Absolutely baffling...
The number of US citizens angry that POTUS is putting the US first by refusing to allow the rest of the world, including our "allies", to take advantage of our workers and tax dollars is unbelievable.
We all knew the Canada and Mexico tariffs would never happen as it would be far more painful for them than for us. They are also aware that trying to push the envelope leads to the potential for losing their security guarantees.
We are a generous nation. We are a forgiving nation. But as with anything, there comes a time when you can no longer allow the friendship to remain severely lopsided. This is not advocating for trade wars or sour relations with ANY nation. Being at peace and friendly with all will go much farther to ending many of the world's problems. With that, our nation can no longer sit by and be taken advantage of. Generosity only goes so far.
You wouldn't remain friends with the person who takes and never contributed to the friendship. So why would you expect the nation to do the same? A good friend will say I love you but friendship is a two way street and each must put in the effort.
We hope this finds all of you well.
-Tom & Chris