?
It certainly doesn't seem that either Sykes or Peterson upheld their fiduciary responsibilities to Morrow County or to Morrow County residents.

I am curious about the legality of their vote.


Nelson hopes for a sixth judge
By Terry Murry on Tuesday, December 24th, 2024 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HEPPNER – Morrow County District Attorney Justin Nelson says Sixth Circuit Court Judge Dan Hill plans to request an additional circuit court judge for the district that includes Umatilla and Morrow counties. He’s all for it.

“One: We need another circuit court judge; and two: that judge should be stationed here in Morrow County,” he said.

Nelson said the new position has to be included in the Oregon Department of Justice’s budget and be approved as a new position by the Oregon Legislature. The number of judges in each district is specifically set by the legislature. The Sixth Circuit has five judges.

Nelson said the sixth judge should be in Morrow County, but like the other five, that doesn’t mean he would only handle that county’s legal cases.

“It’s important to know that the judges utilize video a lot,” he said. “As an example, the new judge could be sitting in Heppner at the courthouse, holding a hearing regarding a post-conviction refiled claim filed by an inmate in prison. The prisoner would appear via video from the prison and attorneys would also generally be appearing via video. They already do this now, so it really does not matter if the judge is in Heppner.”

Nelson said he has pushed for a judge assigned to the Morrow County Courthouse ever since he became district attorney and that both current and prior county commissioners support it as well.

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Listen to Judge Hill explain the reasons for building a courthouse ANNEX in Boardman.

Listen to Judge Hill explain the reasons for building a courthouse ANNEX in Boardman.

Morrow County Board of Commissioners Work Session discussing Circuit Courthouse options

2024 DataBoardman is theFastesr growing City in Oregon Lexington and Heppner are the fastest shrinking cities in Oregon

2024 Data
Boardman is the
Fastesr growing City in Oregon
Lexington and Heppner are the fastest shrinking cities in Oregon

The U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday released new population estimates for cities and towns across the country.

Ballots are due TODAY before 8:00 pmBoardman Ballot drop box is located behind Sinclair (across from Smiley's)

Ballots are due TODAY before 8:00 pm
Boardman Ballot drop box is located behind Sinclair (across from Smiley's)


Cost proposals for Ambulance Services plan's. *Annual loss estimates each entity is requesting the County (YOU), reimburse (pay to them).

*BFRD numbers are "up to" (also known as: "not to exceed)

**MCHD numbers are actual dollar amount requested

Northern 275,000. 1,053,316
Southern 600,000. 452,238
Northeast 500,000. 834,286
Total = 1,375,000. 2,339,840

For all three ASA areas combined, MCHD is $964,840 MORE than BFRD

Northern (Boardman area) MCHD is $778,316 MORE than BFRD.

Northeast (Irrigon area) MCHD is $334,286 MORE than BFRD

Southern (Heppner area) is the ONLY area MCHD came in less than BFRD, with a difference of $147,762.

What percentage of MCHD's recently passed levy (or the permanent tax) is MCHD committing toward ambulance service?

What percentage of MCHD IFT revenue is
MCHD committing towards ambulance services?

An IFT is defined as any EMS ambulance transport from one healthcare facility to another facility.

"The Lower Umatilla Basin Groundwater Management Area Committee is tasked with developing long-term plans to reduce nitr...

"The Lower Umatilla Basin Groundwater Management Area Committee is tasked with developing long-term plans to reduce nitrate levels in the area. The committee includes local residents, businesses and government agencies.

There are many sources of nitrate contamination in the area. The primary estimated source of contamination (about 70%) is from irrigated farmland. Additional contributors are large dairy and cattle farms known as CAFOs (about 13%), animal pastures (about 8%), food processing facilities that reuse wastewater to irrigate fields (about 5%), and residential septic systems and other sources (about 5%). Additional information about sources of contamination and plans for reducing those sources are in the LUBGMWA Action Plan.

Estimated sources of nitrate contamination in the Lower Umatilla Basin, LUBGWMA Second Action Plan"

Every household in Morrow County should be receiving a copy of this publication.  I apologize for those who are experien...

Every household in Morrow County should be receiving a copy of this publication. I apologize for those who are experiencing delayed delivery.

Remember to turn in your ballots

Remember to turn in your ballots

How important is Maintaining the Integrity of the Judicial System?    It turns out that this is the million-dollar quest...

How important is Maintaining the Integrity of the Judicial System?

It turns out that this is the million-dollar question voters need to be asking Judge Collins.

Who is Judge Collins?

