Meet Uncle Musa, a man who spent a significant portion of his life in the United States, amassing experiences and hoping for a blissful retirement back in his homeland, Salagie, The Gambia. After 40 long years, at the age of 70, he finally made the move back to The Gambia, where he proudly settled in his remarkable 5-bedroom house. The journey to complete this dream house took him a decade, but he felt the wait was worth it.
However, now that Uncle Musa is back in The Gambia, there's a twist to his retirement plans. Due to mobility challenges, he can no longer climb stairs without assistance. With his caretaker occupying the grand master bedroom upstairs, Uncle Musa decided to make himself comfortable in the living room downstairs. It's not what he had envisioned for his retirement, but this is the reality of his current situation.
Uncle Musa's mansion stands tall with three rooms on the first floor and two additional rooms on the second floor. Yet, none of these rooms are suitable for him to occupy, leaving him to reside in the living room instead. This unexpected outcome serves as a reminder of how life can take unforeseen turns, even after years of hard work and dreams.
Sadly, Uncle Musa's health is also not what he had hoped for in retirement. At his age, he must be cautious about his diet and lifestyle, as indulging in rich foods and drinks can adversely affect his health. He envisioned a life of luxury and enjoyment, savoring delicious meals and drinks. Instead, he must be mindful of what he eats, sticking to fruit and vegetable salads without any dressing. The finest meats are now off-limits due to concerns about cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Uncle Musa's story serves as a poignant reminder for many Africans living abroad who dream of building their dream homes back home. It's a cautionary tale about the importance of cherishing life's luxuries and taking mini-retirements along the way to enjoy the moments while we still have the strength to do so.
As we reflect on Uncle Musa's journey, let us learn from his experiences. Life is unpredictable, and our health may not always allow us to fulfill every dream in retirement. Instead, let's cherish the present, savor the pleasures of life, and take mini-retirements when we can to create lasting memories and live life to the fullest.
Happy New Week! May this new week bring you peace, reflection, and appreciation for the blessings in your life.