Children, little children with dreams, with hope.
Watching my children grow and follow their dreams.
Crawling, walking, running, riding bike.
Each accomplishment brings hope.
Hope or despair; which shall it be?
Hope. What is hope?
Wanting something to happen.
Increased feeling of happiness.
Despair. What is despair?
Utter loss of hope.
Striking out in desperation.
My soul cries out in anguish.
Mixed emotions below the surface.
Feelings, emotions roiling with a whiff of wind.
Circumstances beyond control
Lashing out in anger.
Precipice and life
Life can be strewn with precipices.
Demoralizing, debilitating or
a precipice of greatness.
An overwhelming sense of gasping for air.
Crashing down a gigantic ocean wave.
Angst brings turmoil tossing in the waves.
Reaching, nothing to grasp in hopelessness and despair.
Crashing, roaring to the cliffs.
Waves of opportunity present splashes of hope.
Chosen and rising to accept the challenge.
Grasping and not releasing your grip.
Address and rise to the challenges ahead.
Firmly believe in all you can do.
Shining, splendid military career.
Presented on a silver platter.
Focus and brilliance led to
sought out for a new position.
A position of military strength
A position of military honor.
Your father, brother and I are so proud.
Embracing all that life has presented to you.
Working towards a PhD.
Rising to the challenges with strength and honor.
Hope enveloped you throughout your life.
You have soared on eagles wings
with every breath you took.
Breathe as you climb the stairway to success.
Hope was never lost.
Despair was slaughtered.
Hope brings a feeling of happiness.
Hope always endures.