Judge Collins was the presiding Judge over a case between Morrow County Health District (Defendant) and Boardman Fire and Rescue District (Plaintiff) What is the issue with Judge Collins and this case? Judge Collins SISTER, is a PARTNER at the law firm who is representing MCHD.

Judge Collins accepted this case on JUNE 22, 2023. This case was to determine if MCHD had the authority to issue fines to BFRD, a Special District that does NOT fall under the control of MCHD.

Judge Collins has claimed that he did not “realize” that the firm representing MCHD was his SISTERS law firm until AFTER he issued his opinion. I find this impossible to believe. How did Judge Collins sit though both sides presenting their cases, without “realizing” Troy Bundy, with Hart Wagner, was the same Hart Wagner law firm his SISTER is a partner at?

If Judge Collins read the filings prior to issuing his opinion, HOW did he “not realize” as he is claiming, that the law firm involved was his sisters, until AFTER he issued his opinion? Or, did he NOT even bother to read any of the filings and evidence because his SISTER had already presented their firms case to him?

It is UNBELIEVABLE that Judge Collins accepted this case June 22,2023, and as he has “claimed”, was completely unaware that his SISTER was PARTNER of this law firm, until May 6, 2024. Or that his “realization” happened, AFTER, he had issued his opinion, in favor of his SISTERS law firms client.

The Oregon Code of Judicial Conduct is CLEAR in that it is crucial to Maintain the Integrity of the Judicial System and to ensure the IMPARTIAL and Diligent Performance of Judicial Duties.

Rule 3.10 Disqualification
(A) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which a reasonable person would question the judge's impartiality, including but not limited to the following circumstances:
(1) The judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party or a party's lawyer, or personal knowledge of facts that are in dispute in the proceeding.
(2) The judge knows that the judge, the judge's spouse or domestic partner, or a person within the THIRD DEGREE OF RELATIONSHIP to either of them, or the spouse or domestic partner of such a person is:
(a) a party to the proceeding, or an officer, director, general partner, managing member, or trustee of a party;

How did Hart Wagner Attorneys at Law, not KNOW that Judge Collins was the BROTHER of a PARTNER OF THEIR law firm? Law firms have an obligation to ensure that THEY do not have a conflict.

Did MCHD know they had an “ace in the hole”?


Oregon State Ethic’s Complaint regarding Recalled Commissioner Jim Doherty
Per the BOC audio recordings, RECALLED commissioner Jim (aka James) Doherty repeatedly participated in and voted on Covid grant money, including money for himself, his family, and their respective businesses. From the onset, (August 2020) until the December 30th meeting, Jim Doherty did this without declaring a potential or an actual conflict of interest.
Additionally, Jim headed the CARES Grant Applications committee (State of Oregon Amended and Restated Grant Agreement No. 1025). Jim and his Committee oversaw establishing the Morrow County COVID-19 Emergency Business Grant Application, reviewing the applications, denying the applications, or recommending the approval of the applications.
Once Jim and his committee selected which application(s) met their committee’s requirements for approval, Jim would give the BOC his committee’s updates and his recommendation for those applications to be approved. They were then voted on by the BOC for actual approval and funding. Then Commissioner, Jim Doherty, emphasized that the identity of the applicants was not to be disclosed, even to the other BOC members. When the other Commissioners questioned this, Jim insisted that who the applicants are was “NOT” public information, until AFTER the applicant(s) received the funds. Meaning, only then Commissioner Jim Doherty KNEW the identity when the BOC voted. The other two Commissioners, Melissa Lindsay and Don Russell, were not privy to who the applicants were at the time of their votes.
Jim, his wife Kelly, and their son Bryce were all granted money from the committee/grant applications that Jim oversaw. Their respective businesses are O’Doherty Outfitters and O’Doherty Cattle Company.

The members of the Grant Application Committee were:
Jim Doherty (BOC)
Kate Knop
Gregg Zody

Jim Doherty violated Oregon State Ethics regulations.
Jim Doherty violated the contract (No. 1025) that he himself signed. (August 5, 2020).
Jim Doherty repeatedly failed to announce a potential or ACTUAL conflict of interest.
Jim Doherty attempted to fraudulently gain CARES funds in violation of contract No. 1025

Kelly Doherty admitted to applying for and receiving Covid grant money from both “Eastern Oregon Grant and Morrow County Grant” due to not being able to have their cattle sale mid-March. (Boardman Chamber of Commerce page, April 17, 2023, video title Boardman Chamber of Commerce Forum #1 Time Stamp 29:30 -30:35)
It should be noted that while Jim and Kelly Doherty, O’Doherty Cattle did not hold their in-person cattle sale, they proceeded with their online and telephone cattle sales.

