I am not immune to plant fails 🫣 BIG FAILS
#plantlover #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #houseplants #houseplantclub #earthwindandplants
could I switch them spots with the mirror so they are closer to the window? yes. BUT I tried it already and hated it, feng shui was totally off 😅
it’s an east facing window so really doesn’t get the best light, indirect at best…
send help and sunlight
I still have back pain from this 😅
I have plant trust issues… but sometimes you gotta risk it 😤
can’t say it was worth it… BUT these plants are easy to grow and I can’t wait to see them thrive in my care (hopefully)
It always seems the list of wishlist plants is never ending 😝 what’s currently your number one wishlist plant?!
#plantlover #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplantclub #greenthumb #indoorplants #earthwindandplants
these big chunky bulbs really do put off some serious output 😤
I won’t lie, I was truly shocked at how low the output from the first bulb was… it wasn’t doing a damn thing for that plant!! I like a good deal and they are way cheaper but wow.. not effective either
comment “link” for my Amazon list of recommended grow lights. Most are very budget friendly and have great output (I’ve tested 😝)
#plantlover #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplantclub #greenthumb #indoorplants #earthwindandplants
hot girls use power tools 😤
Living in the Midwest we already have trash weather, but it’s also gray without sunlight from November until April. We have to TRY SO HARD to keep these plants thriving. I use a ton of grow lights in my home and this is one of my favorites.
I measure output in FC and this monstera will do SO much better with the additional 550 FC this grow light is supplying 🙌🏼
comment “link” to grab one for yourself!
#plantlover #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplantclub #greenthumb #indoorplants #earthwindandplants
how I water plants in my chunky soilless mix:
- I use clear pots and drip trays to visually monitor the moisture level, and for ease of watering (I’ve got over 200 plants and a real job, we have to make this efficient okay)
- I water fully until water comes out the butt. If it’s a thirsty plant (like this philodendron) I let it reabsorb the runoff, if not I suck it up with a turkey baster 😝
- I always add nutrients. The mix contains very little organic matter and fertilizing is a must
- Water WILL come out faster than with soil, but the mix and chips retain moisture. I promise!!
what other questions do you have?!
mix is sold on my site earthwindandplants.com as a premix OR you can access my Amazon storefront for bulk ingredients, clear pots, fertilizer recs, and all my planty must haves. Comment “shop” for a DM with my storefront 🌱
Happy growing!
bad news, I can now ramble for 3 minutes on my IG videos 😝
I get asked about grow lights very frequently especially using the pinkish white lights in my plant room. Hopefully this clears up any questions!
What did I not cover about grow lights that you would like to learn more about?
#plantlover #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplantclub #greenthumb #indoorplants #earthwindandplants
okay so maybe I neglected too hard? 🤭
naw it will be fine! I’d much rather deal with a root bound plant that clearly has some maturity. I don’t repot until a plant is 80% root and 20% soil, otherwise repotting and upsizing is kind of unnecessary and can lead to issues of root rot and lack of foliar growth.
the roots are the foundation of your plants and healthy roots = healthy plants. I get heathy roots by using a chunky soilless mix, consistent fertilizing, and I actually LOOKING/ feeling the weight of the potting medium before watering again.
will this alocasia throw a fit after I messed with the roots so much? Probably. But it will bounce back and be just fine eventually. I have a lot of experience with these temperamental plants and as long as your roots are solid, you give the plant good light and proper humidity, they will always bounce back!
#plantlover #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplantclub #greenthumb #indoorplants #earthwindandplants
I’m sorry, but you’ll have to add this one to your wishlist 🥵
this one is just as easy as it is beautiful 🤩 mine is from @theplantbar.co (they are sold out I’m SORRY) but each leaf is a work of art and so different than the next!
#plantlover #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplantclub #greenthumb #indoorplants #earthwindandplants
little to no maintenance AND beautiful?!
self contained terrariums are easy to make and fun to watch grow. I’ve made several over the years as gifts. They are great for those that struggle with plants and also with pets that are plant destroyers.
comment “list” for a list of supplies to make your own ✨ and let me know if you’ve ever made self contained/sustaining terrariums!
#plantlover #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplantclub #greenthumb #indoorplants #earthwindandplants
7 months of growth on this variegated banana from @bwhplantco and it’s downright impressive!!
variegated banana trees used to go for HUNDREDS for a tiny starter plant, and thanks to one of my favorite nurseries they are wayyyy more affordable!
comment “link” to snag one for yourself 🍌🌱