im baaaaaack! kinda. literally haven’t posted in a such a long time oops😅
I just got really burnt out on trying to do photography & do dental school at the same time. I’m so exhausted from seeing patients every day that when I do come home the last thing I have energy for is editing which is also very mentally draining and strains my eyes so much. It also got to the point where my wrist and forearms were literally throbbing in pain when trying to edit and I had to take a step back cuz I need my hands for dental school. I also started anti anxiety and depression meds for the first time ever in the fall and gained so much weight in just a few months that I became even more depressed with how I looked and how I felt lol. And the depression is definitely starting to take form in me isolating myself from a lot of people in my life. But I’m working on it! Haha. So now I’m getting off those meds and trying something else in a few months! I’ve also began getting ready to get double jaw surgery next year to address some airway problems and esthetic issues that I’ve been self conscious of for like ever— and that’s been a process in itself. I just got some teeth extracted, getting braces this week, and then surgery next year. And I’ve been really stressed about getting that going but it’s finally underway!! that’s basically the update and where I’ve been. Just trying to rest and figure things out. You will catch me soft smiling for at least the next year while I have braces on for the third time 😅
There’s some galleries from last year that I finally have the motivation to finish and I’ve been working on some recent grad sessions that I can’t wait to share! Thanks for sticking around if you’ve read all this word vomit this far :)
also these photos of me were taken by my talented friend (miss u so much sorry I’ve been mia :/ )!! and edited by me… like a long time ago hahaha
also also it’s my birthday so I guess it’s fitting to finally post today😃