Thinking of Seth. BDE.
Thank you for a life well lived Gene Wilder! Check out this clip from "Home For Passover", a Sholom Aleichem story written for the the "Eternal Light" series, originally on NBC in 1966, before Gene became a household name! This clip is featured in our documentary "Eternal Light: A Historical Retrospective". #divacommunications #genewilder
You are never too young to make a change!
Check out Jessica of Richard's Rwanda Impuhwe, as a very young woman, speaking about the incredible impact that she made by starting a group to promote girls' education. Proud to have her in our documentary Beauty of their Dreams! Big airing weekend in many cities, including #Chicago #Detroit and #Boston. Check out our air schedule to see if it's playing this weekend in your neighborhood! #beautyoftheirdreams
Beauty of Their Dreams Intro
Hi Everyone! have you been seeing posts for our doc Beauty of their Dreams, but still not sure what it is all about? Check out this intro clip about why girl's education is incredibly important to the future of our world! Special thanks to Knights of Columbus for their support in this! Airing this weekend in #Boston #Detroit and #Chicago! Check Schedule here:
#tbt to Debra Gonsher Vinik driving through Africa on the last trip we took to Uganda for Yearning to Belong-- having a great time digging through old VHS footage! Can't wait to see how things have changed over the last decade, when we return this January for our upcoming documentary The Beauty of their Dreams! We know one thing for sure- we won't be shooting film this time :) #60milliongirls