The borough assembly will read into the calendar and the finance committee a resolution to hold a special election April 30th to raise the minimum allowable tax revenue. Essentially, they plan to overturn the tax revenue cap (aka Tax Cap). This will increase your property taxes by 1.1 mil (so if you are paying 11 mils now, it will go to 12 mils, or roughly $100 per $100,000 of tax revenue). While they claim the tax cap will still be in place, this will be a permanent increase in the allowable taxable revenue for the borough.
I hope you show up or call in to testify. I'd love to hear from you! You can call in now (907 459 1401) to sign up to testify. Or, you can show up at the borough chambers. at 5:30 this evening. Please consider weighing in on this very important matter!