AI prompts to improve your copy on social media 🔥🔥
Try using these prompts as a base and add in further details and preferences to get better result.
1. Generate a social media content structure with
HESEC (Humanize, Educate, Solve, Entertain, Convert) framework for:
Brand Name: Bobby Fitness
Niche: Describe your niche and product/services
1. Generate copy for social media posts with PEACE Framework: Plan, Engage, Amplify, Convert, Evaluate
"Using the P.E.A C.E Framework of Plan, Engage, Amplify, Convert, Evaluate create copy for social media for (add your niche) business brand name (add your product or brand name)"
2. Generate copy for Stories for social media with the 3-Act Storytelling Structure: Setup, Conflict, Resolution
"Using the 3-act storytelling structure: Setup, Conflict, and Resolution create copy for social media stories for (add your niche) business brand name (add your product or brand name)"
3. Generate copy for short form video for social media with the H.C.C. Framework: Hook, Content, Call-to-Action
" Using the HOOK-CONTENT-CTA framework create copy for a social media short form video for (add your niche) business brand name (add your product or brand name) "
4. Generate copy for long form video for social media with A.I.D.A. structure: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
"Using the A.I.D.A. structure: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action create copy for a social media long form video for (add your niche) business brand name (add your product or brand name)"
5. Generate copy for social media introduction post with W.H.O. Structure: Welcome, Highlight, Offer
"Using the W.H.O. structure: Welcome, Highlight, and Offer create copy for social media introduction post for (add your niche) business brand name (add your product or brand name)"
6. Generate copy to welcome new community members in direct message on social media with C.A.R.E. Structure: Connect, Appreciate, Resource, Engage
"Using the C.A.R.E. structure: Connect, Appreciate, Resource, and Engage create copy to welcome new community members in direct message on social media for (add your niche) business brand name (add your product or brand name)"
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