The Oregon State Amended and Restated Grant Agreement (Grant No. 1025)
Pg 1, Section 2: PURPOSE
is VERY CLEAR that the grant is to be used for “expenditures [actually]incurred” and to “reimburse the costs”.
These funds were NOT for the grant applicant to avoid financial detriment or to cover loss of profits.

Pg 2, Section 6: GRANT FUNDS
Eligible projects cost incurred during the Performance Period.
Eligible cost incurred during not prior to the time period.

Section 7: Disbursement Generally
Pg 2, 7.3 No Duplicate Payment
Per (Jim Doherty’s wife) Kelly Doherty’s recorded statement, “we” (Kelly, Jim, O’Doherty Cattle Co) received grant money from Eastern Oregon Grant and Morrow County CARES grant.
(Boardman Chamber of Commerce page, April 17, 2023 video title Boardman Chamber of Commerce Forum #1 Time Stamp 29:30 -30:35)
Jim Doherty’s son, Bryce Doherty, O’Doherty Outfitters received multiple payments.
Dec 11, 2020 $2500 (Tillamook, Morrow County & Business)
Dec 15, 2020 $5628 (CARES Small Business)
Dec 30, 2020 $14,943 (CARES Small Business)
Total $22,621

Dec 30, 2020 Jim and Kelly Doherty, O’Doherty Cattle Company, was ultimately awarded a significantly reduced amount of $9,896 (CARES Small Business) ***Applied for significantly more, more information provided below

PPP Loans Forgiven
Jim (James) Doherty March 30,2021 $18,538 Amount forgiven $18,612 (Aug 27,2021)
Kelly Doherty March 30,2021 $20,833 Amount forgiven $20,916 (Aug 27,2021)
Bryce Doherty March 20,2021 $9,227 Amount forgiven $9,248 (June 15,2021)

Pg 3, Section 8: Representations and Warranties
8.3 False Claims Act (ORS 180.750 to 180.785) (1), (2)(a)(b)(c), (3) (a)(b)(d)
Jim Doherty approved his own exaggerated requested amount, then recommended to the BOC, without disclosure or declaring his ACTUAL conflict of interest, that (his) application be granted. *This can be verified by contacting former commissioner Don Russell, recalled commissioner Melissa Lindsay (who called for a special meeting due to Jim’s failure to disclose), former County Development Director Gregg Zody, former Finance Director Manager Kate Knop, former County Administrator Darrell Green.

Pg 9, Section 19 Miscellaneous
19.1 Conflict of Interest
Grantee by signature to this Grant declares and certifies the award of this Grand and the Projects activities to be funded by this Grand, create no potential or actual conflict of interest, as defined by ORS Chapter 244, for a director, officer or employee of Grantee.
(Jim Doherty signed this contract with the State of Oregon Aug 5, 2020)

Facts of this matter:
Jim Doherty repeatedly participated in, recommended approval of, and/or voted on his son’s grant applications. Jim did not acknowledge a potential or actual conflict of interest. At no time did Jim inform other BOC members that his son, son’s business was an applicant. (Bryce Doherty, O’Doherty Outfitters, had multiple applications which were approved)
When asked by Commissioner Russell if the applicants would be read for the record, prior to the BOC voting, Jim insisted that the applicants were not public information and would be kept confidential.

Jim was the ONLY Commissioner who knew the identity of the applicants at the time the BOC voted.

Jim Doherty repeatedly participated in, recommended approval of, and voted on his son’s prior grant applications. Jim did not acknowledge a potential or actual conflict of interest. At no time did Jim inform other BOC members that his son, son’s business, was an applicant. Instead, Jim insisted that applicants were not public information.

Deadline for applications to be submitted to Jim’s committee for the 2020 FINAL round of COVID-19 grant funds was December 15, 2020
Dec 16, 2020, BOC meeting
Per BOC audio, while speaking on his recommendations, Jim casually states that he “may have family members who may have applied”. Jim keeps talking as though it was a non-issue, explaining that he and Kate “have been working and working on which applications to recommend for approval”.
Jim, his wife Kelly (O’Doherty Cattle), along with their son Bryce (O’Doherty Outfitters) HAD already applied for said funds; Jim did NOT acknowledge this fact, nor did he declare an actual conflict of interest. Instead, Jim emphasized how hard he and Kate were working on the applications.
December 23,, 2020, BOC meeting
Jim recommends the applications be approved and checks sent immediately. AFTER Commissioners Lindsay and Russell voted, Commissioner Doherty said, “I’m going to sideline myself”. Commissioner Lindsay laughed and asked, “is that the same as abstaining?” Jim did not reply.

