America Can We Talk "REAL HOLLA 2023"

America Can We Talk "REAL HOLLA 2023" Real Holla 2023 is a podcast that asks the questions most adults are afraid to ask or talk about!

The topics that will be discussed on my podcast, as well as this page, will be very sensitive to some audiences. My rebuttals and statements will be based on facts revealed in the bible, dictionary, And other informational publications.


Brief Bible Lesson Concerning the Story of Jacob and Esau: Understanding God's Sovereign Choice📖

The story of Jacob and Esau provides profound insight into God's sovereignty, human choices, and the unfolding of His divine plan. This lesson examines their story as recorded in Genesis, explores the meaning of their names, explains why God "hated" Esau (Malachi 1:2-3; Romans 9:13), and identifies the modern identity of Esau's descendants, including references to Ezekiel 38 and the prophetic connection to "red" ("Roosh") as it pertains to modern Russia. Using the authorized KJV Bible, Strong's Concordance, Smith's Bible Dictionary, and Bullinger's Companion Bible, this lesson will provide an accurate and contextual understanding of these pivotal biblical figures.

1. Jacob and Esau: The Birth and Struggle

**Scripture Reference:** Genesis 25:19-34 📖

**Context:** Isaac and Rebekah were childless until God answered Isaac's prayers, and Rebekah conceived twins. The Bible describes the children struggling within her womb (Genesis 25:22), leading her to inquire of the Lord.

**God's Response:** “Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger” (Genesis 25:23).

Translation of the Names:
**Esau:** Derived from Strong’s H6215 (“Ṣēʿû”), meaning “hairy.” Esau’s name reflects his physical appearance at birth (Genesis 25:25).
**Jacob:** Derived from Strong’s H3290 (“Yaʿăqôb”), meaning “supplanter” or “he who grabs the heel.” This is significant in describing his actions during birth and later in life (Genesis 25:26).

**Symbolism of the Struggle:** According to Bullinger’s Companion Bible, this struggle foreshadows the ongoing enmity between their descendants and the spiritual principles of election and rejection.

2. The Birthright and Blessing

**Scripture Reference:** Genesis 27:1-40

*Esau Sells His Birthright:* Esau, driven by immediate physical needs, sells his birthright to Jacob for a meal (Genesis 25:29-34). His disregard for spiritual blessings demonstrates a carnal mindset and a lack of appreciation for God's covenant. This act of devaluing his birthright contributed to why God "hated" Esau (Malachi 1:2-3).

*The Deception for the Blessing:** Jacob, with Rebekah’s guidance, deceives Isaac to receive the blessing meant for Esau. While the method was flawed, the outcome aligned with God’s sovereign plan (Genesis 27).

*Significance:** The birthright represented a double portion of inheritance and spiritual leadership. Esau’s despising of it reveals his lack of spiritual discernment (Hebrews 12:16-17).

3. Why Did God Hate Esau?

**Scripture References:** Malachi 1:2-3; Romans 9:10-13; Ezekiel 38

**Malachi’s Prophecy:** God declares, “I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau” (Malachi 1:2-3). The terms "love" and "hate" here denote divine election and rejection rather than personal animosity.

**Romans 9:11-13 Explanation:** Paul explains that God’s choice was based on His purpose and not human works or merit. This emphasizes God's sovereignty in election.

**Esau’s Actions:** Esau’s marriages to Canaanite women (Genesis 26:34-35), his disregard for his birthright, and his descendants' hostility toward Israel reveal his rebellious heart against God’s covenant.

**Connection to Red (“Roosh”):** The term "red," associated with Esau (Genesis 25:30), is prophetically significant. Using Strong’s H123, “Edom” means red, symbolizing his physical traits and a broader spiritual identity. According to Ezekiel 38, the term “Roosh” has been interpreted by some biblical scholars to refer to Russia, identifying a possible modern descendant or symbolic connection to Esau’s line.

4. The Nation of Edom: Esau’s Descendants

**Edom’s Origin:** Esau is the father of the Edomites (Genesis 36:1, 9). The name Edom (Strong’s H123) means “red,” referencing Esau’s red pottage and physical characteristics.

**Edom’s Location:** The Edomites settled in Mount Seir (Genesis 36:8). This region is located southeast of Israel, in modern-day Jordan.

**Prophetic Fulfillment:** Edom’s enmity against Israel is documented in passages like Obadiah 1 and Ezekiel 35. In Ezekiel 38, the "chief prince of Meshech and Tubal" (interpreted by some as Russia, or “Roosh”) may be linked to Esau’s descendants, highlighting an end-time prophecy concerning Edom’s symbolic representation.

5. Spiritual Lessons from Jacob and Esau

**God’s Sovereignty:** The story highlights that God’s plans transcend human actions. Jacob’s election demonstrates God’s grace and purpose.

**Despising Spiritual Blessings:** Esau’s disregard for his birthright serves as a warning against valuing temporary satisfaction over eternal promises. His act of trading his inheritance for a bowl of pottage epitomizes a carnal, short-sighted perspective.

