
Info2Consider Independent MOJO (Mobile Journalist)/Photographer (100% Service Disabled/Retired Veteran) in the PNW

Saw this today…“Friendly reminder that if you oppose Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, etc. you don't get to call yoursel...

Saw this today…

“Friendly reminder that if you oppose Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, etc. you don't get to call yourself a Christian.”

Friendly reminder… none of those things (or Sweden for that matter) are socialist. It’s a False Equivalence.

And the scripture most often pulled out of a Socialists ass is…

Acts 2:44-47 (KJV)
And all THAT BELIEVED were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, CONTINUING DAILY with ONE ACCORD IN THE TEMPLE, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, PRAISING GOD, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

They skip all the God stuff usually.

Preceded by and in context of…

Acts 2:41-42 (KJV)
Then THEY THAT GLADLY received his word WERE BAPTIZED: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they CONTINUED STEDFASTLY IN THE APOSTLES' DOCTRINE and FELLOWSHIP, and in breaking of bread, and in PRAYERS.

Leftists remove the only thing that could possibly make the equation work… God. And even that can’t fix socialism… without the resurrection…

Socialism is the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the People/Government. They want to deflect from that reality to those other things… so they can get to the means of production, distribution, and exchange without you noticing.


It’s an easy checklist. And a heavily weighted scale.

I have no party still… but I know which opposes God’s values.


Class act…


In the midst of Christmas wishes and questions about the Six Initiatives, I got this.
The recently pre-filed HB 1868, which would ban gas-powered leaf blowers & similar devices, has been universally reviled. It will be incredibly useful to common-sense conservatives in WA.
Merry Christmas!


If they were all asylum seekers… maybe we should go liberate their countries.

They have been exposed violating the 1st Amendment. And nothing has happened.

They have been exposed violating the 1st Amendment. And nothing has happened.

Honest work… great pay… especially if you are an entrepreneur!

Honest work… great pay… especially if you are an entrepreneur!

Check this out:

IT'S OVER! Trump Just KILLED The Legacy Media And They're FURIOUS

IT'S OVER! Trump Just KILLED The Legacy Media And They're FURIOUS – code BRAND saves you 10% at checkoutAs Donald Trump wins the Iowa caucus by a landslide, networks like MSNBC continue to point...

They are getting ready for the “Elections”. Meta propagandists and censors will be working overtime!

They are getting ready for the “Elections”. Meta propagandists and censors will be working overtime!


Am Yisrael chai.

The absolute projection from the Left… especially considering recent years… is absolutely astounding.

The absolute projection from the Left… especially considering recent years… is absolutely astounding.

Prior to World War II, a significant number of N**i sympathizers in the U.S. were secretly meeting to promote antisemitic and far-right propaganda, with the ...

How long has Chicago been run by DemonKKKrats?

How long has Chicago been run by DemonKKKrats?


Where is the Left?

Why are they silent about Taiwan?

The only people who should be kept off the ballots (if anyone)… are anyone associated with Neo-Marxist/Communist, Anti-R...

The only people who should be kept off the ballots (if anyone)… are anyone associated with Neo-Marxist/Communist, Anti-Republic, or Anti-Constitutional ideologies and groups. It’s still on WA Law that “Members of the Communist Party” and “Subversive Activities” are Felonies.

Maybe it’s time to enforce.

A Washington judge will consider a request next week to keep Donald Trump off the state's presidential primary and general election ballots.

When Government Dictates How You Can Defend Yourself...

When Government Dictates How You Can Defend Yourself...

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the case of Hunter v. Cortland Housing Authority, a case which attempt to address one of the greatest v...

There is literally a book they follow that tells them specifically about their homeland and it being given to them by Go...

There is literally a book they follow that tells them specifically about their homeland and it being given to them by God…

With tons of examples of how they should deal with their enemies. Maybe we should frame their actions against their source for their claims?

Not an endorsement or judgement… just a simple observation. They follow the Torah and its claims for their land and people.

Here’s a clue on conflict with/in Israel…

They follow the Torah. Not Jesus Christ as their Messiah and High Priest of the New Covenant… not a criticism… just a fact.

So it stands to reason that their views on God and his promises come from what Christianity calls the Old Testament.

Have you read it? Do you know how God instructed them to wage war and take and keep Israel?

If you don’t frame your understanding on this fact… you are failing to comprehend the situation.

If they follow what they claim… there’s no excuse for people to fail to understand them… “It is written…”

As Christians… We should frame EVERYTHING in our lives by the Gospel of Christ and the revelation he gave after his resurrection, ascension, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


Men competing in Women’s Sports is making HIStory.

The Ultimate expression of


“A church local to me that is not afraid to look to God’s Word for answers and guidance in today’s time and contexts…

Find or start one near you!”

(Facebook often doesn’t share the post that has shared content… shared by The Sword of the Spirit)


2024… It’s this simple.

You cannot support Democrat agendas and be an actual Christian who loves God (he defines this as keeping his commandments). This is a fact. Not debatable at all. Unless you reject the Bible as God’s Word.

63% of America claims to be Christian.

The same is true if you are Jewish or Muslim. Or any critical thinking freedom loving heathen 🤗(love you guys too)

If you do… You are a liar… Your profession of faith is a deception (possibly to yourself)

1 John 2:3-4 (KJV)
And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

You have to look no further than Male and Female… but the list is HUGE.

If any Law Enforcement, Military or Political leader has the balls to stand on our Constitution and Declaration of Indep...

If any Law Enforcement, Military or Political leader has the balls to stand on our Constitution and Declaration of Independence in 2024… We The People are waiting to fulfill the Oath to Protect it en mass… DEMAND Voter Integrity, Verification, Bipartisan Supervision and Chain of Custody… look how easy it is on most levels… Voting should be taken control of by those willing to provide this at every level to insure a secure election that cannot be contested by anyone.

This video reviews the steps at your polling place when you go to vote in a federal election.

This administration needs to go… turn out and vote in such vast numbers that any other outcome becomes a call to dismant...

This administration needs to go… turn out and vote in such vast numbers that any other outcome becomes a call to dismantle the voting system back to pens and paper in person under strict security and transparency.

US Attorney Matthew Graves holds a presentation showcasing the evidence used to prosecute participants in the January 6 Capitol Attack.Fuel your success with...


Enough already. Dudes can NEVER be women. Even their own bodies require constant assault to keep them from reasserting this truth.

Follow the money…They just roll to the next one… and set up ways to make more money on the fears with no measurable impa...

Follow the money…

They just roll to the next one… and set up ways to make more money on the fears with no measurable impacts.

The list of people incriminated on Epstein’s list is reading like a top Anti-Trump list…I still don’t have a Political P...

The list of people incriminated on Epstein’s list is reading like a top Anti-Trump list…

I still don’t have a Political Party… but Faith, Decency, and Integrity keep me from ever voting Democrat.

This is huge.


Olympia, WA





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