Dec 30, 2020, BOC Special Meeting
Commissioner Linday states that after the previous meeting she was concerned and decided to call a special meeting. Commissioners Linday and Russell rescinded their previous votes, (approving Jim Doherty’s grant funds).
Jim Doherty was essentially cornered and forced to announce that he himself had applied and that he had an ACTUAL conflict of interest. Per BOC audio, December 30th 2020, when Commissioner Jim Doherty eventually acknowledge that he himself had applied (weeks earlier), Jim made a joke about how it shouldn’t really count because his wife, Kelly Doherty takes all the money and spends it anyways.
Had there not been a special meeting called to question WHY Jim had “sidelined” himself (AFTER the other two Commissioners had already voted to approve the applicants per Jim’s recommendation) Jim Doherty would have never acknowledged that he and his wife had applied for the funds himself. *Their son had also applied

Jim signed State of Oregon Amended and Restated Grant Agreement No. 1025
Jim headed the committee for the grant applications.
Jim reported the committee’s progress and recommendations to the BOC.
Jim, his wife Kelly, and their son applied for and received grant money per Jim’s recommendations.

December 15th, 2020 application deadline
December 16th, 2020, BOC meeting, Jim Doherty, his wife Kelly Doherty, O’Doherty Cattle, had already submitted their own application to the COVID-19 committee led by Jim Doherty. Bryce Doherty, O’Doherty Outfitters, had applied. Jim did not declare a potential or ACTUAL conflict of interest.
December 23rd, 2020 meeting, Jim’s committee had approved their application to move forward. Jim recommended those applications be approved by the BOC. Jim did NOT acknowledge that he, or his family had applied, nor did Jim declare that he had a potential or ACTUAL CONFLICT of interest.
Per repeated BOC audio, Jim Doherty, participated in, and recommended grant application be approved. Including his son’s and his own (without declaring him or his son were applicants)

The written BOC minutes do NOT fully nor accurately reflect the audio. (Please Note* BOC Minutes are a brief description of meetings and are approved by the BOC)
The actual audio recordings for the BOC meetings must be used for a true and accurate accounting of the BOC meetings and events.
Example: Written minutes for Dec 23,2020, BOC meeting states that Jim Doherty declared a potential conflict and abstained from voting. The audio shows this is a manipulation of the facts. What that audio clearly shows is that Commissioner Jim Doherty gave an update and his recommendation that the applications his committee approved be approved by the BOC and that checks be written asap, then it went to vote. (At this time Jim still had not declared a conflict not that he would be abstaining from voting.)
*All information can be verified by listening to the BOC audio


Do we hold all elected officials to the same expectations and standards?

Many Morrow County residents are aware that there have been some questions over former Port of Morrow Commissioners, as well as unsubstantiated allegations against the current Morrow County Board of Commissioners.

Are residents equally aware of the questionable, potentially unethical, or possibly illegal actions of current Port Commissioner’s and previous County Board of Commissioner’s?

The same group who has been the most vocal over these allegations, have been largely silent, even defending the actions, or lack of action, of current Port Commissioner’s Murray and Doherty, as well as the missteps, wrong doings, failures, unethical, and potentially illegal actions of RECALLED County Board of Commissioners Jim Doherty and Melissa Lindsay

We must ask ourselves, WHY? What is their ulterior motive? What is their agenda?

Why is this group not spoken up regarding Port Commissioner and recently resigned MCHD Board Member John Murray’s personal and private contracts he has with MCHD? Why does this group stay silent on Murray lying to Oregon State Ethic’s commission? Why has this group never questioned the tax dollars that Murray has received from MCHD during his time on the MCHD board? How much has MCHD paid John Murray?

Are Morrow County residents and voters okay with the silence over Port Commissioner Kelly Doherty’s failure to disclose that she received a cash contribution from Michael Bliven, the same attorney who has since filed a lawsuit against the Port?

At the time of Bliven’s donation to Doherty’s Port campaign, Bliven was clearly listed as an out of state attorney. Why would an out of state attorney be donating to Doherty’s Port campaign? Did Doherty have ANY knowledge of an impending lawsuit when she accepted Bliven’s cash donation? Did Bliven’s cash donation to Doherty’s campaign have anything to do with Bliven filing the lawsuit against the Port of Morrow, Lamb Weston, Madison Ranches, Beef Northwest, and JOHN DOES 1-10. Who are “John Does 1-10”?

Why has Doherty remained silent, failing to disclose her potential or actual conflict of interest to other Port Commissioner’s and Morrow County voter’s? Has Doherty violated her duty to the Port, to Morrow County Voter’s?

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