I was out Thanksgiving shopping with my boyfriend. I love Paul, but he's the worst when it comes to kids. I'm 36 and want to start a family, but he's SO against it—like weirdly against it. Anyway, Paul says he'll wait in the car while I finish up. So, I'm standing there, when this woman in panic runs up to me, shoves a four-year-old girl into my arms, and goes, "Take the child, just for a second! I'll be right back!" And before I can even say anything, she's GONE.
5 minutes, 10, 15—still nothing. Security makes an announcement, and… no one shows up. Then this little girl looks up at me and goes, "Mommy said you're my new mommy, and that man is my daddy."
I'm standing there like, "WHAT?!" And then I hear something behind me. I turn around, and oh my God!