Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God….~ 1 John 4:1
Bagworms are a nasty and invasive breed of moth in its caterpillar phase. It moves about in a bag and attaches itself to trees and shrubs, preferably conifers or trees that produce cones.
This species of caterpillar takes on the characteristics of the tree. Causing itself to appear AS the tree.
Yet...is not OF the tree nor FOR the tree.
As the worm mimics, life and vitality are being depleted at a rapid pace from the host. If not detected and dealt with swiftly the tree will die.
There are some who have entered into sacred spaces and in close proximities - whose character is a LOT like the bagworm. They have fixed themselves to sound holy and look righteous. But are only there to siphon off life and alter destinies.
If not eradicated expeditiously - once their mission is accomplished with you, they will merely move on to do it again somewhere else.
Do not get caught on life support because you failed to follow the unction of the Holy Spirit when He said, "Come away from that person. They are not who they appear to be."
Whomever (Pastor, Teacher, Preacher, Mentor, Friend, Mama, Papa, Uncle, Brother, Sister, Cousin......NO MATTER) He has brought to your mind while reading this....Take heed. This is a warning and it might be your last concerning this individual.