**Reconciliation:** Despite their early enmity, Jacob and Esau reconciled later in life (Genesis 33). This teaches the importance of forgiveness and restoration.

The story of Jacob and Esau is a profound example of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility. While Esau’s rejection reflects his own choices, Jacob’s election highlights God’s purpose. The prophetic connection between Edom and modern nations, such as Russia (“Roosh”), offers deeper insight into the unfolding of God’s divine plan. Understanding their story through accurate scriptural interpretation helps us discern God’s plan for humanity and the spiritual truths that shape our faith.

This particular story is part of the prophesy of the two superpowers at that time. which was The United States (Jacob) and The (USSR) Soviet Union (Esau). The Soviet Union's fall from power was also prophesied. Documented in the manuscripts. I will begin, with God's will, to present brief bible lessons taken from the original Hebrew manuscripts. I am in the process of developing the video version of this lesson. Stay tuned

Being blessed by our Heavenly Father for havi g the 'Privilege' to live another year, those of us who are older, fortuna...

Being blessed by our Heavenly Father for havi g the 'Privilege' to live another year, those of us who are older, fortunately blessed to begin a new millenium, Year 2000 now 25 years into this millenium.🛐
In biblical numerics, 25 means 'Grace Intensified'. In other words, Our Heavenly Father is not looking for people to zap. Satan is the creator of All things evil.👿 GOD loves All of His children.❤ So much so, that He desires that All His children would come unto repentance. 2 Peter 3:8-9.📖
You need to understand that no Human Being besides "Yahoshua" God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, is perfect. We all sin and make mistakes. But, I lean and rely on GOD and ask for strength to overcome my bad habits. What about you? 🕦 2 wake up🛌

Imagine this, what if the Lord happened to appear in front of you. What would you do? Something everybody needs to meditate about. 1 Corinthians 10:13 speaks...


Ezekiel 28 provides a profound insight into the nature of pride and its consequences, using the King of Tyre as a symbolic representation of Satan's rebellion.👿

Initially, the passage addresses the King of Tyre, a ruler renowned for his wisdom and beauty. However, as the description unfolds, it becomes evident that a more exalted being is in view. Verses 12-15 depict a figure adorned with perfection, residing in Eden, the garden of God, and ordained as a guardian cherub. This portrayal transcends any earthly monarch, alluding to Satan before his fall. 👼😠
Satan, originally created as a magnificent and wise angelic being, allowed pride to corrupt his heart. He became enamored with his own splendor and sought to elevate himself above God. This arrogance led to his downfall, as God cast him out of his exalted position👼
The narrative serves as a timeless warning against the perils of pride. It illustrates how self-exaltation can lead to one's ruin, emphasizing the importance of humility and the recognition of God's sovereignty. By reflecting on this passage, we are reminded to guard our hearts against pride and to remain steadfast in our devotion to the Creator.🙏🛐
Visit my Youtube channel here:


First of all, Happy New Year
As we witness the world changing before our very eyes, for the worst. Those of us that was blessed to live over 50 years, actually witnessed and experienced over the decades the 'Sign of the Times'. Nowadays, the sign of the times factor is happening 4x's faster than before!
It is like you can FEEL within your SOUL like the world is about to come to an end Soon!
Because there's too many things transpiring throughout the world in peculiar places, strange events of nature, gives you That sense of, It is Time to Wake Up and pay attention to the world family.

Coming in to 2025, though being blessed with eyes to see and ears to hear. I struggle with ailments, personal problems, ...

Coming in to 2025, though being blessed with eyes to see and ears to hear. I struggle with ailments, personal problems, and habits that I constantly pray to God asking Him to give me the strength to overcome them. I say that to say this, I am no different than any of you. I have weaknesses of the flesh too! Only difference is that I'm seeking God for help!
Alot of you probably haven't done this yet. So, what are you waitimg for?
You can Always go back to what you were doing before!🙏🛐
Check out the video

In the book of Matthew chapter 6 verses 9 through 13. Jesus was teaching the disciples how to pray by breaking down the scriptures. Here is an brief lesson. ...

The Craftiest of All Creatures😏The chapter begins with the serpent, described as the most subtle of all the beasts (Hebr...

The Craftiest of All Creatures😏

The chapter begins with the serpent, described as the most subtle of all the beasts (Hebrew: ‘aruwm - cunning, shrewd). But who or what is the serpent? According to the Hebrew text and Bullinger’s Companion Bible, this isn't just a snake; it represents Satan, embodying deception. Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 confirm the serpent's identity.

Satan's first move was to question God's Word: “Hath God said?” This subtle tactic sows doubt and shifts focus from obedience to curiosity. How often does this same strategy challenge our faith today?

