Last week, the President pardoned the influential suffragist Susan B. Anthony, who I know said it best: âThere will never be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.â
100 years agoâ August 26, 2020 â the 19th Amendment was officially certified by the U.S Secretary of State. A century after women were granted the franchise, weâve come a long way.
The right to vote is important for the equality of all citizens, and representation at the ballot box was a huge step. Free market-minded women have since made an impact in voting booths and on the floors of state legislatures.
Today, we celebrate those principled women who tirelessly fight for individual liberty and free enterprise: the women who share our values and those who understand that all issues are womenâs issues. We make history. From the great Margaret Thatcher, who our Womenâs Caucus honors each year with the Iron Lady Award, to Kellyanne Conway, the first woman campaign manager to win the White House and a speaker today at the Republican National Convention.
And at ALEC, we succeed at the great work we do because of the motivated and strong female leaders in the ALEC family. For nearly 50 years, liberty-minded women have led ALEC. From our first female Chairwoman of the Board in 1979, Arizona Representative Donna Carlson, to Iowa Representative Dolores Mertz, and from Iowa Speaker Linda Upmeyer to Wisconsin Senator Leah Vukmir. Principled women have made waves of positive change in the states by prioritizing the issues our country was founded on.
And in our ALEC and ACCE Womenâs Caucus, women policymakers from across the states develop solutions, instill leadership and foster fellowship of women. The caucus is led fearlessly by co-chairs Colorado County Commissioner Libby Szabo and Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, who will step up to lead ALEC as our National Chairwoman in 2022.
As we celebrate the 19th Amendmentâs anniversary, your ALEC team would like to thank the strong female leaders who show compassion and empathy, compromise, honesty and ethical decision-making. Weâd also like to thank the principled Americans who support them, as well as the issues that advance individual liberty and free enterprise across our states.
And to help you celebrate the 19th Amendmentâs anniversary, I encourage you to read and share a new online publication from the State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF): the newly launched Smart Women Smart Money (SWSM) magazine. The magazine empowers and educates women across the states, and I know you will enjoy it.