is a Brooklyn-based music institution that operates on few but heavily fortified principals, dealing with forward-reaching artists sometimes categorized as electronic, avant, free, fried, etc. RVNG seeks to appease collector fandom with extravagant packaging and to remind hopeful audiophile generations of the sonic spectacle that transforms the surrounding airspace when needle presses vinyl. Our F
RKWYS series exemplifies the equilibrium of classic artistic sensibility and modern day sentimentality. Each volume is a unification of progenitor and contemporary musician. Those artists on RVNG working outside the FRKWYS umbrella still find collaboration the driver a. We work closely to activate each new level of artistic accomplishment. RVNG is a creative member of our NYC community and at large. Whether it’s partnering with New York City’s White Columns Gallery or London’s Barbican Center, helping to present MoMa PS1′s Summer Warm Up series or working extensively with Krakow’s Unsound Festival, format transcendence is our second life-force. As for the correct pronunciation of RVNG, please consult the cosmos. GENERAL INQUIRIES
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RVNG is distributed by Secretly Distribution. If you have any issues getting in touch with Secretly, please contact us at [email protected]. PLEASE GET TO KNOW THE REST OF OUR FAMILY
Beats In Space
Freedom To Spend