The 12th International H**p Building Symposium will feature sessions focussed on Research and Science, Regulations and Funding, Projects and Products and of course our regular Site visit.
This year our Scientific Research session will include some fascinating presentations from leading h**p researchers such as Paulien Strandberg-de Bruijn of Lund University who is a leading H**p construction expert having been involved in some the earliest investigations into the material from 2005 -2012 and since that with Uppsala University in Gotland, experiments with the insulation of historic buildings. In cooperation with the division of Structural Engineering, LTH, Paulien is now working on a project on bio-based insulation materials.
Also from Lund University is Oskar Ranefjärd who is a researcher in the Department of Building and Environmental Technology and coordinator for the Civil Engineering Laboratory at Lund University. His research has primarily focused on bio-based insulation and its implementation in industrialised construction. All research is done in close collaboration with the Swedish timber house industry, with the goal of making one significant part of the Swedish construction sector even more sustainable.
As we highlight the use of h**p we of course also need to think about the production in the field. Additional value can be accrued for the farmer if fibres are able to be processed for higher value textile uses. Git Skoglund is an international expert on the use of h**p fibres for such purposes and will give a presentation about her research into selecting varieties suitable for extraction of high value fibres.