What “serpents” in your life challenge your faith or understanding of God’s Word? Share your thoughts below.💭


The Curse on Creation

Genesis 3:16-19 outlines the consequences of sin—pain in childbirth, struggle in relationships, toil for survival, and eventual death. The Hebrew word for "pain" (“itzabon”) also means sorrow, extending beyond physical pain to emotional and spiritual suffering.

Key Insight: Bullinger’s notes reveal that these curses are reminders of the need for redemption. The Septuagint emphasizes the ground’s curse as creation itself groaning for restoration (Romans 8:22).

Takeaway: Recognize how sin’s consequences impact your life. How does Christ’s redemption restore hope in these areas?


𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗨𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗱
Genesis 3:8-13 shows Adam and Eve hiding from God. When confronted, they blame each other and the serpent. The Hebrew text reveals that their "eyes were opened" to their shame, not enlightenment.
𝗞𝗲𝘆 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: Bullinger’s commentary points out the immediate spiritual separation from God. The Septuagint emphasizes their awareness of nakedness as symbolic of lost righteousness.

𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗮𝘄𝗮𝘆: Consider where you might be "hiding" from God. How can you come out of hiding and confess openly?


Enmity Between Two Seeds

Genesis 3:14-15 introduces the pivotal prophecy: the enmity between the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed. The Hebrew word for "enmity" (“eybah”) signifies a deep, ongoing hostility.

Key Insight: This verse is the protoevangelium—the first gospel. Bullinger explains that the "seed of the woman" points to Christ, while the serpent’s seed represents Satan’s followers and agenda.

Takeaway: Reflect on how this cosmic battle manifests in your life. Are you aligning with Christ, the victorious seed?


The Seed of Disobedience is Sown


The Seed of Disobedience is Sown🌳🌱

In Genesis 3:6-7, Eve sees that the fruit is good for food, pleasing to the eye🕵♀, and desirable for gaining wisdom🧠. The Hebrew word for "desire" (“chamad”) signifies a strong, covetous longing.

Key Insight: E.W. Bullinger highlights that this act was more than just eating a fruit; it was an inward rebellion against God’s authority, driven by deception and pride.

Takeaway: Recognize how the enemy appeals to your desires. Are you guarding your heart against what "looks good" but opposes God’s commands?💂♂♥

"𝐘𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐢𝐞” - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞The first lie ever told? Genesis 3:4. The serpent (nachash) deceived Eve, sayin...

"𝐘𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐢𝐞” - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞
The first lie ever told? Genesis 3:4. The serpent (nachash) deceived Eve, saying, “Ye shall not surely die.” But God’s truth remains unshaken: sin leads to spiritual death.
📖 Let’s break free from misinterpretations and uncover the real meaning of God’s warning in Eden.
Head to Misinterpreted Scriptures: Let’s Straighten Out! on YouTube for a deep dive into this pivotal scripture.
✝️ It’s time to separate tradition from truth.


The Fall - A Deeper Look


The Fall - A Deeper Look🤔👀

Genesis 3:1-5 introduces us to the serpent, more cunning than any beast of the field. The Hebrew term “Nachash” implies a whispering enchanter, one who uses subtlety to deceive. This being questions God's word, asking Eve, “Did God really say?” This marks the beginning of doubt—the seed of disobedience.

Key Insight: The Septuagint portrays the serpent’s craftiness as deeply rooted in malice, emphasizing its role as an instrument of Satan (Revelation 12:9). Bullinger further elaborates that “Nachash” symbolizes the ultimate deceiver—a spiritual adversary rather than merely a physical creature.

Takeaway: Reflect on how subtle questions can lead to disobedience. Where in your life are you being tempted to question God’s truth?📖😑

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕’𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Did you know the biblical calendar reveals Christ’s conception as December 25t...

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒃𝒊𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕’𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

Did you know the biblical calendar reveals Christ’s conception as December 25th, not His birth? The course of Abia, outlined in 1 Chronicles 24 and Luke 1, holds the key to this truth.
📜 When you align scripture with the Hebrew manuscripts, a beautiful timeline emerges that traditions of men have overlooked.
🎥 Check out my video on Misinterpreted Scriptures: Let’s Straighten Out! to discover how scripture clarifies this significant event.

The Fall - A Deeper LookGenesis 3:1-5 introduces us to the serpent, more cunning than any beast of the field. The Hebrew...

The Fall - A Deeper Look
Genesis 3:1-5 introduces us to the serpent, more cunning than any beast of the field. The Hebrew term “Nachash” implies a whispering enchanter, one who uses subtlety to deceive. This being questions God's word, asking Eve, “Did God really say?” This marks the beginning of doubt—the seed of disobedience.
Key Insight: The Septuagint portrays the serpent’s craftiness as deeply rooted in malice, emphasizing its role as an instrument of Satan (Revelation 12:9). Bullinger further elaborates that “Nachash” symbolizes the ultimate deceiver—a spiritual adversary rather than merely a physical creature.
Takeaway: Reflect on how subtle questions can lead to disobedience. Where in your life are you being tempted to question God’s truth?


Oakland, CA





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