Chance Studios & Entertainment started as Chance Records in 1998 in the small, once remembered for vaudeville, town of Peoria, IL. Peoria/Chillicothe now hosts Summer Camp Music Festival which is a successful modern Music Festival which brings 15,000 attendees, hosting more than 100 bands on 7 stages over 4 days. Chance Records was started in the heart of Peoria, IL to give a chance to those who w
ere amazing talented, but just couldn't cut it in academics. There were brilliant students who could build a flying car, but auto-mechanics wasn't a groundhold and cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, and The Roman Empire were causing them to Fail. Ultimately in our educational system when you have (F)ailures you are looked down upon, and hope for a minimum wage job unless you pull a rabbit out of a hat. Seeing so much talent, skill, and need for change, we opened the doors to Chance Records which was a recording studio/label run on nothing more than a radio shack microphone and an old computer with Cakewalk 7. As the years progressed, Chance Records grew to over 300 artists, many mixtapes, albums, and recordings in mostly the Rap, Hip-Hop, and RnB genres. Recording and producing such names as Bad Conscience, Sleep Folkz, Distrikt 87, Young Fab, Shorty Lil Duke, YnR, Catch 22, D.I. Blue Flame, Teddy G, Smoke, Killah Twigg, Thugg Enterprises, Hidden Infantry, and about 350 other aspiring musicians and talent. After gaining music equipment, experience, and industry connections, Chance Studios & Entertainment evolved from this small label and moved its Head Quarters to Chicago, IL. M.O.B., Nelzy G, Joe Raw... in the Hip-hop/RnB world showed success and Chance wanted to provide more opportunities for skills in and outside of the music industry. Chance Studios & Entertainment then decided to launch a new version of its evolving company to include talents in visual arts, performance, music, 3D projection mapping, marketing, video gaming, and social media. In 2010, Chance branched off into many directions and sort of disipated with the overwhelming amount of projects and lack of time. In January of 2014, CEO of Chance Studios & Entertainment(CSE3000) brought the Chance back by keeping a headquarters in Chicago as well as one in Oakland, CA. Several departments/sub companies started to form and take way including Live From The Bay(Live Performance Video Blog), Chicago and Bay Area Underground Scene(Collective Group/Blogs of Events, Collaborations, Releases, etc.), Lost My Meyened Designz run by Douglas Sollars, an amazing artist, skateboarder, surfer, and musician from Santa Cruz, CA.